
Chapter 476 New Year

Looking at the timeline from a distance, this New Year's Eve seems to be a delicate node for saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new.

The most peaceful relaxation and rest were left for this night.

And many unknown secrets are also left here.

For example, the conversation between No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5.

Another example is the photos and messages that someone quietly sent to the childhood sweetheart girl on the other side of the ocean, and the agreement made by the two of them.

For example, in the hospital ward in Berlin, Germany, the girl made up her mind again.

Another example is the conversation between several active LPL players who were walking on the side of the road and waiting for the bus after Su Xuejia left that night:

"Next year...no, this year, let's have a good fight."


"This finals can be regarded as being exposed, but it has never been really exposed."

"The responsibility that should be shouldered, still has to be shouldered."

"It's our fault. It's our own fault. No matter whether the fans of the national server can forgive us, we... have no reason to forgive ourselves."

"This year... can't lose again."

"I don't want to lose."

"I don't want to either."

"Who would want to, but there are some things that are useless just by talking about them."

"Old Shi, will you Hayami rest tomorrow or start working? If you don't plan to be idle, our two families will make an appointment."

"Nonsense, take a break! Of course you have to do it! You have enough rest tonight, you wait for me to take a break tonight-I guess those guys in the base also drank a lot at night, take a rest tomorrow morning, and you will have a rest at noon tomorrow." Come make an appointment later, let's get it straight from afternoon to night!"

"Well, I really don't believe it... Even if there is a gap in strength, we will risk our lives and train to the death for a whole year. There is no reason why we can't beat those guys in the LCK."

"Mainly... or SSK."

"They're making progress, at least we can't be opened up, and—maybe the final trump card of the national server isn't us."

The few people walking on the road were quiet for a moment.


"Although I don't want to admit it...but if they are given another whole year for this decisive team, perhaps they will be the ones with the greatest chance of defeating SSK in the end."

"But they still need time, and before that, every game, the national server still can't tolerate any mistakes."


Dawn Chenxing stopped, took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at the teammates and opponents in front of him, his eyes were calm but bright:

"These time, rely on us to help them win."

"At least."

"In the first half of the new season, we will help them carry all the pressure and burdens!"

For example, Tian Tian and Li Shishi had a private heart-to-heart conversation while walking on the road together:

"In the new season, there is a lot of pressure."

"Well, take a rest tonight, and start tomorrow, so we will continue to work hard."

"Actually, I feel a little sorry for Fuko... Originally, I should have fought side by side with you, but now, there is no other way.


The last sentence was said by Tian Tian, ​​with undisguised sincere guilt in his tone.

I had talked to Lin Feng about this earlier. Although he was a member of the decisive team in the past, he is now an indispensable ace of the KG team, not to mention the contract period. After staying for so many years, the club has treated him with sincerity, and it is really impossible to just find a reason and leave hastily.

Li Shiyi patted his former top laner partner on the shoulder:

"It's fine."

"It's good, and we're all happy for you. There's nothing wrong with it."

"Besides... Anyway, we are all fighting for the national uniform, and we are all comrades in arms on the same front."

The upcoming new season is indeed no longer limited to the internal competition between one or two clubs or teams. The real confrontation has already been upgraded to the standard level between competition regions.

Perhaps there is still a competitive relationship between the various teams and clubs in the national server, but in the final analysis, everyone represents the national server, and their real opponents are always those powerful enemies in other major competition regions.

Tian Tian nodded:


"Seeing your current training situation, I am also very relieved... Maybe this new decisive victory can be done better than what we did back then."

Having said that, he hesitated again:


"In fact, I've been thinking for a long time that although I can't come back, if Aqiu and Amo can... Maybe it will be a bigger boost to you, Fengzi, and the new decisive team. "

Tian Tian's expression was slightly sad:

"Now it seems that there is no way."

Not only because their ADC partner from the past can no longer return to the professional game.

Including the conflict between their assistant companion and someone who is the captain, it seems that they are destined to not be easily resolved for a long time.

These words are not because Tian Tian is picky or dissatisfied with the two new members of the bottom lane combination of the new decisive team. Indeed, no matter Tang Bingyao or Zeng Rui, the abilities, talents and potentials currently displayed in their respective positions , are enough to make any professional in the circle amazed and moved.


If you want to compare the two with the two ADCs and supports of the winning team, there is indeed still a big gap.

Maybe give them enough time to catch up or even surpass them.

But after all, what they lack the most right now is time.

Li Shiyi shook his head lightly:

"Perhaps, it's not as difficult as you think."

Tian Tian was slightly startled, and raised his head to look at his former jungler in bewilderment, but the latter smiled at Tian Tian:

"Fengzi and the others are gone now, but I can talk to you—"

"Aqiu, there is indeed no good solution yet."

"However, Amer's words—"

"It's not that I really let go of everything and can't come back."

Tian Tian was even more confused when he heard it: "But Amo...his hand..."

Li Shiyi shook his head again, with a somewhat mysterious look on his face:

"Of course there is no way to return in the same capacity as before."


"There are other ways it can come back."


After New Year's Eve, is the New Year.

The beginning of all things.

Everything from last year will be left in last year. Starting from the first day of the first lunar month, everything will start over with a new attitude.

In the early morning, outside the window is the chilly winter air.

And Lin Feng got up early in the morning and went out. When he came to the Internet cafe, several teammates of the new decisive team had already gathered in the Internet cafe box and waited.

Everyone has high spirits and refreshing fighting spirit.

Needless to say.

Lin Feng laughed and waved:


"Start practicing!"

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