
Chapter 375: Giving up the economy to Vayne

Both are ADCs.

Night Hunter Vayne on the purple side seems to have difficulty making a sound after the laning period ended, and until now more than 20 minutes into the game, unable to form a coordinated cooperation with his own lineup, and unable to rely on himself. What role does the ability continue to play? It seems to be soy sauce again like the first two.

On the blue side of the Xiacheng decisive team, ADC's glorious executioner Draven is still shining brightly.

It’s not just development that continues to lead the field.

He is the undisputed and absolute core of the team.

With this carry point with explosive output in charge, the blue side's strong opening lineup has the most reliable output guarantee.

Likewise, it is also the most troublesome and primary target for the opponent's purple army to try to eradicate.

But the embarrassment lies precisely in the fact that no matter how clearly the purple team's Magic City decisive team understands the threat of the opposing ADC Draven to their team and the importance of solving Draven to this game, it is difficult for a clever woman to do so. There is no cooking without rice.

Not to mention that the Purple Legion's semi-poke lineup lacks a front row, and the most meaty jungler, the Excavator, is currently wearing a semi-meat equipment, and it can't easily withstand a few axes from the Glory Executioner.

More importantly, there is no way in this lineup that can directly threaten Delevingne.

The jungle excavator's ability to rush into the back row is average.

Needless to say, Jayce, the mid laner, is not an assassin hero to begin with.

The only top laner, Kennen, who has any hope of cutting into the opponent's back row and playing a key role, does not have a strong enough rush ability. Instead, he has to rely on [teleport] or find a suitable ambush point to bypass the back row. Create an effect.

And the current situation has even blocked the purple side's only hope -

All three outer towers of my house were broken.

Vision is infinitely suppressed.

In this case, it would be difficult for the purple side's Magic City Finals team to just enter their own jungle area to get a view, not to mention ambush in advance and find a position to bypass them.


On the bottom road, Vaien and Fan Mom.

Night Hunter's role in the past few minutes seems to be not even as strong as his auxiliary partner - after all, the latter is more vocal in terms of line clearing ability and poke consumption ability.

Therefore, the current situation seems to have become increasingly passive and embarrassing for the purple side's Magic City decisive team.

Gradually it started to feel like a dead end.

Game time is 27 minutes.

In the river channel, Xiaolong Gorge, the fourth wind dragon is refreshed.

"This wind dragon must be firmly held by the blue side."

He Tu on the commentary desk looked at the mini-map on the OB screen. Sure enough, several heroes from the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side had already settled on the Xiaolong Gorge side of the river in advance, and their vision was still extremely thoughtful.

"After a few games, the Xiacheng decisive team is clearly improving."

Lao Hei sighed in admiration.

Not only the performance and use of this strong lineup, especially in terms of vision control, it can be seen that the Xiacheng decisive team has learned the lessons of the previous two games, and will never relax even if it has an advantage.

The real eyes are inserted one by one, and the red accessories of the auxiliary and junglers are scanned and turned on to ensure that the opponent's eye position is completely captured.

It also completely eliminates the possibility of [teleport] bypassing the opponent's single Kennen.

Several members of the Xiacheng decisive team now know very well that as long as they maintain this rhythm, prevent the opponent from catching opportunities, and protect their own Draven, then the victory of this game will be won soon. After that, it fell steadily into his own pocket.

Amelia Su bit her lip lightly.

If the Xiacheng decisive team continues to maintain this state, then correspondingly, the Magic City decisive team led by someone will have less and less hope of winning.

As for the fourth wind dragon, the purple side's Magic City Finals team seems to have no intention of competing for it.

In the front row of the audience, the other members of the top 16 participating teams also nodded slightly:

I can tell.

In the decisive battle in the magic city, I have made up my mind to have a showdown with my opponent in the Dragon Group.

Soon, the female voice in the system announced that the fourth wind dragon was captured by the blue army.

Although it is just a wind dragon, it cannot compare with the buff effect of the earth dragon and fire dragon, but it is still better than nothing. With the effect of the wind dragon buff, the blue side's lineup, which has been improved in terms of movement speed, has become more flexible accordingly.

In other words, their strong opening and pursuit capabilities have been further improved.

For the purple side's Magic City decisive team, the only thing that letting go of the wind dragon brings them is a little precious time to get out of their own jungle and redevelop their originally pitch-black vision.

Especially the terrain of Dalong River Road, try to give the eye position as much as possible.

"But it's not of much use——"

He Tu shook his head and made a comment.

It's really of little use.

After taking the Wind Dragon, the five members of the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side quickly moved towards the Dalong Fjord.

The five people on the purple side can only choose to retreat.

In a head-on team fight, they still have no chance of winning, especially since the prince and Japanese girl on the opposite side are now very aggressive. As long as they are given a chance to close the distance, the Japanese girl will directly open up or the prince will directly EQ two consecutive attacks, which will definitely detonate in an instant. In a team battle, the purple side will definitely lose their manpower before they have time to react.

This is the dominance of the current blue team's strong opening lineup.

Especially in the advantageous situation.

Even more unreasonable.

The five people on the purple side had just returned to their own wild area from the river in the upper half of the area, and the terrain view in front of the Dalong Fjord was immediately taken back by the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side.

A few more real eyes were inserted, and the newly inserted eyes in the Dalong Pit and in the purple area in front of the river were quickly cleared.

It can be seen on the mini map that from the perspective of the purple square, the view of the river in the upper half of the area is once again shrouded in fog.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the purple side took a river crab just before evacuating, so they were still able to retain a small key field of vision in front of the big dragon pit.

However, this river crab's eye position will not last long.

"Next, the blue side just needs to drag it a little."

Lao Hei made a judgment.

The game time came to just over 28 minutes.

The rhythm has officially entered the middle and late stages, and the economic gap between the blue and purple sides on the field has now reached 5,000.

There is a certain gap between the heroes in each position and the matchup economy.

In the early stage, Jace, the mid laner on the purple side, was originally fighting against Sword Girl, but now looking at the economy and development of the mid lane heroes on both sides, Jace is already half a piece of equipment behind Sword Girl.

The main reason is the gap caused by team economy such as defensive towers.

The only one on the purple side who still does not lag behind economically, or is even considered ahead, is Night Hunter Vayne in the ADC position.

What can even be seen is that Vayne's current equipment and economic situation are almost better than most of the heroes on the opposite blue side, and are only 800 less than Draven.

The audience was a little confused at first, but soon got the answer——

"The purple side has almost given up all its economy to Vayne."

At the commentary desk, He Tu spoke the truth:

"Including the three lines of troops, and even the few resources in the jungle, Vaien can eat almost everything she can."

"Try to ensure that the development of their core C position does not fall behind."

"So even though the purple side is at a disadvantage now, Vayne's development is not bad at all."

The audience in the audience was stunned.

Then more questions arose:

"Now give all the economy to Vayne?"

"It's not necessary..."

"Just one Vayne can't save the world now."

"You gave up the economy, and the development of other mid and top laners fell behind. Jace's QE is almost useless when he hits the opponent's front row now. What's the use of Vayne if he's well developed?"

Originally, people had a lot of doubts about Vayne's performance in the past eight or nine minutes, but now they see that all the economy has been given to the former, which has caused even more commotion and dissatisfaction.

Only in the corner of the back row of the audience, the players from the three LPL companies guessed the intention, and their expressions became more solemn——


This is putting all the chips on one person.

It's all over the place.

Shi Hang poked the shadow puppet next to him with his elbow:

"Hey, do you see an opportunity?"

The shadow puppet looked embarrassed: "At my level... I'm not an AD player."

Dawn Morning Star looked towards Huangxue Yege, as if feeling the gaze of an old friend, Huangxue Yege slowly said:


"Have to look again."

With this level of predicament, and the opponent still being Draven, even the ace AD ​​who is as powerful as God-Hand of God has to think about it with the most caution.

The situation on the field seemed to have re-entered into a stalemate.

Originally, such a see-saw stalemate was a good thing that the Purple side's Magic City decisive team was happy to see, but now that their overall economy is lagging behind, it is difficult for heroes like Jess and Fan Mom to play the expected poke role, and they cannot give enough threat to the opponent.

Moreover, during the stalemate, they need to be alert and careful at all times and keep their distance.

The prince, Japanese girl and sword girl in the front row opposite were obviously eyeing their side.

Time passes little by little.

The river crab's eye slot has finally expired.

It was also at this time that the purple side's Magic City decisive team lost the most critical field of vision in front of the river Dalong Fjord.

What’s even worse is——

Now, there are not many eye positions left on the purple square's bodies.

The update is coming. The third update will be before 12 o'clock. Go away and continue to revise the manuscript.

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