
Chapter 477: They Are All Good People

On the first day of the new year, the fighting spirit and energy of everyone in the new decisive victory team was very high.

From the first match of the training group volleyball, everyone has once again devoted their attention to it. The place chosen for the morning group volleyball is the national service Dianyi. Oonia's side was already overcrowded early.

Although there was no professional team that crashed when they first came up, they did encounter many well-known old teams in the national uniform passers-by.

Basically, when these teams met the fifth row of the new decisive team, they were quickly smashed to pieces.

To put it bluntly-

Indeed, there is not much power to fight back.

After all, apart from anything else, today's decisive team is already a member of the LSPL Professional League, a real five-man main lineup of a professional team, especially when they face these rankings with an attitude of going all out. During training, a team of ordinary passers-by masters was really not good enough for them.

After playing three or four games in a row, they were basically easily won in less than 30 minutes.

As the captain, Lin Feng frowned, not satisfied with such an easy winning streak.

Because it's too challenging.

If Yimeidi is just abusing food, it will not help them much in training today.

Before doing this, they could go directly to the club bases of God, Hayami, or KG, and find three LPL teams to continue training face-to-face. But after all, this is the first day of the first lunar month and the first day of the new year. No matter how hard and diligent the players are, they will not start a new round of training immediately.

But their new winning team is different.

Those veteran LPL teams can take a break, but for their new breakout team, time is life.

Every extra day of training time means that they can further transform their talents and potential into their current strength.

Even with the passing of every minute and every second, they can continue to make progress and improvement in training.

It started much later than others.


When their ultimate goal is the world's strongest team standing at the top of the pyramid.

It is even more necessary to seize every opportunity, catch up and make every effort.

"After noon, probably some teams of professional teams on the national server will go online one after another."

Chen Ting helped provide such a piece of information. He himself was a veteran player of the Electric One King game before, and he has a good understanding of the rules of various passers-by and professional teams.

Lin Feng still shook his head.

He also has a general understanding of some of the situation, but if it's just teams from LSPL's second- and third-tier professional teams—or even teams formed by the second- and third-tier professional teams and their substitute players--it's not a big deal for their new decisive team. Still, it won't help much.

Still the same sentence, their current strength, in the entire LSPL League One, is qualified to be a "sparing partner" for them, and they are only a handful of four or five teams in the first echelon of the division.

If they really want to maximize the effect of training, their ideal opponents must be those real first-line professional teams and professional players.

"Try changing to Hanbok.


Lin Feng made a decision.


At noon, I simply ordered takeaway lunch in the Internet cafe box. In the afternoon, the five members of the new decisive team quickly changed servers and came to Hanbok for the second stage of team training.

On the Hanbok side, each member also has their own account, ranging from Diamond One, Master to King.

Pulling up a team is also qualified to collide with those professional teams in the high-end game of Hanbok.

And maybe it was their luck.

Or it may be that the professional players on the Hanbok side are not too affected by the so-called Chinese New Year in China. Today, the training should be online as usual.

So, in the first game of the Hanbok starting grid in the afternoon, Lin Feng and his five ran into a professional team as they wished.

It is indeed a Korean professional team.

However, it's not the well-known old teams in the LCK, but the second- and third-tier teams in the secondary challenger professional league in their division. But objectively speaking, although it is also a secondary league, the challenge from Korea Even though the average quality of the Chinese League team is still a bit higher than that of LSPL.

This also reflects the objective gap between China and South Korea in the development of professional e-sports, and this gap will take a long time to catch up.

But for Lin Feng and others of the new decisive team, they are happy to see their success.

If they really want to meet the first-line teams of the LCK, they really can't fight. If they are crushed all the way, the meaning of training will be greatly reduced.


What I'm looking for is your second- and third-tier teams.

The perfect sparring partner.

"Fuck him."

Lin Feng, the captain, spoke.

The remaining four members of the team are full of fighting spirit:



An afternoon was spent constantly crashing in the high-end rounds of Hanbok.

After seven or eight games, except for the middle game where they met a passer-by team from the South Korean division, the rest of the games were almost all duels with Korean professional teams.

It's not that luck plays a big role.

But the new winning team led by Lin Feng quickly attracted the attention of most of the Hanbok experts as soon as they came to Hanbok to drive.

Of course, it doesn't mean that their strength is strong enough to shock the entire Hanbok.


In order to make up for the team here, Lin Feng contributed one of his original Hanbok king accounts to the team, and then took another old account that he had borrowed from Senior No. 1 to make up the numbers.

2 of this account.

For all the top players in Hanbok, it is definitely a name that is not unfamiliar.

Because just a year ago, it was this account that hit the leaderboard in their Hanbok solo queue all the way, causing a big earthquake and embarrassing many of them.

When I saw this account appearing in the high-end game of Hanbok this time——

The Hanbok masters and professional players who lost face last year felt that the opportunity for revenge had finally come.

That's why there were all kinds of fierce battles this afternoon.

Not to mention that the new decisive team can line up with professional teams in almost every game. In fact, when they start every game, in fact, there are even several teams of professional players queuing up on the Korean server side. Wait, gear up and grit your teeth to give this team led by 2 a little color...

Lin Feng and the others in the new decisive team didn't know the truth.

But it doesn't stop them from playing more and more fighting spirit.

In terms of winning and losing, it is actually not that brilliant. There are a total of eight games, five wins and three losses, which can only be regarded as just passing the passing line.

However, this kind of training group arrangement is not just for winning or losing.

During this process, the rapidly accumulating experience of fighting against these top Korean masters and the continuous improvement of actual combat ability are the most gratifying gains for the members of the new decisive victory team.

The more they saw the opponent's top Korean players pull out all their unique moves, the more the five members of the team felt elated and surprised.

"The guys in Hanbok are all good people!"

Even Lin Feng couldn't help admiring.

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