
Chapter 374 How to find opportunities

The game time has reached the 26th minute.

After destroying the three outer towers of the opponent's purple side army, the blue side's Xiacheng decisive team had no other follow-up actions for the time being, but continued to maintain control and suppression of the resources and vision in the jungle.

The economic gap between the blue and purple legions on the field also slowly widened from more than 2,000 to 3,000, and then to nearly 4,000.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the situation for the purple square magic city to win the team is becoming increasingly unfavorable.

The widening gap in team economy is already worrying enough. After all, as I said before, if you have a semi-poke lineup like Purple Side, if mid laner Jess and auxiliary Fanma's long-distance poke consumption slowly become When the opponent's front row heroes cannot be hit, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Once the opponent's economy increases, the wave of explosive damage caused by forcefully opening the formation will bring further fatal threats to your crispy lineup like the purple side.

Your poke damage is impressive.

People's damage is getting more and more explosive, but you don't have a front row.

Just these two items are enough to reflect the passive situation faced by the decisive team in the Magic City at this moment.

Not to mention--

In addition to the team's economic backwardness, the comprehensive suppression of vision is even more fatal to the purple army.

Although it can be seen that the purple side's Magic City decisive team is still trying hard to stabilize the rhythm even in a passive disadvantageous situation. Each of the heroes in the five positions has at least one or even two real eyes, as much as possible Move your eye position outside the high ground.

But on the small map, the audience under the God's perspective OB screen can still see effortlessly that the control field of view belonging to the purple side only occupies less than one-third of the entire canyon map.

Most of the rest are under the control of the opponent's blue army.

From the first point of view of the five people on the purple side, almost as soon as they enter their wild area, they are surrounded by large areas of shadow and fog, as if every dead corner of the terrain and every piece of grass hides fatal dangers.

"In this case... the purple side won't dare to go out at all."

Lao Hei on the commentary table sighed.

Next to him, He Tu nodded and answered:


Development is also severely restricted. "

"The less vision you have, the more you can only stay in front of the high ground to close the line, and all your own wild area resources will be given away. Then the economic development gap with your opponent will only widen -"

Su Xue's eyes fell on the small map. Although she tried hard to maintain an objective and neutral attitude as a professional commentator, she still couldn't hide her anxiety and worry:

“Development is one aspect.”

"More importantly, the next really critical competition for resources in the jungle."

"If the purple side can't even get out of the house easily, then the big and small dragons will have no vision at all. If the other side wants to attack the dragon, there will be even less pressure."


Of course, Xiaolong may not be important yet.

The fourth little dragon that will be refreshed in one minute is still just an insignificant wind attribute dragon. This is definitely a good thing for the current Magic City decisive team. Even if the wind dragon is given up to the opponent, it will still be a good thing. It will not have a decisive impact on the direction of this game.

But Dalong is different.

At present, although the economy has lagged behind the opponent, at least if the purple side sticks to the high ground and relies on the clearing ability of Jace and Fan Mom, it can still cope with the defense in front of the highland tower.

But once the opponent gets the baron...

If the troops with the buff effect of the Baron gather together and reach the high ground, the wave clearing ability of Jace and Fan Zi will be greatly reduced.

in other words--

As long as the opponent gets the baron, the high ground on the purple side is basically unsafe.

Therefore, the small dragon can be given away, but the big dragon must not be thrown away.

Losing the Baron can almost declare that the victory of this game will be handed over.

"This one, I feel that the situation of the Magic City Victory Team is even more severe than the previous two games."

Lao Hei couldn't help but sigh like this again.

The audience in the audience couldn't help but nod when they heard this. They also had the same feeling. In the first two games, not to mention that the first game was the Magic City decisive team's first win. Although they lost the second game, It also maintained its lead for a time.

At this point...

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Of course, it is not unreasonable. After all, the lineup of the blue Fangxia City decisive team is really well chosen. A strong opening lineup, combined with ADC Draven, can maximize the offensiveness. It is just right. The reckless fighting tactics restrained the opponent to a certain extent.

But then again——

For the Purple side's Magic City Finals team, didn't this one also make certain adjustments and changes during the ban selection process?

Why does it make people feel that it is getting worse?

"I feel like Vayne's choice... might as well be EZ."

In the audience under the stage, whispers began to sound like this:

"That's right, I feel that if they are good at EZ, the purple team's lineup will have a stronger poke ability."

"EZ plus Jess plus fan mom, it's obviously more powerful."

"The best one is Vayne, but she doesn't fit in well with the lineup."

"The performance in the early stage is okay, but in the middle and late stages, it is not coordinated with the lineup, and Vayne has no effect -"


We can't blame the audience for being picky, but it seems to be the case. We can't deny that when the purple ADC Vayne was brought out in the early stage, her performance in the laning phase was indeed better than the previous two EZs. better.

When facing Draven, he did not fall behind.

But it seems that as the game progresses, towards the middle and late stages, although Vayne's development has not fallen behind, her role in various team battles and tower defense has become smaller and smaller.


At least in the first two games, EZ was able to continue to consume pokes in team battles.

But now that you have Vayne in your hand and defended the tower for several waves, you basically can only stay in the back row of your own formation, letting Jess and Fan Mom clear the line, but you can't even step forward to draw the A point.

It has also become another kind of soy sauce in disguise.

Of course, this view was immediately met with strong opposition and refutation from the water-loving fans who were in the audience to support the Magic City Finals:

"What did you say?"

"This Vayne is useless!"

"If it hadn't been for Vayne in the early stage, Draven would have taken off long ago, right?"

"And those few operations during the laning phase, Xiaolong's three-kill wave in team battles, wasn't Vayne's carry?"

However, even with such an argument, it still cannot convince other viewers:

"That's the early stage——"

"Look at what else Vayne has done in these six or seven minutes?"

"There's no performance at all."

"To put it bluntly, it's not a matter of operation, it's just that I can't pick up the hero well. I have to choose AD according to the lineup. I picked up Vayne so suddenly, and it's impossible to really save the world by myself..."

For a while, they couldn't talk to other viewers. The water fans in the support group could only suppress their tempers, but they still did not forget to emphasize angrily:

"Just wait and see!"

"Fengfeng, there must be a way to carry it!"

As loyal fans of Su Xue's live broadcast room, these water friends have unconditional trust in someone's ADC Vayne.

No matter what the situation is, as long as someone gets the Night Hunter, miracles will definitely happen.

In the corner of the back row of the auditorium, the players from the three LPL companies are also very familiar with Lin Feng's Vayne strength, but it is difficult for them to be optimistic enough about the current situation.

"It's not easy..."

Shi Hang shook his head and sighed.

Konjac was also thinking hard: "How can Vayne find an opportunity in this situation?"

The shadow puppet spoke cautiously:

"I feel it's hard."

"You have to catch the opponent's mistakes."

Dawn Morning Star nodded and shook his head:

"It's not enough to just catch the opponent's mistakes in irrelevant positions."

"In a lineup like the blue side, even if one person is reduced, the remaining four people will still have a strong fighting power. If Vayne is asked to hand over some key skills in advance just to kill one person, the team battle will still be It’s not easy to win.”

Huangxue Yege narrowed her eyes slightly:


"The most ideal target is Draven."

Glory Executioner Draven is also the absolute core of this blue army.

If it can be killed and captured, the outcome can really be decided in an instant.

However, when Huangxue Yege said these words, there was a sudden silence in the corner of the back row. All the LPL players looked at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads.


too difficult.

Not to mention that the lineup of the Magic City Finals team lacks the ability to forcefully start a team and cut into the back row. In addition, Draven on the opposite side is operated by Mu Qiu.

It can be cut wherever it is said to be cut.

If in order to kill a Draven, one's own side had to pay the lives of two or even three people, it would still be of no use.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look towards the viewing screen on the stage, looking at the figure of the purple ADC Vayne clearing troops in front of the high ground, seemingly still waiting patiently:

Keep waiting like this...

If you still can't find a way.

This one is really gone.

The update is here. The next chapter should be after nine o'clock. I still have some work to do in the evening.

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