
Chapter 488 Just the beginning

The opening ceremony of the LSPL league cannot be compared with the LPL in terms of scale.

Even in terms of the size of the venue, the splendor or care of the decoration, and even the popularity of the audience in the venue, it may still be a bit inferior to the previous National College League finals and LSPL selection finals.

But it is also reasonable.

Because, like the National College League or LSPL Trials, they all have their own broad audiences. The former is originally the most familiar event for college student players across the country, while the latter is due to the unprecedented changes in this year's competition system. It attracted huge attention online.

As for the LPL, not to mention, in the entire national server professional league system, 95% or more of the national server players will only care about the top league results in their own divisions. After all, this is the only place where they can compete. The players that can be seen on the field are all professional players with familiar names, even all-star level.

The LSPL Professional League A is indeed in an awkward position among all the competitions.

But even so.

When you are in the competition venue where the opening ceremony was held today, with the colorful lampposts scattered on the stage, the passionate war music ringing in your ears, and the noise and hustle and bustle from the audience behind you, it still makes you feel... The new professional players feel the ups and downs of their hearts.


Lin Feng turned to his four teammates and asked.

Tang Bingyao, Chen Ting, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui couldn't help but nod.

Among them, except for Lin Feng and Li Shiyi, the other three were all passer-by players in the true sense before this. Even though they have experienced so many large and small events along the way, they are not considered to be players until today. Truly step into the arena as a professional e-sports player.

This feeling tastes...

Compared with any previous games, it is very different.

There is tension and apprehension.

Some even make no sense but can't help but feel guilty and uneasy.

But more.

It is the same unstoppable surging heartbeat, as well as huge expectations and prospects.

"It's not easy——"

Chen Ting couldn't help but murmured like this.


It can be said that it has been a long journey.

The hard work on and off the field, hard training, countless hard work day and night, and gritted teeth and perseverance have resulted in their transformation from casual players to professional e-sports players.

In other words, transformation.

"I know I will become a professional e-sports player one day."

Zeng Rui suddenly said this, but then took a deep breath:

"I just didn't expect...this day to come so quickly."

Tang Bingyao nodded subconsciously with an expression of approval. The girl's hands clenched slightly unconsciously at this time. Although her eyes were watching the male and female hosts chatting and laughing on the stage, she was actually so nervous that she didn't really listen to a word.

Li Shiyi also smiled bitterly:


"For me, it was even more unexpected. It really felt like a dream.

It's too vague to be real. "

That's true.

Whether you are a talented person who has just stepped into the game as a professional player from a passerby, or you have just left the game sadly and returned with a new identity and a new look, when a new beginning is like a blank When the test paper is actually placed in front of you and you are waiting to write down the answer, no one can say that you can maintain a peaceful and calm mentality.

Lin Feng nodded:

"I'm nervous too."

Even though as the captain of the team, he was supposed to lead the other teammates with the most firm and calm attitude, but at this moment, he made the most frank confession to the four partners beside him without any concealment.

Then he laughed:


"A lot of people are looking at us."

Although he was smiling, his eyes seemed to have fire starting to burn.

The hustle and bustle in the entire competition venue was reflected in his eyes.

It seemed that he could see the auditorium not far away, the scrutinizing or vigilant and hostile glances from the other LSPL teams in the front row, and in a secluded corner further away, the seniors No. 1 and 3 who also made a special trip to the scene today. The encouragement and smile on Sister Xiaowu’s face, as well as the enthusiastic waving of light signs by offline water fans in Su Xue’s live broadcast room who gathered together and wore uniform printed logo support uniforms to cheer.

There is also a commentary platform in the distance.

Sitting in front of the commentary desk, Sister Xue looked nervous and expectant.

Or maybe, there is something further away.

Old friends and rivals from all over the world and major competition areas are looking at us.

The Assassin and Nian Shisan in Taipei.

European, that interesting look.

At the Season Club base in North America, the world's number one assistant, perhaps sitting in front of the computer screen, looked at him calmly and deeply.

And South Korea.

There are also those obscure and mysterious legends of the previous generation.

as well as.

The figure of the young man he cared about most.

Opposite that figure, there was the familiar silhouette of the childhood sweetheart girl from across the ocean.

There is a condescending inspection, and the cold and indifferent declaration is still in the ears.

There was also a promise to be made again on New Year's Eve, and the girl promised with a smile.

Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Open it slowly again.

He raised his head and met the eyes of the four teammates in front of him. What he saw was the same sparkle in everyone's eyes:

"bring it on."

"The exam has begun."

The first game of the new LSPL season started under the watchful eyes of countless eyes from around the world.

Then, it ended with shocking exclamations in the competition venue and even Su Xue's unconcealed surprise cheers on the commentary stage.

First battle.

As a rookie team in the LSPL league.

The decisive team faced a veteran team from the league and quickly secured the victory with a crisp and astonishing efficiency of 26 minutes.

Play a perfect Zero Dragon Tower.

Crush the opponent head-on.

Among them, the mid laner position is superb.

The top laner went around and killed three times.

The jungler perfectly controls the jungle area.

The bottom lane combination pushed and exploded in a single line.

In this way, a rookie team handed over their first perfect answer after entering the rookie season in a way that was enough to shock the entire competition venue.

With such stunning style and proud attitude, they made their voice known to the entire league, the entire LPL region and even the world——

we are coming.

Su Xue, who was the official female commentator on the commentary stage, couldn't hide her excitement and said with excitement when she was making the final summary:


"It's just the beginning!"

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