
Chapter 684 It's time to watch the battle!

The game time slowly came to around the thirteenth minute.

The situation on the scene should have been that the blue side was more dominant, but before they knew it, they were pulled back bit by bit by the purple side on the opposite side.

In the middle lane, Lin Feng's mid laner Yasuo wanted to find an opportunity to gank in the bottom lane a few minutes ago.

But never found a chance.

Because in the past few minutes, the jungler blind monk of the opponent's purple army seemed to be staring at the middle lane suddenly, swimming over to gank twice in a row, and one of them even went around with the opposite support Fengnv come over.

That wave of purple Fang Yesuke's linked wandering around was indeed thrilling.

The auxiliary Fengnv on the opposite side directly invaded the blue square's wild area, circled around behind the blue square's middle defense tower, and directly [flashed] rushed into the tower to receive the big move "Resuscitating Monsoon", which made it too late for Lin Feng When he reacted, he was blown away by Feng Nu's ultimate move.

At that time, in front of Yasuo was the purple mid laner Victor and the jungler blind monk who came out of the outflank.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's previous reaction was also extremely fast. A W skill wind wall stuck to his face to the limit to block the blind monk's Q skill "Tian Yinbo", and he used the E skill "Step forward chop" to travel back and forth like lightning. In the end, with the remaining blood on his back, he managed to escape from the direction of the river in an extremely thrilling manner.

But the defense tower in the middle can't defend it.

The three heroes of the purple army immediately flattened the outer defensive tower in the middle where Lin Feng was located.

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The notification sound panel of the female voice of the system makes an announcement without emotion.

In this way, the outer tower in the middle lane was pulled out, and Lin Feng's mid laner Yasuo lost more than half of his online security, and he couldn't rush to press the lane like before.


Although the outer tower was pulled out and he almost lost his head, Lin Feng still praised the opponent's routine of going around and outflanking just now.

As expected, it was indeed Nightingale's dark battle.

The specification level is simply not at the same level as the ordinary passer-by game.

In a situation like just now,

The support Fengnv's outflanking was absolutely bold and careful, and even Lin Feng couldn't react immediately.

"Well, Fengnv is also very strong."

Zeng Rui on the side also gave his own evaluation with a dignified expression.

With that kind of circling around the back, and flashing into the tower with a big move first, the average Fengnv would never be able to play such a strong offensive.

Although it is not clear about the true origin and identity of Zi Fang's assistant Feng Nu, the operation just now is definitely not something that ordinary professional players can easily play.


Apart from the middle lane, Rambo, the blue top laner on the top lane, is still struggling to deal with the purple top laner on the opposite side, but basically he can't go straight to the front. The ground control line makes up the knife to ensure development.

And the single-handed girl on the purple side is also very good at grasping the rhythm

After pushing the top line, he didn't hesitate, directly invaded the upper half of the blue field, and wiped out some wild monsters that the opponent's jungler had no time to farm.

This made Shi Hang, who was a blue jungle excavator, very angry:

"Fuck, can't this Rambo give you an eye in the wild?"

"Just let the sword girl on the other side treat our wild area as her own home?"

But in fact, Rambo can't be blamed for this kind of thing, and Shi Hang himself really focused more on the second half of the field just now.

Because he needs to find an opportunity to help the next wave.

After all, if they don't help, their ADC skateboard shoes are about to be poked to death by the opposite EZ and Fengnv combination.

But he lingered in the second half of the field for a long time, but he still couldn't find a suitable opportunity to make a move.

The only time was when the opposing line of troops pressed down on our side to defend the outer tower. The Spear of Vengeance launched a big move to throw Braum out and force the first to keep the enemy. However, the reaction speed of Stout's EZ on the opposite side was extremely fast, almost Simultaneously, an E skill "Arcane Leap" directly dodges the flying Braum.

At that time, Shi Hang was chasing forward from behind the tower, and Bron didn't keep anyone. He could only control the jungle excavator to force a flash and then W to control the target.

However, Stout dodged directly by relying on a synchronous [flash].

The result is that the wave of gank returns without success.

It also made the current Shi Hang feel powerless and indescribably aggrieved, and at the same time he was a little bit surprised:


"Which OGN team is this Stout from?"

"Now the first-line professional level of the Korean OGN league is so strong!?"

He himself retired from the S2 season, and he has just returned to the professional circle in the new season of S6. It has been too long since he has played against the first-line professional players in Korea. Today, he met Stout, but he learned a little bit.


Even if it is placed in a real professional league, an ADC of this level and such an extremely fast and perfect reaction operation speed are enough to make such an ADC an extremely headache in the eyes of the opponent.

And at this time, Lin Feng sent a signal to the bottom lane on the small map.

The middle lane has been held back by the opponent for too long.

Too passive.

No matter what happens next, he has already made up his mind that he must go down the road.

I said earlier that I want to teach the opposite ADC a lesson, and if I don't do something, it doesn't suit someone's personality at all.


The time has gradually come to night.

At the time after six o'clock, for League of Legends players on the national server, they just had dinner at this moment. After filling their stomachs, they were refreshed and ready to continue to sit in front of the computer and fight.

The popularity of traffic on major domestic live broadcast platforms has also ushered in a golden hot hour of the day.

And the more this kind of time, the executives, managers and staff of the major live broadcast platforms became more and more anxious.

What the hell...

Netizens are already online!

If he could get the OB right to live broadcast of Nightingale's Dark Wars now, and open a live broadcast room every minute, his popularity would definitely explode in an instant!

And this thing has to be disputed, because no matter which live broadcast platform knows that not only them, but also the old opponents of other companies are all racing against time to find ways to get this live broadcast OB channel.

If others win it, but you don't win it yourself, it will be a big loss!

All of a sudden, there was an undercurrent in the live broadcasting circle. Huya, Douyu, Zhanqi, PandaTV and other major live broadcasting platforms were still trying their best to fight and work hard without giving up.


Magic City Shanghai, PandaTV headquarters building.

The office hall of the office building suddenly erupted into cheers like a boiling sensation!


"I got it, I got it!!"


Among all the live broadcasting platforms, the biggest strength of PandaTV, which is neither the most popular nor the oldest, is that they have a big boss with a wide network of resources, and it was their big boss who was also caught by this incident just now. The incident was alarming, and he took the initiative to directly contact the official management personnel on the Taiwan server side, and abruptly took the official high-level route to get a two-day high-level OB authority account on the Taiwan server.

two days.


It just so happened that there were only two days left in Nightingale's dark battle!


Amidst the cheers and celebrations, a PandaTV executive clapped his hands vigorously and raised his voice:

"The celebration is over, but our work has just begun!"

"Everyone is ready!"

"Propaganda, live broadcast room, OB, posters, every department and every team, don't relax, and wind up all the clockwork!"

"For the next two days, Nightingale will secretly fight the OB live broadcast..."

"We want to present the most perfect live broadcast to all players on the national server!"

There was a roar of promises in the office hall!

All the staff of PandaTV are working with full enthusiasm!

Just a few minutes later, a message quickly spread across the Internet as if it had wings

The originally mysterious and undetectable Nightingale Dark War was awarded the right to live broadcast OB by PandaTV, and now the OB live broadcast room has been opened on the League of Legends section of the live broadcast platform!

Nightingale secretly fights...

You can watch the battle directly!

In an instant, the entire national server was a sensation! !

The update is here. The time for the next chapter is not yet determined. There are many things to do in the afternoon. Let me talk to my friends in advance.

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