
Chapter 376 Unknown horizons

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When the baron forces the team, it doesn't mean that one side has to directly force the baron to force the opponent to come over and pick up the team.

If the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side really does this, that is what the purple side wants to see.

Because with the latter's lineup, if the opponent plays Baron, then our side can really bring out the poke effects of Jace and Fan Zi, and Kennen in the top lane also has a better chance to bypass the back, a The ultimate move plus [Flash] enters the field, which can directly cause a wave of explosions.

But it is naturally impossible for the Xiacheng decisive team to do this.

They just used the big dragon as bait, occupied the terrain position of the river and fjord in advance, took advantage of the poor vision, and then slowly looked for opportunities to take the initiative.

To put it bluntly, it's a bit like fishing.

I'm squatting here on the river and fjord. As long as you don't want me to take the dragon, you have to come.

When I catch your opportunity, I will wipe out your team or reduce a few people, and then I can take over the baron easily and surely.

The most critical factor when Baron forces a team is vision.

That's why the purple side's Magic City decisive team didn't care about the fight for the last wind dragon, and took advantage of the opponent to get the dragon, and quickly came over to arrange a round of ward positions on the Dalongfjord side.

But his vision was soon taken back by his opponent.


The only remaining river crab eye slot has expired and disappeared, and the real eyes and accessory eyes on several of our heroes have been basically used up.

The purple side's Magic City decisive team was truly in a serious situation.

Originally, they had a semi-poke lineup without a front row, so they had to be extremely careful about the position of distance. Once they were caught by the opponent's blue side's strong formation, it would be an explosive rhythm.

But now, the view of the large Dalong Gorge is almost gone.

From the perspective of the purple square, I left the upper half of my wild area and looked ahead at the river, almost shrouded in shadow and mist.

This makes it more difficult for them to confirm the location of several opponents' heroes.

It is even more difficult to maintain a safe distance.


With Jace and Fan Zi around, you can also rely on skills to remotely explore the grass and explore the field of vision. However, this method of exploring the field of vision is not reliable enough after all, so it also means that in the current situation, if their purple side continues to be here, If you are in a stalemate with your opponent, the risk factor will skyrocket.

"Someone has to answer-"

On the commentary stage, the three commentators also clearly saw the equipment columns of the five heroes on the purple side. He Tu spoke:

"I have to go home and patch up my eyes."

Lao Hei nodded, but then shook his head:

"The jungler can't return, so it's best for the support to go back."

"But if the blue side finds out, they will definitely seize this opportunity to do something."

There are only two possibilities for doing something -

One, directly open the baron.

Second, take the initiative to force a group fight.

No matter which one happens, it will definitely not be an easy situation for the purple side's Magic City decisive team to deal with - originally 5V5 has little chance of winning, if there is still a lack of a team functional support 4 If you hit 5, it will be more likely to cause trouble.

In addition, there is a crucial point.

Even if the purple side's assistant Fan Ma immediately chooses to return to the city, before Fan Ma comes back, the purple side's army's vision in the Dalongfjord area is still shrouded in fog. As long as the opponent starts to attack Baron at this time, they will It is also impossible to know immediately.

With the current damage output ability of the blue side, coupled with the effect of the earth dragon buff, it is estimated that it will only take a dozen seconds at most to defeat a big dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the Baron might be gone.

Su Xue stared closely at the OB screen on the viewing screen and murmured almost subconsciously:

"So... the situation is getting worse and worse."

As she spoke, her hands on her knees under the table had been clenched with worry at some point, and her palms were filled with sweat.

The Magic City decisive team is still decisive enough.

Since the ward position was not enough, Zeng Rui's assistant Fan Ma immediately chose to return to the city and retreated to his F6 jungle position in advance to ensure that the opponent would not notice his return to the city at the first time.

"wait for me."

"Be right back, don't be in a hurry."

Even when he returned to the city to read the article, Zeng Rui himself felt nervous. While desperately urging the progress to read the article faster, Zeng Rui kept reminding and admonishing several partners on the team's voice channel.

at the same time.

The Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side.

Controlling his top laner Rambo, he stood in the blind spot of the fjord wall's terrain. Sun Zheng quickly scanned the small map, then quickly pressed the Tab key and spoke calmly:

"The other side has no eyes."

"I'll probably go back."

Zhou Yang subconsciously licked his lips, revealing his agitated mood at the moment:

"Do you want to do it?"

"Just start the dragon, there are few people on the other side!"

In the current situation, from their blue side's perspective, they can see that several heroes on the opponent's purple side suddenly moved back slightly and moved some distance away. In all likelihood, someone on the opposite side went home to replenish their eye positions. .

The distance between the two sides is once again wide, so if you want to directly force a team fight head-on, the chances are slim.

But if you think about it the other way around, the opponent retreats cautiously because there are temporarily few people, which just gives their blue side the opportunity to seize the time and directly attack the baron.

If you can take down the baron quickly before your opponent has time to react, you will definitely make a profit.

And if the opponent is forced to come over and try to block it, after the distance is shortened, their own side will be more confident in turning around and starting a group.

One sentence also expressed what the other members of the Xiacheng decisive team were thinking.

Several people couldn't help but look at Mu Qiu.

Mu Qiu's eyes dropped slightly:

"Not urgent."

"Squat a little longer."

Still at the same time, the purple side's Magic City decisive team was here.

Zeng Rui's auxiliary Fan Mama has returned to the city. You can see on the mini map that after Fan Mama returned to the spring, she immediately turned on E to accelerate and rushed out of the base, rushing back towards the river in the upper half of the area.

But it still takes time.

Not far away, the vision near the Dragon Pit was still shrouded in a shadow fog. The figures of the heroes on the blue side on the opposite side were completely hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see clearly what was going on inside.

And the more so.

The more people feel anxious and unbearable.

You're not sure what your opponent is doing at the moment, whether he's ambushing you or you've sensed the lack of people on your side and directly attacked the baron.

"Will it open?"

Chen Ting couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

The jungle excavator controlled by Li Shiyi took two steps closer to the river with extreme caution, but even in the state of stealth underground, the ground hearing ability was still difficult to clearly capture the positions and movements of the opponent's blue side heroes. ——

The people on the other side may be standing still at this time.

Or maybe it's too far away to judge the reality.

A "prey hunting" shock wave from the excavator's Q skill shoots toward a small section of grass in the middle of the river.


"Not here."

Li Shiyi quickly reported on the team's voice channel.

Then the mid laner Jace, controlled by Tang Bingyao, fired an electric energy cannon from the QE second company towards the river Dalong Pit from a distance.

Failed again.

Perhaps due to bad luck, the purple side's two vision-finding skills failed to detect the location of the opponent's hero.

"I guess I haven't beaten the dragon yet."

Chen Ting came to a conclusion, but then he came to his senses:

"Wait, are we going to fight now?"

It seems a little too suspicious to say it, but at this time, the most difficult thing to judge is the opponent's intention. Maybe the opponent is waiting for a few of their own vision skills to pass, and then relaxes their vigilance and turns around to open the baron immediately?

Even if they take advantage of this brief moment of relaxation, they might not be able to make a comeback?

All because there is no vision in the Dalong Pit.

Everything can only be judged by guesswork.

At this time, whether Jace or Excavator on the purple side, if they want to have the next round of vision, they need to wait for at least seven or eight seconds of skill CD time, but if the opponent really opens the baron at this time, , seven or eight seconds is enough time for the opponent to knock the baron down to the residual health line——

At that time, if the purple side reacted and tried to stop them, it would be too late.

"I still have a real eye."

Tang Bingyao's voice suddenly sounded in the team's voice channel.

The girl bit her teeth lightly, her eyes flashing with bright and adventurous light:

"I'll release it!"

This is also the last remaining eye position on the purple side.

The most ideal position is to insert this true eye directly into the dragon pit through the wall, so that the Magic City decisive team can obtain the most critical piece of vision information and take reassurance.

"Too dangerous!"

While her auxiliary Fan Mom was still on her way back, Zeng Rui's anxious objections came from the team's voice channel:

"do not go!"

"They might be squatting on us!"

This is indeed the case.

Lin Feng did not speak, because even he could not easily make the most correct judgment at this time. Li Shiyi and Chen Ting hesitated. They knew the danger, but they also knew that if the True Eye could light up the world, The view inside the dragon pit is extremely important to them.

And Tang Bingyao has directly controlled his mid laner Jace to approach the Dalong Fjord without hesitation.

The route I took was around the upper half of my home.

Quickly stick to the wall.

A real eye on the partition wall was inserted into the Dalongfjord pit.


Almost at the moment when the real eye fell through the wall.

Even the vision in the Dalong Pit has not been lit up yet.

In the shadow and darkness of the Dragon Pit, a ray of golden sunlight shot out suddenly, pointing directly at Jace!

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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