
Chapter 419 Sorry

Zhou Mo's voice sounded unhurriedly in front of the late night snack stall.

Calm and collected.

It seemed as if he was just talking about something insignificant and simple.

He lightly explained the origin of the scar on his right hand, which happened a year after the disbandment of their decisive battle team, but as for the specific reason that led to such a result, he simply used a word in his narrative. "Accident" is used to describe it.

No more detailed explanation was given.

But it is not a bloody "man-made disaster" that requires thorough investigation and accountability.

Just some accident.

"If we really want to count it, it can only be regarded as a natural disaster."

When he said this, Zhou Mo smiled again at the four teammates at the table, as if he was joking.

It's just that I couldn't get any "amused" reaction from the faces of the other four people.

Zhou Mo continued to speak calmly.

He did not hide his thoughts at that time, and frankly told the four partners in front of him that for a long time after the accident, he had indeed fallen into irreparable depression and was unable to extricate himself.

"Although the team was disbanded at that time, it is true that I still thought that maybe one day in the future, I could get together with everyone again."

Having said this, Zhou Mo looked at the four people in front of him again and smiled casually:

"At that time, I always thought that I was very unwilling to lose in the S1 season."

"We must find a way to challenge again and make up for our regrets."


Zhou Mo shook his head gently and his tone became lower.

So the people at the table all bowed their heads after hearing this. Lin Feng's face was still pale and bloodless, his eyelids were lowered, his eyelashes were trembling rapidly, and his tightly clenched fists never loosened.

According to Zhou Mo, because of that accident, he gradually lost contact with everyone in the team - even Mu Qiu, who was the closest and met the most frequently, was no exception.

"It's been a really difficult time..."

Recalling that memory,

There was a look of sadness on Zhou Mo's face, which was soon replaced by relief:


"I finally got over it."

"Time can heal a lot of things. When you look back, you will find that the hurdle has been passed long ago and is no longer visible."

“I think it’s pretty good in days like these.”

"Of course it's different from when we all played together. It's no longer exciting and full of passion, but being a convenience store owner can also be a different kind of fun."

“Esports… is a dream to pursue.”

"Now, it's real life."

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Zhou Mo smiled as he looked at the four former teammates in front of him:

"I have tasted the taste of dreams."

"Then it's time to live a good life again."

There was a calm tone in his voice.

He seemed to be making a sincere and unhidden confession to the four former teammates in front of him, expressing his true thoughts and feelings, and also telling the four partners that the knot in his heart had long been resolved.

If even the person involved has chosen to let go, then as an outsider, there may be no need to continue to pursue the matter.


As Zhou Mo's words fell, the atmosphere on the entire table fell into dead silence again.

No one spoke.

No one responded.

The expression on Mu Qiu's face was still as cold as an iceberg that was difficult to melt, and her teeth were almost clattering. Tian Tian and Li Shiyi lowered their heads, and their heavy moods did not improve at all, even as the companions in front of them seemed to be optimistic and cheerful. words, and sunk even further to the bottom.

Perhaps for Zhou Mo, some things can already be let go.

But for their former teammates, they cannot digest and accept it so easily.

Is there another kind of fun in being a convenience store owner?

What a joke!

Others may not know it, but they know very well what kind of amazing talent and strength the former team's ADC partner in front of them possesses.

He should be at the top of this field.

Gain countless auras and honors.

But just because of such a so-called "natural disaster" accident, he had to be completely cut off from his previous dreams and the stadium he once loved most, and he had to live a so-called peaceful and ordinary life.

Even for any other professional e-sports player, it would be disappointing and deplorable to encounter such an accident and disparity.

not to mention--

Their partner is no ordinary professional player.

He was the ADC that their team relied on most.

It's Zhou Mo.

It's a decisive victory - silent words!

He is one of the best juniors of the new generation who is praised even by the top legendary seniors of the previous generation.

But just because of that accident——

Because of such a hand injury.

A bottomless chasm suddenly opened between his former dream and the cold reality, ruthlessly separating him from his dream.


With his head lowered and his hands still clenched into fists, Lin Feng didn't even have the courage to raise his head at this moment. He could only stare at the table in front of him and said these three words with difficulty and dryness.

Everyone here can hear the intense pain contained in these three words.

Yes, if we just look at it from the most objective and impartial perspective, then in fact, all the tragedies that befell Zhou Mo have no direct connection with anyone.

The latter does not need to be responsible for the accident of the former.

But for Lin Feng himself.

But that's not the case at all.

Until this moment tonight, before he discovered the truth, for such a long time in the past, although Lin Feng had always regretted and blamed himself for recklessly disbanding the team, his guilt and apology to his former partners mainly fell into this. On one thing.

For him at the time, the biggest guilt was that because of such a moment of anger, the disbandment of the team forced other partners to separate and leave the competition.

And even this kind of guilt was enough to make him regretful and unwilling to reconnect with his former partners for a long time.

But as he met Tian Tian and Li Shiyi again, and gradually cheered up and started to form a new team, his emotions finally adjusted back bit by bit.

Only then did I have more courage, hoping to see the remaining two former teammates again.

See what the other person is doing.

And admit the mistake in person, apologize, and seek forgiveness from the other party.

When he was in Xiacheng, he was treated coldly and ruthlessly by Mu Qiu. Although Lin Feng felt heavy, he only had more firm belief to prove his feelings and express himself to the former, regardless of the cost or sacrifice. of repentance.


All this determination and belief.

But when they saw the shocking scars on Zhou Mo's right hand, they were instantly shattered.

There are some things that you can try your best to make up for.

But something -

But it is already destined to be irreversible.

He lowered his head and muttered "I'm sorry" over and over in a low voice as if unconsciously.

When Lin Feng finally raised his head and looked at his former ADC partner in front of him, his eyes were already red and his face was filled with tears:


Here’s an update. These chapters are really difficult to write. I’m trying my best to keep pushing. There will be no update tonight.

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