
Chapter 429 I’m waiting

Yesterday's BO5 showdown between the Magic City Finals and the Xiacheng Victory, because Lin Feng switched to the ADC position to face Mu Qiu, Tang Bingyao, who was originally the AD of the Magic City Finals, also adjusted accordingly and switched to the mid laner.

After a few games, the girl's performance in the middle can only be said to be above standard.

Although there were also individual reaction and operation performances that shocked the audience, in the end, everyone's attention yesterday was focused on the matchup battle between the ADC players of both teams.

However, both Zhou Mo and Mu Qiu had watched the videos of other matches of the Magic City Finals before.

Naturally, they also clearly know the true strength of Tang Bingyao, who is the ADC member of the Magic City Finals, in this natal position.

With the vision and level of the two of them, it is natural and effortless to see the girl's amazing talent from those game videos, as well as the amazing abilities displayed in those reaction operations.

Even though Mu Qiu's evaluation just now seemed to be a bit dismissive of the girl's ability——

But just as Tian Tian protested, this kind of opinion and evaluation is just because Mu Qiu's criterion is to use his only recognized AD partner Zhou Mo as a template.

And if Zhou Mo, who was at his peak that year, is used as a yardstick, then the entire world of professional e-sports circles, from the S1 season to the present, probably can't pick out a few professional AD players who can be put on the stage.

Mu Qiu herself knew this.

However, not even he or Zhou Mo expected that the talent and potential of this girl, who was an ADC member of the Magic City Finals, was even more amazing than they had expected.

No other evidence is needed to support the defense.

Tian Tian’s words were all he needed.

Only the name mentioned in this sentence is needed.

North America--


Neither Mu Qiu nor Zhou Mo would be unfamiliar with this ID name.

Because this is one of the few existences in the previous generation that can be compared with their most respected predecessors such as No. 1 and No. 5.

Even if he is as arrogant as Mu Qiu, he is a legendary figure who has sincerely admired and admired him.

Even, it is no exaggeration to say——

After hearing about the glorious achievements of this North American legend from the previous generation from seniors such as No. 1 and No. 5, he went to the Internet to find various videos of ancient events to watch. Mu Qiu was almost shocked at that time. As a heavenly being, he once regarded the North American legend of the previous generation as his idol.

At one point, he was thinking deeply about begging No. 1 and other seniors to help him introduce him to the Bullet senior so that he could express his admiration in person if there was a chance.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, hearing this familiar idol name from others again, it would actually be related to an ordinary girl.

Still such a close, shocking connection.

Zhou Mo's eyes fell on Lin Feng's face with a questioning look.

Lin Feng scratched his hair and nodded:


"Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu helped introduce me."

"That Bullet-senpai,

He also takes special care of Tangtang and should train her as his successor. "

There was no deliberately exaggerated description, just such an honest admission.

But this is enough.

Because of the astonishing extent of this information, it already has enough weight in itself.

Mu Qiu was speechless, finally unable to utter any other critical words. If it was true that even the legend of the previous generation in North America was favored and even wanted to be chosen as his successor for the first time, then the talent and potential of that girl would naturally be beyond compare. doubt.

Zhou Mo felt slightly dazed for a moment and muttered:


"so good……"

There was undisguised yearning in his tone.

Not envious.

But longing for it.

Speaking of which, if we count it in terms of playing style, then Zhou Mo's style back then is actually not in line with that of the top legend of the previous generation in North America. Therefore, even if Tang Bingyao can become a disciple of the former, it would be difficult to change it to Zhou Mo. On the body, it may not be suitable.

Therefore, there is no reason for envy, but the yearning is real.

Because through the descriptions and introductions of several friends and teammates, it is easy to imagine that the girl will have a smooth career in the future, and she is destined to stand on the highest stage of the world's e-sports circle and shine.

And these...

Zhou Mo, who was the core ADC of the Battle team in the past, could have done it.


Now, that's no longer possible.

Zhou Mo lowered his head slightly, making it difficult for people to see clearly the expression on his face at this moment. Then when he raised his head again, he already had a bright smile on his face:

"Okay, let's continue eating."

Lunch was finally finished.

As expected, it was at Zhou Mo's insistence that he finally paid the bill.

The five of them walked out of the restaurant, and it was time to say goodbye. Zhou Mo bought a ticket for the afternoon trip from Shanghai to Xiacheng, and now he needed to take a taxi to the high-speed rail station.

Lin Feng and others intended to follow him to see him off, but Zhou Mo shook his head and refused with a gentle but firm attitude:

"No need to bother."

"You all have your own things to be busy with, I can do it alone."

"Besides, don't make it too sad when the time comes. It's not like we won't be able to see each other again."

Speaking of this, Zhou Mo made a joke.

It finally made the atmosphere a little more relaxed.

Mu Qiu looked at Zhou Mo: "Then you go back first, and I will find you when I go back in two days."

Although the LSPL trial schedule here has finally come to an end for the Xiacheng decisive team, several members of the team are still thinking about finally coming to the Magic City and want to stay for two more days to play.

For Mu Qiu, there was no such interest in playing.

But this time, it can be said that several members of the Xiacheng decisive team have paid too much for him, and he is not willing to ruin the fun of several teammates on this trivial matter.

What's more, compared to Lin Feng, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian in the Magic City, his hometown is in Xiacheng. He will naturally have more time to meet and spend time with Zhou Mo, but he is not in a hurry for the moment.

Zhou Mo also nodded when he heard this. At this time, a taxi stopped by the roadside. He turned around and smiled at his friends:

"Let's go."

Then, as if no longer feeling nostalgic, he turned around and walked towards the taxi in a cool and simple manner.

Looking at Zhou Mo's leaving figure, Lin Feng couldn't help but shout:


Zhou Mo stopped and turned to look over inquiringly.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"wait for me."

Zhou Mo laughed:

"Well, I'm waiting."

The update is here, go away and continue typing, there should be another update before 12 o'clock.

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