
Chapter 683 Unbearable Major Live Streaming Platforms

I don't know why, after watching the ob of the blue team's single Yasuo's several kill operations, and the complete process of the early laning, Orian always has a feeling that he can't explain

This Yasuo looks familiar.

To be exact, it shouldn't be familiar. After all, the id name of "lin" is a vest he has never seen before. Apart from knowing that this is a newcomer brought in by another administrator Nian Shisan in the group, he has no idea about this at all. The true origin and identity of "lin".

But he just felt an inexplicable familiarity from this Yasuo.


I have played against this guy myself.

Orian's brows could not help but frown slightly, trying to recall in his mind who he had met in the past period of time in the Hanbok when he was playing passers-by in the king's group, and who was the mid laner Yasuo that he remembered deeply.


The king group passerby bureau...

Yasuo, Yasuo...

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind.

Orian's face suddenly changed slightly.

He remembered, just before the start of the new season of s6, on the night when their Korean server's ranking points and win points were finally cleared, that mid-lane match between the master of the shadow stream Zed and the wind swordsman Yasuo Peak duel.


The guy whose id is "cn, hook2".

For a while, Orian looked at Yasuo in the blue square in the ob screen, and his eyes became more suspicious, and even his heart felt a little awe-inspiring:

This Yasuo...

It's him! ?


At this moment, Lin Feng didn't know that his "identity" seemed to have been guessed.

The current game is still going on, and the rhythm of his middle lane has completely taken off.

The mid laner Yasuo with 3/0/0 record data,

Playing a mechanical pioneer Victor with a record of 0/2/0, the laning situation in the middle lane is basically no suspense.

In addition, it was Nightingale's secret battle after all, so Lin Feng made a small piece of magic resistance very steadily.

Zeng Rui on the side also nodded subconsciously:

This is indeed more stable.

Yasuo's current damage is already enough, and with a little bit of magic resistance, the situation of the opposing mid laner Viktor will become even more uncomfortable.

If you play steadily and suppress the development of Victor on the opposite side, you will have a great chance of winning this game.

But Lin Feng shook his head, with a serious expression on his face:

"It's still early."

"This situation is hard to say."

Originally, his Yasuo 3/0/0 record data can basically declare the collapse of the opponent's mid laner in an ordinary king passer-by.

But this is the nightingale's dark battle.

The strength of any participant is at least at the level of a first-line professional player.

Not to be underestimated.

For example, Viktor, the mid laner of the purple side, although the current 0/2/0 kda record data is not good, but his disadvantage is not really that big.

One is to make up the knife.

So far, Viktor, who has died twice, has only 7 knives less than Lin Feng's Yasuo.

The second is grade.

In this round, Viktor, the purple side's mid laner, has [Flash] and [Teleport], which makes it difficult for him to face heroes like Yasuo in the early lane, but such a [Teleport], But it also allowed Victor to teleport back to the lane quickly after being killed for the first time, without losing too much experience in the lane.

In other words, so far, Victor's level has not been widened by Lin Feng too much.

In addition, this kind of hero has a very strong ability to develop lanes. If the rhythm slowly drags down to the mid-term, Victor can still develop. In team battles, he can deal considerable damage. Against Lin Feng's own Yasuo and ADC teammates Lista poses enough threats.

And, speaking of...

Lin Feng's eyes swept down the road, and his expression became a bit dignified:

"On the bottom side, the rhythm is not very smooth."


For Lin Feng, there is no clear chance of winning this game yet, so he still can't take it lightly, the pressure is still there.

At the same time, for the major domestic game media and live broadcast platforms at the moment, they are also under a lot of pressure.

It was because of such a thing as the nightingale secret war that just started in the past two days.

It is already the second day of the opening of the Nightingale Dark War, and the staff and executives of the major domestic e-sports media and live broadcast platforms are all very busy with this matter.

Not to mention other foreign League of Legends players, almost all players and netizens on the national server have already heard of the Nightingale Dark War

The level of specification is no less than that of an exchange match in the lpl league?

A lineup that is so gorgeous that it can almost be called an all-star team?

Even at least half of the top gods at the level of the Seven Kings and Four Emperors participated?

How could such a grand competition be missed! !

Since this morning, online players of the national server League of Legends have been desperately trying to find channels and ways to watch the Nightingale Dark Wars match, looking for live broadcast platforms one by one, but they have never found anything.

There is almost a ruckus in the major post bars and forums on the Internet.

Knowing that there is such a grand and grand exchange event, but can't find a way to watch the battle with my own eyes. I can't see those idols in my heart. The king's peak duel, this feeling is like ten thousand ants scratching their hearts.

It's so uncomfortable! !

Naturally, the major domestic live broadcast platforms will not ignore such a situation.

In fact, these domestic live broadcast platforms are more troublesome and uncomfortable than ordinary players and netizens.

This is the opportunity in front of us! !

If they can get the live broadcast OB resources of this nightingale dark battle, and put them on their own live broadcast platform, they don't even need additional promotion and publicity, and they can definitely attract at least tens or even millions of popular traffic in minutes !

In the live broadcast circle, popularity is the result!

Traffic is king!

However, the staff of the major live broadcast platforms worked overtime during the day, and tried their best to find ways to contact all parties, but they couldn't find any contacts who could provide them with such a valuable ob live broadcast position.

Even the executives of many platforms have been mobilized to personally contact some professional players of the national server who may have participated in the battle, but either they did not participate, or they were politely rejected, and they all returned empty-handed.

A high-level boss in the domestic live broadcast circle couldn't help but pat the table and sigh:

"Oh shit……"

"Is there really no way at all!?"

"This kind of opportunity, if you miss it, you will regret half to death!!"


At the same time, Lin Feng's mind and attention were still fully focused on the ongoing match.

On the middle lane of Summoner’s Canyon, his mid laner Yasuo is still playing steadily, pressing down on the opponent Victor, but after the purple side’s mid laner Victor’s level and equipment have gradually developed, relying solely on his Yasuo It is already difficult to effectively suppress someone by searching for one person.

The same goes for the road.

Although Rambo on his own blue side got a head from the opponent's sword girl at the beginning, the opponent's top single sword girl is obviously an old sword girl. He played extremely steadily in the line, and he just bit by bit the passive disadvantage of the start It was pulled back.

And at about 9 minutes into the game, when the jungler blind monk from the purple side wandered on the road again, helping Daomei to cross the tower and take Rambo's head, the situation on the road has turned into Daomei slightly occupying Excellent.

"Rambo's words..."

"It's not a big problem."

Zeng Rui, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, couldn't help but speak.

Tang Bingyao also nodded and agreed, because heroes like Rambo are more effective in mid-term team battles than Daomei. As long as they don't collapse in the early stage, they can stabilize their level and It is enough to make up the knife and give a beautiful big move in the team battle.

So, the problem remains.

Only ten minutes into the game, the blue and purple junglers on the bottom lane basically didn't have much patronage, but on the blue side where Lin Feng was, the ADC Revenge Spear and the auxiliary Fengnv in the bottom lane had already been defeated by the opponent's ez Jiafengnv was forced into an extremely passive predicament.

Ezreal on the purple side has a record of 2/0/1.

On the blue side, the record of the skateboard shoes is 0/2/0, and even the last hit was suppressed by ez for more than 20 knives.

This is not good.

The adc explorer on the opposite side was the Korean professional adc player "stout" whom Zeng Rui had met in his first support game.

Now it seems that the strength of this stout should not be underestimated.

Lin Feng also frowned a little, and then quickly made a decision:

"Go down the road and help out."

The update is here, I feel a little groggy at night, so go to bed early~ Good night, friends.

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