
Chapter 418 What’s going on?

The atmosphere at this table not far from the other two tables was indeed more harmonious and even harmonious than everyone originally expected and feared.

Perhaps all of this is indeed thanks to this former member of the Battle team with the most gentle and calm personality.

It was precisely the ADC of the former winning team who unexpectedly arrived at the scene today that perfectly eased the almost tense atmosphere in the corridor of the competition venue.

Similarly, this young man who always seemed to have a gentle smile on his face just said this to the four former partners and friends in front of him:

"I came in such a hurry that I didn't bother to eat. I'm a little hungry. Let's find a place to eat something."

This gave the situation that should have continued to develop on that occasion an opportunity to ease and change.

Even Mu Qiu, who was obviously the most unwilling to give up at that time, chose to accept silently in front of this good-tempered proposal.


There was a scene like this on the dining table in front of a roadside supper stall.

There is a simple, square wooden table with five disposable tableware placed in front of it. The boss just came over enthusiastically and said that the barbecue and beer he ordered will be here soon——

Originally, Tian Tian was thinking about ordering some soda drinks, but Zhou Mo interrupted with a smile and suggested that he might as well order some beer.

We are all grown up, and we are already old enough to drink.

What's more, when they won the game, they drank beer when they celebrated.

When such words came from Zhou Mo's mouth as if he was talking and laughing, there was no strange meaning at all, but just a sense of sincere nostalgia.

Well, beer then.

No one raised more controversy.

Maybe it wasn't an illusion, but it seemed that from the moment the former ADC member of Battle appeared, no matter what proposal the former made, the other four people had a tacit understanding and had no intention of questioning or objecting.

Everything chooses to obey silently.

It's just like the situation at the dinner table right now.

Five former partners and teammates gathered at the table, but from the beginning to the end, Zhou Mo was the only one who spoke, and the others just listened quietly.

The speaker didn't care.

The listener didn't seem to feel unnatural at all.

Instead of nostalgic about the past, Zhou Mo's topic just started from this afternoon's BO5 showdown between Xiacheng and Magic City.

He smiled and said that he was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone while he was still in the taxi.

Somewhat embarrassedly, he said that he had forgotten to buy tickets and was stopped by two security men outside the safe passage. But luckily he borrowed a charger and watched the entire live broadcast on his mobile phone in the passage that was only separated from the competition venue. .

Then he became interested again.

Comment on the performance of these two "decisive" teams in the battle.

Regarding the duel between the two former partners in the bottom lane ADC position, they were not stingy with praise and praise. Of course, they did not forget to mention the other members of the two teams:

"It's amazing. It's just an LSPL trial match, but it's at the level of an official professional match."

"Not only Fengzi and Aqiu, but everyone else also performed very well."

"Eleven's condition is already recovering. I can see it. Soon, there should be a day when he returns to his peak!"

"The last game was really exciting..."

"Four guarantees and one against strong open flow."

"Everyone played their best. Even when I was watching the live broadcast on my mobile phone outside, I couldn't help but feel nervous for you. Haha, I could hear people screaming in the venue through the door. ”

As he spoke, Zhou Mo couldn't help but laugh.

However, he was the only one laughing in front of the entire dinner table.

Then the atmosphere slowly became quiet again.

Because the other four people here were still listening silently from beginning to end, and no one chose to speak.

Zhou Mo finally paused, raised his head and scanned the faces of the four former teammates in front of him. Then he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, shook his head, and spoke in a semi-blaming tone:

"You guys."

"At least give me some reaction."

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. It's not easy to get back together again. You can't just let me talk to myself here."


Back then, among the five members of the team, Zhou Mo, who had the quietest personality, would have been the one who talked the least, while those who were often responsible for creating a lively atmosphere and making fun jokes were probably the mid laner and support members of the team.


Today the situation seems to be completely reversed.

Moreover, Zhongsuke, who used to always fight and fight together and was responsible for bringing countless joys and headaches to the other three partners, is now the biggest disputer in certain conflicts.

It seems destined that some of the good memories of the past cannot be replayed today.

But it was finally this time, perhaps with Zhou Mo's small complaint, that the strange and calm atmosphere that had lasted for more than ten minutes was broken in front of the dining table.

"your hands--"

a voice sounded.

It was as if he was trying his best to control his emotions.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Zhou Mo's face.

However, his own face had lost any color at some point and became frighteningly pale.

He placed his hands on the table, clenching them so tightly that his knuckles turned white, almost making people worry that his palms would bleed.

It was as if he had exhausted all his strength, trying extremely hard and strenuously to keep his voice as stable as possible, but still had a slight vibrato:

"what happened?"

A total of more than ten minutes have passed since the people sat down at the dining table and Zhou Mo started talking.

During these ten minutes, the people at the table seemed to be silent in front of the audience, but the eyes of Lin Feng, Tian Tian and Li Shiyi were always on someone else. somewhere.

Because I was worried about hurting the self-esteem of my former partners, of course I didn't look at it openly.

He also tried his best not to lose his composure.

But a few glances would still fall in that direction from time to time.

Those were Zhou Mo's hands that seemed to be placed in front of the dining table naturally.

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Mo didn't seem to deliberately want to hide anything, but maybe it was some kind of subconscious self-protection. He placed his hands on the table, his left hand was further forward, and his right hand was placed on it intentionally or unintentionally. As usual, they used disposable tableware as a cover and put it behind them.

But just disposable tableware and such a transparent glass cannot really block the view.


Effortlessly, you can still see clearly.

See that striking scar.

The traces of cruelty that almost make one's heart tremble.

Compared to Tian Tian and Li Shiyi, Lin Feng did not even choose to avoid looking politely, or maybe his mind could no longer accommodate any other thoughts.

Ten minutes.

He just kept staring at the right hand of his former partner and teammate behind the disposable tableware.

Until this moment.

Maybe he finally couldn't bear it anymore, or maybe he finally used all his strength to muster up the courage to ask such a question.

Zhou Mo was silent for a while.

Then he smiled as usual, even raising his right hand as if somewhat relaxed and casually, and waved it casually under the gazes of several former partners and teammates:

"this one?"

"It's a small thing, it's nothing."

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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