
Chapter 682 A Little Familiar

Seven, who was watching the OB in Group B in the fourth round, also saw the one-blood kill scene just happened in the middle lane.

The seventh-level top laner of the North American Cog team couldn't help being slightly surprised.

This Yasuo...


After replaying the killing scene just now and watching it again, the light in Seven's eyes flickered slightly, and then he slightly corrected the evaluation he just made in his heart:

Not "somewhat interesting".

This Lin is very strong.

As a top professional powerhouse of the seventh king level, his observation and intuition are also extremely keen.

In the first blood kill in the scene just now, Yasuo suddenly burst into trouble. The operation was done in one go from beginning to end. The whole process was as fast as lightning without any pause or hesitation. [Ignite] was directly applied, and finally flashed to make up Dao completed the last combo of tying A, then Q and then tying A.

The damage calculation is very accurate.

Even a draw that is a little short of A will be escaped by the opponent.

This reflects the absolute confidence of the Yasuo operator in his own damage calculation ability.


As if thinking of something, Seven's eyes flashed a hint of fear:

This kind of fierce and powerful style of play is not very common among professional mid laners in the Asian division in his impression. At least except for South Korea, there are very few other Asian divisions where there are such decisive and aggressive mid laners. single player.

it seems

The OB of this game has become more interesting.


4 minutes of game time.

The junglers of the blue and purple sides unanimously put the first wave of roaming gank targets on the top lane.

The blind monk on the purple side took the lead through the grass at the mouth of the river, ready to cooperate with his top single-handed girl to besiege and kill the blue side's top laner Rambo, but Shi Hang's jungle excavator on the blue side was already on the outer tower of his top lane The rear is ready to counter-squat.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

A wave of mental arithmetic and unintentional anti-squatting, the excavator on the blue side cooperated with Rambo to counter-kill and took away the opponent's single-handed girl, and even forced out a [flash] from the purple side's jungler blind monk.

big money.

Lin Feng, who had just returned to the line in the middle, was amazed:

"Old Shi's rhythm is good!"

"I didn't realize that this guy is also playing jungle so well!"

Then he did not hesitate to place a marker in the middle to send out a signal.

Shi Hang, who saw Lin Feng's signal, almost didn't need more verbal communication, and he already understood it tacitly.

On the road side, Rambo got a head to develop, the rhythm is already established, and the next step is to control the line; at the same time, the blind jungler on the opposite side should return to the F4 wild area or the three wolf wild area according to the law of clearing the wild Here brush wild development.

And at this time, as long as Lin Feng's mid laner Yasuo in the middle lane takes a strong stance to suppress two waves of pawn lines, before his [Flash] cools down, it is easy for the opponent's blind jungler to He is the next gank target.


It should be so that it is easy to lure the blind jungler on the opposite side to take the bait.

As for Shi Hang's jungle excavator

Just one more back squat is enough.


The game time is 4 minutes and 40 seconds.

In the middle of Summoner's Canyon, Yasuo has already pushed two waves of troops to the front of the purple side's defense tower.

Lin Feng glanced at the small map, and subconsciously narrowed his eyes:


"It's time for the blind man on the other side to come."

At the same time, Shi Hang's jungle excavator was ready to squat behind his Yasuo.

4 minutes and 55 seconds.

As a new wave of pawns pushed out from the front of the purple side's mid lane defense tower, the purple side's mid laner Victor suddenly uncharacteristically pressed forward aggressively.

Almost at the same time, in the grass at the river mouth on the right side of the middle road, the figure of the purple jungler blind monk quickly passed through the grass and approached the target Yasuo on the middle road.

Sure enough, it came!

The next moment, the blind monk directly moved forward with his W skill to assist the soldiers.

E skill hits the floor.

Slow down and control the Gale Swordsman.

Victor's W skill "Gravity Field" casts a shot, envelops the target Yasuo, continues to slow down and control the target's movement, and an E skill "Death Ray" quickly shoots towards Yasuo.

same moment

Lin Feng backhanded W like lightning.

The wind wall that appeared out of thin air immediately blocked the oncoming death ray, and at the same time, before the effect of Victor's W skill stacked up to three layers and triggered the stun passive, the displacement of the E skill "step forward" swept out of the wind wall A purple square minion for .

After receiving Q, "Steel Slash" stabs and hits the target Victor.

E again.

Protruding face mechanical pioneer.

Flat A and then Q!

The purple jungler blind monk who finally found the opportunity to make a move in the small soldiers pile shot a Q skill "Tianyinbo" to the target Yasuo and hit!

The "Echo Strike" of the second-stage Q followed like lightning, and the blind monk's figure quickly rushed towards Yasuo!

But it was precisely at this time that Shi Hang's jungle excavator had already dug a hole from the rear and sneaked forward.

Yasuo, under the control of Lin Feng, "stepped forward and cut" the E soldier to temporarily distance himself.

same moment

Turn around and face the blind monk like lightning!

Cooperating with the stacked passive Q skill effect, a whirling blade dance knocked the two purple Nakano heroes into mid-air at the same time and controlled them!

Don't give the opponent a chance to react or retreat to escape at all!

next moment.

The jungle excavator under Shi Hang's control has also slammed into it head-on!

Break out of the ground!

Perfect connection control, and hit two more targets!

Crispy Viktor was the first to be killed and taken away by Yasuo and the excavator.

Followed by the purple jungler blind monk who did not have [Flash], he fled all the way back to the tower, but was still killed by Lin Feng and Shi Hang by jumping over the tower.

"Double Kill!"

The kill announcement sounded by the female voice of the system.

Yasuo double kill.

Haifeng Jianhao's record data has almost directly soared to 3/0/0 at an astonishing speed!

Lin Feng nodded contentedly:

"This wave is not bad."

"It's almost time to explode on the opposite side of the middle road."

Tang Bingyao on the side couldn't help but jump with joy:

"Fengzi is amazing!!"

On the other side, Zeng Rui couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

It was also Nightingale's secret battle, and he was also facing these top professional-level powerhouses. Even if he was just playing a support position, he was passively restrained and desperately trying to keep up with the rhythm of the battle...

But now looking at Lin Feng's mid laner Yasuo in this game, all kinds of operations and routines are played in a smooth manner!

The mid laner Victor and jungler Lee Sin on the opposite side must also be first-tier professional-level powerhouses, but when it comes to Lin Feng, they deal with it as easily as if they were just playing an ordinary passerby qualifying round.

This is the gap in strength.

This is……

As the strongest mid laner in the national server back then, he had the confidence and calmness.


While the fourth round of the nightingale dark battle was going on, there were also some dark fighters who didn't play in this round, and they were also watching the two games in OB mode.

So naturally, a few people saw the performance of Yasuo in the blue side in Group B.

For example, the jungler Hammer of the European Gold team who had a quarrel with Lin Feng before, his face is not very good at the moment.

When he saw that the ID of the mid laner Yasuo in Group B was that "Lin", he originally wanted to see Lin Feng's jokes with malicious intent, but he would have the opportunity to make some more mockery in the MSN group later. .


Now less than ten minutes into this group of matches, Yasuo's record data has already been killed.

In contrast, his own performance in so many games before...

It's just horrible!

Apart from Hammer, there were also some spectators with different emotions.

For example, Orian, who is also one of the administrators of the Nightingale Dark Wars MSN group.

At this moment, the Seven Kings mid laner of the South Korean team was also watching the match in Group B, staring at the mid laner Yasuo of the blue team on the field, thinking I just feel a bit of uncertainty

I don't know why...

He always felt that this Yasuo gave him a feeling of deja vu.

The update is here, the next chapter should be around 11 o'clock~Thank you for the red envelopes from my classmates and other friends~

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