
Chapter 428 There is still this matter

The location was the small restaurant where Li Shiyi and Tian Tian met Mu Qiu in private.

The five people who gathered for lunch were still the five members of the previous decisive battle team.

Compared with the atmosphere at the late-night snack stall last night, the relationship between the five people at the table in this small restaurant at noon today seemed to be more harmonious and harmonious.

Maybe it really was the result of the drunkenness caused by the alcohol last night.

Something was said.

There were also some words that were blown into my stomach along with the bottles of beer.

In short, the five people sitting at the same dining table today finally looked a bit like they had when they got along together in the past.

Zhou Mo was still the first to speak, and the first words he spoke stunned the other four people present:

"I'll treat you to lunch."

"After eating, it's almost time for me to go back."

Unexpectedly, Tian Tian reacted first and said anxiously: "Why are you leaving so soon? Don't you want to stay for a few more days?"

There was strong reluctance in his tone.


We reunited after so many years. We had a messy late-night snack last night. Everyone was so drunk that we couldn’t even talk about reminiscing about the past. I thought that after the storm was over and the conflicts were resolved, the former partners and teammates would be reunited. We can have more time to get along well in the future——

But now, Zhou Mo said that after staying in the magic city for just one night, he would leave again.

Li Shiyi also frowned and looked at Zhou Mo:

"You're not in a hurry, are you?"

"At least I'll stay for a few more days. When I went back last night, Lao Tian and I said we wanted to take you to the KG, Hayami and God clubs."

Tian Tian nodded fiercely:

"Yes, yes, Lao Shi is also talking about you!"

"And our KG members, all of them want to meet Ah Mo again - you know God's Huangxue Yege, he also said that he wants to have a good exchange of experiences with you..."

This moved everyone else out one by one.


These are not even the most substantial.

It was Lin Feng who hesitated for a while and then spoke in a low voice:

"As well as Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu, they should also want to meet you, Amo..."

Of course, from his own point of view, compared to everyone else, he is the one who least wants his former ADC partner to leave early. However, even if the current conflict seems to be resolved, in the end, from his standpoint, he still wants to leave early. No more persuasion could be done.

After all, the agreement was reached last night——

Only when he stands on the stage of the World Championship finals again, when he wins the championship trophy, will he be qualified to ask for forgiveness.

Well until then.

Without any face or capital, he asked for more from the former partners in front of him.

So at this moment, he could only try to use other tactful ways to try to retain Zhou Mo.

The effect of his words was obviously more effective than Li Shiyi and Tian Tian's persuasion and obstruction, and the weight was indeed heavier.

After all, compared to other "irrelevant personnel", such as seniors from the previous generation such as No. 1 and No. 5,

The five members of the Battle team had received enough care and help.

That kind of kindness cannot be diluted by time, no matter how many years have passed.

Even Mu Qiu couldn't help but subconsciously sit up slightly when she heard someone mention the names No. 1 and No. 5.

This shows the respect for those seniors in the past.

Zhou Mo also hesitated, but finally shook his head, apologetically:

"Next time."

"I came in a hurry this time. The convenience store at home is still busy with a lot of business. When I left, I didn't inform the uncles and aunties in the neighborhood in advance. If I go back later, I'm afraid it will cause trouble to them."

"Visiting and other things, as well as seniors and others, I will definitely come again when I have the opportunity next time."

As always, his actions and rhetoric are in line with Zhou Mo's character and temper.

Calm, careful, and considerate, he never wants to cause trouble to others and always puts other people's affairs first.

But when he makes a decision, others can no longer persuade him to change it.

So Lin Feng silently lowered his head and stopped talking, while Li Shiyi and Tian Tian looked at each other and also had no choice but to give up and no longer persist.

Seeing the depressed and lost expressions of his former partners in front of him, Zhou Mo laughed again:

"Okay, don't be so listless."

"If I can come once, of course there will be a second time, and I won't lose contact like before."

In one sentence, it was finally a shot in the arm, allowing several people at the table to regain their spirits.


The beginning of everything is the hardest.

But as long as there is this first time, as long as their former ADC partner can finally let go of the entanglements he had and is willing to meet them again, then there will always be opportunities to meet them in the future.

The relationship between the five members of their former team will eventually be repaired bit by bit.

Li Shiyi breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face:

"Come, come, eat, eat."

Compared to the chaos and bustle at the late night snack stall last night, today's lunch was quite peaceful and even quiet.

It seemed as if the five of them were just concentrating on the food on the table in front of them, but did not engage in any other conversations.

Only Zhou Mo felt that such an atmosphere was too boring. He put down his bowls and chopsticks and started a topic with a smile, and talked about his evaluation of several members of the Magic City Finals team. Especially when he mentioned Tang Bingyao again, he still had no words. Do not be stingy with praise.

Tian Tian and Li Shiyi also nodded their heads in agreement.

But Mu Qiu just sneered:

"A girl movie."

"That's all. Once you get a career, there's no telling how far you can go."

Li Shiyi couldn't help but shake his head:

"Aqiu, if you are using Amo as a reference, then of course there are not many ADs in the entire e-sports circle that you can like."


Although today's Tang Bingyao has shown more and more amazing personal strength and style, if you want to directly compare it with Zhou Mo who was at his peak in the past, it is still too far behind.

After Li Shiyi said this, Tian Tian couldn't help but stand up again to defend Tang Bingyao:

"To be honest, Tangtang now is definitely not as good as Amo back then."

"But I think she has really great potential!"

The corner of Mu Qiu's mouth curled into a mocking arc:


"How big can it get?"

Li Shiyi glanced at Mu Qiu:

"Is it enough that Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu are willing to give personal guidance?"

Mu Qiu was choked.

Tian Tian quickly added:

"It's so big that the senior Bullet in North America accepted her as his direct disciple. Is that enough?"

This time, it wasn't just Mu Qiu who showed a momentary look of astonishment.

Even Zhou Mo was slightly moved:

"And...this matter?"

An update is coming. There won’t be a second update tonight. I’ll try to get a chapter tomorrow morning.

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