
Chapter 490 1 way forward

On this night after getting off to a good start in the first game, Lin Feng and the others from the decisive team did not hold any more celebration banquet.

Although it may be said that compared to winning the first place in the previous LSPL national selection, this is their first victory after officially entering the professional league, which may be more memorable and celebrated, but the five members of the team, including captain Lin Feng, do not have this. Thoughts and plans.

Because, there is no need.

Also because there is no time.

In fact, they had already agreed before, and reached a tacit consensus that only the night of New Year's Eve would be their last rest and entertainment.

After New Year's Eve, the new year begins and the new season arrives. As the five members of the decisive team, they will once again devote themselves to a new round of competition, training and struggle.

No one on the team will allow themselves to have dedicated time for entertainment and relaxation before they actually perform well and achieve their goals.

A mere opening match——

Such a good start and first victory may be worthy of celebration for an ordinary rookie team, but for the past two months, they have been training hard, constantly competing with various top professional teams, and even having those top legendary seniors. For them who have personally taught and guided them, this is a natural result.

If such a first victory cannot be won easily, it will make their efforts in the past two months and everyone's hard work become a joke.

It was precisely based on this premise that when No. 1 continued to engage in daily training in the Internet cafe that night, No. 1 took No. 5 over to take a look and left such a sentence in an understatement:

"It's a good fight."

"But the next step is not to maintain."

"Every game... must be better than today's game."

That's all the evaluation of today's decisive team's first game.

It's not even a compliment.

More of them are still exhortations and urgings.

Lin Feng, the five members of the decisive team, also nodded vigorously and responded seriously.

They know better than anyone else that the current three-month LSPL season is destined to be only a transition and a springboard in their entire grand blueprint plan for this year.

Being immersed in this level of joy of victory will not help them in the next step, it will only become a drag.

For some words, Senior No. 1 had explained the truth to them very clearly before——

While other truly top teams in the world have been adapting and achieving new breakthroughs in the high-intensity competition of the new season, they have to spend three full months in a national secondary professional league.

This is a natural disadvantage.

From the beginning of the new season, they were left behind by those opponents for three months.

So the only thing they can do now is to try their best to squeeze out as much value as possible from these three months.

Every game is more than just about winning.

What's more, their team itself must continue to improve and make breakthroughs.

"Come on and do it."

"Other teams will not be so kind as to wait for you."

"This new season... everyone will rush forward with all their might."

Before leaving with No. 5, No. 1 finally said this lightly.

indeed so.

With the opening of the first game of the LSPL Professional League in the national server, the LPL league in the national server, and even the top leagues and secondary leagues in other major regions, have also begun one after another and entered the official regular season schedule.

All the first-, second- and third-tier professional teams around the world have returned to the new season after spending the New Year.

The leagues in each major competition area are in full swing.

Match reports and surrounding news, large and small, began to quickly sweep across the entire Internet again in a familiar rhythm.

A lively atmosphere.

The smell of gunpowder and gunfire is faintly permeating all the war zones.

Newsmen from the e-sports media, professional commentators in the professional circle, and official commentators from the leagues in each division were all extremely surprised and excited to discover that it seems that with the arrival and unfolding of the new season, the professional performance in their respective divisions has changed. The status and performance of the team's players have once again undergone new changes or even improvements compared to last year.

It seems that the several-month gap period after the last World Finals did not make the professional players of these professional teams slack off.

It seems that in the past few months, these players have been seizing the time to train hard.

When the season starts, everyone...

They all showed surprising progress and personal style!

"What a good start this year!"

Some professional reviewers of the national service expressed such exclamations on the Internet, and did not hesitate to praise:

"It makes people feel full of vitality and high morale!"

"Our national team was not defeated by last year's loss in the finals."

"But after learning from the pain..."

"The more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become!"

"If we can maintain this momentum, then I can still say that this year's season, this year's finals, and our national server division still have the hope of challenging and avenging our past humiliation!"

But compared to such subjective and emotional evaluations, there are also other voices that are more objective and rational.

People’s attention doesn’t just stop at the national server competition area.

I also saw changes and movements in other competition areas.


"I think this needs to arouse our vigilance and attention. Although the momentum of this year's national server is extremely gratifying and our players and team members have shown a brand new look, in other major competition areas, their pace is no slower than ours. ”

"We can constantly see that in these divisions, new and dark horse teams emerge, reaching the top leagues in their respective divisions, showing an astonishing upward momentum."

"It can also be seen that teams that may have just appeared in last year's finals but lacked sufficient practical experience have gradually settled down this season and re-sharpened their skills."

"What's more, we can see that the teams in each major competition area that were originally standing at the top of the pyramid are still firmly occupying the first echelon of their respective competition areas. Facing countless challenges from below, they remain rock solid and unshakable!"

"Right now...it's just the preparation period."

"It's competition and confrontation within each major competition area."

"But we all know that this is just the beginning."

"A few more months..."

"The first round of truly world-class competition will soon begin between the major competition regions!"

The hourglass of time seems to have begun to count.

The sand turned into thin threads and fell down.

It symbolizes that in the near future, there will be a truly tumultuous and magnificent war.

And it is at such a moment——

National service.

LSPL league.

As a rookie team, the decisive team is still immersed in its own season journey, with no distractions and moving forward like a storm.

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