
Chapter 478 Making trouble

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Latest website: Lin Feng is indeed happy to see such a lively situation in Hanbok.

You could say...it was an unexpected surprise.

As early as before the Lunar New Year, when he had just finished the Nightingale secret battle, he lamented the Nightingale secret battle this time.

Gale indeed came at the right time, and it happened to be another innovation and expansion of the competition system, which gave them a great training help for their new decisive team.

But after all, this Nightingale secret war only happens once a year, and it only lasts for more than 20 days and a month. It is gone when it is over. If you want to wait for such an opportunity, you still have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse...

Who would have known that today, the first day of the first lunar month, the first day of the New Year, I just had an impromptu visit to Hanbok to go shopping, and I would encounter such a big surprise again.

Indeed, he did not expect that his Korean server king number, the summoner ID of CN and Hook2, which he borrowed from Senior No. 1, would have such great "appeal" in the Korean server.

In other words, I didn’t expect that when I used this account to wander around the Korean server a few times, I could actually develop such a high hatred value.

As soon as it went online, it attracted the hate firepower of almost half of the professional circles in the entire Korean server.

If I had known this, I shouldn’t have wasted the time a while ago. I could have brought several friends from my new decisive team to the Korean server early in the morning to fuck him upside down——


It's not too late either.

Objectively speaking, when the team starts in a high-end game like the Korean server, the quality of the competition is still much inferior to the top specifications like the Nightingale Secret Battle, but for the current new decisive team, it is completely enough. .

But just one day is certainly not enough.


Have to continue.

In order to prevent these passers-by and professional players from the Korean team from losing interest in the fierce battle too early, Lin Feng did not forget to give a few instructions to his teammates during the group battle:

"You can be a little more arrogant when you continue to fight later."

The innocent Tang Bingyao blinked her eyes, showing a bit of confusion. The girl didn't quite understand what someone meant by this.

But a few veterans like Chen Ting, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui understood instantly:


"Continue to raise the hatred value, right?"

"Don't worry, it's on me. When I was playing World of Warcraft, I was the leader of the group!"

Each and every one of them just vowed and promised with all their heart.


The platoon started and the collision continued.

Ranked battles are still fought as you want, but in addition to various operations, every time after killing the opponent's hero, several people on the new decisive team will control their heroes to step on the opponent leisurely. Do a mocking dance in front of the corpse... or put two question marks lightly in the public channel chat box.

As for the final torture step after winning the battle, it can basically be omitted.

Because the first two actions alone are enough to provoke all the proud and conceited Korean server masters to anger:

damn it!


These Chinese people,

How dare you be so domineering and arrogant in their Korean server!

As a result, in the following days, most of the Korean server was aroused by the emergence of the new decisive team. Countless teams of experts and professional players entered the high-end rankings, vowing to give this group of Chinese players who do not know the heights of the world a chance. A painful and indelible lesson.

Indeed, these Korean teams have shown their due strength.

Faced with this Chinese team that "doesn't know how to live or die", when various Korean professional teams entered the battle one after another, many of them achieved beautiful results of victory. It was natural that this group of Chinese people received a slap in the face. It attracted countless Korean netizens who paid attention to this incident to cheer enthusiastically and relieve their anger.

Unexpectedly, this "New Finals" team seems to still have some resilience. Although they have lost several games, they still have no intention of giving in and retreating. They continue to maintain their arrogance in every qualifying game. The ridicule should continue. Ridicule, when it’s time to post question marks, continue to post question marks in the public channel chat column.




A series of question marks, without the need for more words, is enough to make the Korean masters even more angry:


These Chinese people are really thick-skinned.

If one or two lessons is not enough, then continue to beat you until you burst into tears and get out of the Korean server!

Of course, such a beautiful vision is destined to be impossible to realize. After all, for Lin Feng and the five members of the new decisive team, the purpose of such ridicule and provocation is to make these proud and conceited Korean players continue to treat them as free. Sparring partner...

The more angry they are, the harder they fight, and for them, the training effect will naturally be better.

This continued for several days, and even many professional teams in the Chinese server were alarmed. They had just come out of the happy atmosphere of the New Year. As soon as they went online, they heard that there was such a big commotion in the Korean server. Koreans went crazy. Yet--

For example, God, Hayami and KG, who were friends with the new decisive team, went to Lin Feng privately to inquire about the situation. After finding out the truth, their eyes lit up and they became interested:


"Let's get involved too!"

So what was originally a small fight quickly began to expand in scale.

Teams from several LPL professional clubs headed by God, Hayami and KG entered the Korean server, immediately making the whole scene even more heated.

after that.

It’s not just LPL.

Even the teams from the European server, the American server, and the Taiwan server have heard about it...

The entire Korean server has become a new melee battlefield. The organization, purity and professionalism of Nightingale's secret battle may not be as good as that of Nightingale's secret battle, but the lively and fiery atmosphere seems to be much better than that of Nightingale's secret battle. .

"You are really a trouble maker."

After learning the situation, No. 1 couldn't help but sigh to Lin Feng, but the words contained more appreciation.

Lin Feng smiled brightly:


"You should seize every opportunity to train."

"Our team still lacks too much."

Number 1 glanced at Lin Feng and nodded:


"He's starting to look more and more like a captain."

"If we keep up this momentum, I think the first half of the year will not be considered wasted. We old guys can help you buy half a year, and we can still do it."

Lin Feng lowered his head and sincerely thanked:

"Senior has worked hard."

Needless to say, he knew the weight of the promise these words represented.

Number 1 laughed:

"It's not easy for anyone. It'll be fine if we all work together."

"Speaking of -"

"There's another thing, I need to communicate with you as the captain."

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