
Chapter 489 Special Case

In previous years, the start of the new LSPL season would certainly attract some attention, but it would never really cause much commotion.

But this year, everything seems to be changing.

They are all constantly radiating new vitality.

It also makes this year's LSPL opening match carry more weight and significance.

Especially when such a BO1 match spreads throughout the entire network through live broadcast, allowing countless players and viewers in the national server and even foreign networks to witness it with their own eyes, or learn about it through the battle report, and click to watch it through the recorded video - —

It caused even more of a shock.

"Zero Dragon Tower!" A perfect start for the LSPL rookie dark horse team! 》

"The first battle begins!" The decisive team appears on stage! 》

"The future spring of the national server, the announcement of the new people!" 》

"Perhaps we can look forward to seeing an unprecedented and more vibrant new season of the national server! 》

"At the beginning of the war, new people are making their own powerful voices! 》

Various news reports spread across the entire national server network like a tide through various media and platforms on this day, setting off a wave of heated public opinion.

It also includes the game video of the opening match. In just a few hours after being uploaded, it quickly entered the top 10 most popular lists of the day on major e-sports video platforms. The number of message entries in the message section below is even higher. It is constantly refreshing and increasing at an alarming frequency.

That was the excitement, praise and exclamation of countless Chinese server players and netizens:

"Fuck...so awesome!!"

"Is there no threshold for newcomers at all? This newcomer playing against an established team is like a grandfather playing against his grandson!"

"My Sun Zero Dragon Tower!? Why is this decisive battle so fierce!?"

"Ahhhh Maple maple is awesome! Sugar sugar is awesome!!"

"The Douyu TV Suhang Yexue live broadcast room, the home base of supporting fans for the decisive team, is now recruiting new fans. If you want to hurry up, the first 1,000 fans will be eligible to join the die-hard group, no waiting after the expiration date..."

"What is this? A rookie team that has just played its first professional game, and now it even has a fan base? The battles are so big, it feels like it is almost catching up with the LPL team's style."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what's wrong with the newcomers? Do you dare to come and bet? I bet that this winning team will definitely enter the LPL this year!"

"I'll follow! The final is the biggest dark horse this year!"

Although we have a close relationship with everyone on the winning team, the players of LSPL, Hayami, and KG were unable to attend the first game of the LSPL today due to their respective clubs’ schedules and the LPL preparation exercises they needed to do next. Cheer for the decisive victory.

But after the game, in their respective club training bases, the players of the three companies also saw various news reports and video recordings of the game through the Internet on their mobile phones and computers.


This was Shi Hang’s sigh, as if he wished he could replace it with his own body:

"Damn, it would be great if I could go back to LSPL and play two games..."

"I'll definitely fuck him Zero Dragon Tower every minute, okay!"

At the KG club base, the opinions and evaluations of people like Konjac, Lao C and others are more direct:

"It's just adults bullying children——"

"Let the current winner enter the LSPL and play in the league,

It's basically like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, and a big shark entering a small pond, right? "

"Then you are not allowed to kill randomly?"

"Really... we should advance to our LPL side as soon as possible, otherwise those guys in the LSPL will really be unable to play."

"It's not on the same level to begin with."

God-God's Hand team members also sat around on the sofa in the living room of the base after finishing their daily training and watched the video of the first game of the LSPL on the big screen.

All the God players shook their heads after watching this, and felt infinite sympathy for the veteran LSPL team that was ruthlessly beaten by the winning team in the video:

It's too awful……

And this is destined to be unlucky not just for the first team that played against the decisive team today, but for the entire LSPL league that follows. All other teams will encounter similar life-threatening situations for a long time to come. The brutal beating.

In contrast, Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege saw more.

The ace double Cs of Team God looked at each other:

"It's progressing very quickly."

"Well, it's faster than expected..."

"Continue like this, and when they enter the LPL, then it's us who will feel the pressure."

"Maybe you should feel the pressure now."

Huangxue Yege stood up from the sofa, stretched out, and then cheered up:


"Continue to practice tonight."

"They are working hard, and we can't be left behind!"

The same mentality is not limited to God-God's Hand family.

Even today, abroad, such as Lege in Europe

Team d, Team MLG, Seaso in North America

The team, South Korea's Fate team, all started a new round of extra training under the orders of their respective leaders and captains.

The players of these top teams in the world may still be a little confused and confused by the impromptu instructions made by their captains.

They don't know.

All this is just because their respective captains also watched the same game video at different times today.

Of course they wouldn't think of this.

Because, under any normal circumstances, if it is just a rookie team from the China Division's secondary professional league, and it performs some dazzling performances in the opening game of a new season, it stands to reason that it is impossible to alarm these world's top players. A strong team is.

Only this time, and only this team, can be a special case.


Likewise, there is another special case.

While all the top teams in major leagues around the world have been more or less affected by this video from the opening game of the LSPL, there is only one team that has always maintained a plain and quiet attitude.

Continue to train and rest according to the original schedule of your club unhurriedly.

No matter how turbulent the outside world is.

Regardless of whether there is any so-called dark horse newcomer, or what kind of big or small waves it has made in which region.

Got here.

They are all destined to fall into silence quickly.

Can't stand the slightest disturbance.

Because this is SSK’s club training base.

It is the home base of the world's strongest team.

Regardless of the wind or rain outside, or whether there is any new dark horse that the entire Internet exclaims and touts as a genius with potential.

For the strongest team in the world today, there is no significance worth paying attention to.

Because they are the terminators of all so-called dark horses, the stranglers of all geniuses, and the destroyers of all miracles.

It is a mountain that no one in this new generation has been able to climb.

He is truly the strongest in the world.

At the SSK club base at night, the windows of the training room still reveal a cool and quiet light.

The killing was brutal.

And indestructible.

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