
Chapter 430 What to win?

After Zhou Mo left first, the four members of the former Battle were left on the roadside.

Li Shiyi and Tian Tian wanted to let Mu Qiu stay and spend some more time with them, but Mu Qiu waved his hand and refused casually, saying that he planned to go back to accompany his Xiacheng decisive team. Those teammates.

"Besides, what are you doing here?"

"I finished what I needed to say last night. I don't have anything more to say. You should each have your own things to be busy with."

Mu Qiu's tone was casual and even a little careless and frivolous. At this point, he paused, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a touch of habitual mockery:

"What about KG, Hayami and God Club? I have no interest in getting involved in the affairs of active professional e-sports players."

"I'm just an ordinary guy with a flat head. I'm usually satisfied just playing ranked and playing black and white with my friends."

"There are no big pursuits or big dreams."

"Not like some people."

While talking, the topic seemed to naturally turn to someone.

Mu Qiu's eyes also turned to look over, looked at Lin Feng, and narrowed her eyes slightly:

"I don't know where you get the confidence and assurance."

“We couldn’t win back then.”

"Now there is suddenly a chance of winning?"

Lin Feng remained silent and did not choose to defend himself, because he could understand the mood of the former support partner in front of him. In addition...from a realistic and objective point of view, with the strength of his current lineup of the Magic City Victory Team, he wanted to To compete with the strongest team in the world, it is indeed still too far behind.

Unable to get a response from Lin Feng, Mu Qiu seemed a little bored, so she shrugged:

"Well, I have nothing to do with this matter."

"Perhaps you can really create some miracles - things that you couldn't do back then, maybe you can do it again because of luck."

"Besides, after all, I got a promise from Armor. As long as I get a championship trophy, I can be forgiven. What a good deal, of course I have to hurry up and give it a try, right?"

Speaking of this, Mu Qiu shook her head a little, as if sighing with emotion.

But then he paused, and when he turned to look at Lin Feng again, the expression on his face had turned indifferent and cold:

"Then good luck to you."

"If you really think that winning the championship will give you peace of mind and understanding, then I have nothing to say."

"After all, this is Amo's decision."


"I'll just wait and see."

"I am different from Armor. He probably sincerely hopes that you will lead this so-called new championship to overcome all obstacles and advance in the professional arena, and finally win the championship trophy and make up for the so-called mistakes and regrets."

"But I hope you lose."

"Losing the last fig leaf, losing the last bit can give yourself peace of mind and excuses."

"You lose until you have no way out."

"Falled again at the feet of that guy Han Shihao."

"Speaking of which... as the captain of the team, that guy is really a little bit better than you.

From his personality to his strength, he is really impeccable, so I am really curious..."

"As long as you have the slightest chance to meet him again -"

"What do you do to win?"

Mu Qiu also took a taxi and left.

If the last words he said to Lin Feng before leaving were compared with the sharp, sarcastic and merciless words last night, he seemed to have restrained his anger today, but became more indifferent, as if Calmly narrate a fact.

But the content of his words can still make people feel his current attitude towards someone, or even towards the new decisive team led by someone.

Only Lin Feng, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian were left on the roadside.

Lin Feng lowered his head and said nothing.

Li Shiyi and Tian Tian looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. Tian Tian looked at Lin Feng with a bit of worry:


He was worried that Lin Feng's mood would be affected again by Mu Qiu's words just now.

Li Shiyi also spoke to comfort:

"Don't take it too seriously."

"Ah Qiu has always been like this. Give him a little more time..."


As former partners and teammates, they knew Mu Qiu's personality and temper all too well. Once they recognized a dead end, the former could not be easily pulled back.

But in fact, the current situation and the ending are already extremely gratifying and even satisfying.

At least, the biggest conflict has been resolved for the time being.

Lin Feng also nodded silently and smiled reluctantly:


"I know, it's not Aqiu's fault, it's my problem in the first place."

Tian Tianze was a little annoyed and regretful: "Aqiu is the same. Even Amo has expressed his stance like this, and he is still like this..."

Li Shiyi shook his head:

"If this were not the case, Aqiu would not be the same Aqiu."

Lin Feng said "hmm":

"Besides, he was right about some of the things he said."

For example, the last sentence Mu Qiu said before leaving was actually what he had been asking himself every night for more than a year:

If one day, he leads the team to meet the old enemy again and is now the strongest in the world.

What does he do to win?

As the captain, of course he knows the strength of his brand new team. Of course, in terms of potential, as long as they are given enough time, the future is absolutely limitless, but the problem is that this year is already the most A crucial and important year.

They don't have more time to slowly adjust and improve.

in other words.

This year's finals may be the stage for them to compete with the strongest team in the world.

Even if his confidence is as strong as his own, the pressure he has been carrying so far is still huge.

Li Shiyi sighed softly:

"It would be great if Aqiu could come..."

A subconscious emotion.

But it attracted the approval of Tian Tian next to him: "Well, if there is Aqiu to assist - and his playing style is matched with Tangtang, there should be a very powerful chemical reaction."

Lin Feng paused and nodded slowly to acknowledge.

It's not that he is dissatisfied with Zeng Rui, who is now the support of the new team.

On the contrary, although he and Mu Qiu were former partners and had a deep friendship, he and Zeng Rui had been fighting side by side and getting along with each other for more than a year, and they had also developed an extremely deep emotional friendship.

He recognized Zeng Rui's hard work and talent, as well as his delicate and meticulous thinking and overall view.

However, objectively speaking, Zeng Rui's upper limit is limited by his hand speed.

And the more important point is still time——

If he wants to improve in the next six months, no matter how hard he works, Zeng Rui's progress will still be slower than that of other teammates in the team, such as Tang Bingyao and Chen Ting.

As time goes by, perhaps gradually, the auxiliary position of the new decisive team will become one of their shortcomings.

But if Mu Qiu joins.

This shortcoming will disappear in an instant, and may even turn into their most powerful carry point, and the overall strength of the new decisive team will immediately rise to a whole level.


These are destined to remain only in assumptions.

Lin Feng took a deep breath:

"Don't think about this anymore."

"I respect Aqiu's thoughts and decisions."

"Zeng is also very good."

"And, anyway—"

Thinking about the agreement he made with Zhou Mo last night, and thinking about the former AD teammate who left just now, Lin Feng's eyes became firm and determined little by little:

"I want to win."

Here's an update, ahem, I didn't take any rest this weekend, I just rushed to work overtime, and suddenly realized that it was my birthday after twelve o'clock, alas.

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