
Chapter 417 Roadside Night Snack Stall

It wasn't too long ago.

Several people involved had already left the competition venue. Also leaving were other players and members of the three LPL companies who were just spectators.

Indeed, now that all the involved parties are present, some topics or problems can finally have a better environment to resolve privately, instead of continuing to be exposed in public, which would make other people laugh.

For these players and players from the three LPL companies, this trip has been worthwhile.

I’m not talking about the BO5 battle between Xiacheng and Magic City that I watched in person from the afternoon to the evening. Although such a game is already intense and exciting, it’s shocking and moving, but if you really want to talk about it——

The excitement of this game was still not comparable to the scene in front of the corridor in the stadium after the game.

The legendary five who won the decisive battle in the past.

Gathering together for the first time after several years.

This battle and scene are enough to make even the most hard-core old people who came from that era feel sad and even have tears in their eyes.

It can be said that those present at that moment almost witnessed with their own eyes the most classic and representative scene in the history of national server e-sports.

Of course, there are still some people who are not willing to stop there.

There is no doubt that everyone will be infinitely curious about the ADC member who appeared in the past decisive battle and want to explore further.

But such thoughts are still controlled by reason.

Such an occasion.

Such an atmosphere.

It is not suitable for outsiders to disturb you.

However, Huangxue Yege is really unable to hold back, and it is completely understandable. As the strongest AD recognized in the national server today, when he saw the national server in the past S1 season and perhaps even the top ADC in the world's e-sports circle, , it is inevitable that you will have the desire to compete with one of them.

After all, this afternoon's BO5 pinnacle battle, the battle between the two god-level ADCs in Xiacheng and Magic City, is enough to make any top ADC player sway with excitement——

But I can't forget it,

Regardless of someone or Mu Qiu, their respective roles were originally just mid laner and support.

And if even the mid laner and supporter of the previous decisive-Battle team had such a shocking level of attainment in the ADC position...

So how strong should the real AD of this team be back then?

But Huangxue Yege was caught in time by Dawn Morning Star on the side.

Being able to understand the mood of his old friend, he was also able to guess the former's thoughts effortlessly. However, Dawn Morning Star did not do any more persuasion in words. He just shook his head gently to Huangxue Yege and signaled solemnly. Click on a certain direction.

At that moment, Huangxue Yege was still a little confused, but when he looked in the direction indicated by the dawn star——

When he finally noticed the details of a certain part of the ADC who used to win the Battle.

Suddenly, Huang Xue Yege's figure trembled violently.

A look of horror and shock suddenly appeared on his face.

The intensity of this shock was even greater than when I saw the other party appear for the first time!

Then he suddenly turned his head and looked at his old friend, as if he was still trying to ask and confirm the other person in disbelief.

Dawn Morning Star's expression was equally condensed. He quickly glanced in that direction with an imperceptible amplitude, then looked away, his expression became heavy and gloomy, and he nodded slowly to Huangxue Yege again.

Huangxue Yege suddenly felt as if a huge stone weighing ten thousand kilograms was pressing on his chest, and he was so stuffy that he could hardly breathe.

After taking a few deep breaths, he lowered his head weakly, and almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out one word:


Because it had just rained, although it was already dark and a good time for business to open, there were still not many customers at the roadside night snack stalls.

The players from the Magic City Finals and the Xiacheng Finals were sitting at two dining tables not far apart.

The two small groups each deliberately lowered their voices and communicated and discussed carefully and quietly.

There are only three people on the Magic City decisive victory side: Tang Bingyao, Chen Ting and Zeng Rui.

Looking at each other, Chen Ting swallowed his saliva and spoke cautiously:

"Did you...see it?"

It started out as a sentence that seemed to have no beginning or end.

And while he was speaking, he seemed to be unable to help but subconsciously glance in the direction of another dining table not far away, and then quickly looked away like a thief.

Zeng Rui nodded heavily, with a complicated expression on his face. He tried hard to consider his words, but didn't know where to start. In the end, he just let out a low sigh:

"No wonder."


No wonder.

Perhaps before this, when they were still in the competition venue, even if they heard Mu Qiu's increasingly high-pitched and angry scoldings and questions, it would still make people feel doubtful and even wrong. Someone on the side being questioned feels aggrieved.

But after capturing that shocking and horrifying detail...

Everything seemed to be explained instantly.

A fact that makes people unable to think of any other thoughts, and makes people feel heavy and cold to the extreme.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips tightly and her face turned slightly pale. As an ADC player, of course she knew very well what the detail she had just discovered meant.


"It should...can't be all Fengzi's fault."

The girl seemed to be trying very hard to whisper such a sentence.

As soon as the words came out, the eyelids of Chen Ting and Zeng Rui, who were sitting nearby, couldn't help but twitch. Almost subconsciously, they looked up and looked not far away to make sure that the girl's voice was not noticed by others. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Bingyao also realized something, and lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong. She put her hands on her knees and tightly grasped the corners of her clothes.

Zeng Rui shook his head and did not blame Tang Bingyao for his recklessness. He just sighed again:

"No matter what-"

"The truth is true, but Fengzi himself... will definitely not think so."

At the same time, on the Xiacheng decisive team at another table, several members of the Xiacheng decisive team were speaking carefully in lowered voices, and from time to time their eyes would drift towards the distance, as if they were afraid of something happening.

Wu Tian turned his head the most frequently, and in the end Xia Ziyou couldn't help but pat his head:


"Don't keep looking over there!"

Wu Tian was still a little aggrieved:

"I'm not worried...if something happens or something."

Xia Ziyou glared at his companion:

"If something happens, it won't be our turn to get involved!"

Indeed, if nothing else, when they were still at the competition venue, they recognized the identities of Dawn Morning Star and other LPL players wearing masks, and they already felt the level of this incident.

It seems that it's not just their Mu Qiu.

Perhaps each of the five people sitting at the table over there has a remarkable background.

Sun Zheng spoke carefully:

"But nothing should happen again."

"I see over there... the atmosphere seems to be okay now."

The update is coming, it's a little late, there should be another chapter around 9 o'clock, so go away and continue typing.

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