
Chapter 358 Professional level?

Obviously the game had only lasted less than ten minutes.

But for the audience in the audience, it seemed as if they had watched a whole game.

Because in the first ten minutes, the battle between the two sides on the field was so fierce and exciting, it was really a feast for their eyes.

There is no need to say more about the upper midfielder.

The rhythm is similar to the previous two.

Mainly the bottom lane.

In this game, there were a total of nine kills, and six of them were centered around the ADC players on both sides of the bottom lane.

Vayne vs. Draven.

The bottom lane matchup of this one really meets everyone's perfect expectations for this BO5 battle early on. Unlike the previous two games where Lucian suppressed EZ or Draven suppressed EZ, this time the Magic City decisive team Taking out the ADC Vayne, I really fought with the opposing Glory Executioner to the point of being evenly matched without giving an inch!

"102 knives versus 102 knives!"

"The last hit is completely flat!"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk couldn't help but praise:

"You can see these basic skills, the abilities of the ADC players on both sides!"

There was also a commotion in the audience, especially the top 16 participating teams in the front row. The team members couldn't help but show their sincere expressions.


Even if you let people play a match-making game, and things go smoothly, eighty or ninety dollars in 10 minutes is considered a good or even excellent stable figure, and the level of more than 100 dollars——

This is already an answer that only professional-level ADCs can deliver.

And, don’t forget.

How fierce was the battle in the bottom lane in the early stage.

In such an intense and tit-for-tat situation, the ADC players on both sides still managed to maintain such a last-hit data despite two head swaps. That is something that ordinary professional players may not be able to do easily and calmly. .

"This level...is it enough to reach the professional level?"

Some members of the top 16 teams couldn't help but murmur like this.

The back row of the auditorium.

I could vaguely hear the commotion coming from the front, and the players and players from the three LPL companies couldn't help but roll their eyes:

"Enough" to reach the professional level?

What a joke.

Active LPL players like them have too much say in this kind of thing. Not to mention ordinary second- and third-rate professional ADCs, even if it were them, they might not be able to deal with the level of bottom lane matchup just now. to any benefit at all.

Even if they were to replace them, if they were in the same position as Vayne or Draven, it would be very possible for them to be single-killed by the opponent...

KG's ADC player Konjac couldn't help but look ashamed.

He just didn't have the nerve to say it.

However, during daily training before, he and Lin Feng had had several battles in the bottom lane. Although he was not single-killed many times, there was no suspense that he was crushed to death and had no room to breathe at all - —

The number of last hits was barely stable at 70 or 80 in 10 minutes, which made him feel complacent at the time, and he used it to brag to other teammates in the team:

"Do you know, today I faced off against Maple God in the bottom lane, and in ten minutes I was only beaten twenty or thirty times!"

Of course, this does not mean that as a first-line professional ADC player, there is a question of how much strength there is.

Konjac himself is not a type that is good at laning operations. He is better at resisting pressure in the early stage and developing stable output in the mid-to-late game - he is considered a half-blue-collar ADC player. After all, the core of the KG team has always been Put it on Tian Tian's top road.

Another thing to consider is that the opponent he faces is Lin Feng.

When someone's strength returns to its peak, let alone Konjac, the entire LPL and even the world's professional e-sports circles want to find a few ADC players who can face him purely in laning operations without falling behind. , it is indeed possible to count them with one slap.

But this also reflects another point——

Someone in such a state was completely overwhelmed by his opponent in the first two rounds of today's BO5 matchup.

Even in the third game now, someone finally used the Night Hunter Vayne, who was in full firepower, but the opposing Glory Executioner Draven was still calm and stable. It is difficult to tell the difference between the two until now. High or low.

It can be seen that the ace AD ​​of the Xiacheng decisive team has reached a state of strength.


Such a matchup in the bottom lane cannot be described as "good enough" for a professional level.

It should be said that the vast majority of professional ADs may not be able to compete in the bottom lane at this level.

The game time has reached just over ten minutes.

On the stage, on the side of the purple square magic city decisive team, Lin Feng's voice sounded on the team's voice channel;

"Eleven, get ready to go downstairs."

"Tangtang is here too."

This may be the first time in three games that Lin Feng took the initiative to call for support from his wing and jungle teammates during the early laning process.

The first two are out of shape.

Now that we are determined to go all out in this game, many things need to be considered more seriously, objectively and calmly.

Lin Feng looked at the blue ADC Draven behind the military line not far away, and the light in his eyes flickered.

Vayne, who took him, was not in a rush for the early game.

But what you need to guard against is your opponent's variation speed.

In a pure 2V2 situation, he may be able to withstand the pressure in the early stage, but as the time goes on, the damage of Draven on the opposite side Aqiu will become more and more difficult, and it will become more and more difficult for him to cope with it——

After all, my assistant here is just a fan mother, half crispy.

Even if the opponent doesn't use his Vayne, as long as Zeng Rui's Apocalypse Karma is used first, the control of the Japanese girl is given, and Draven can directly follow up with the damage, and he can kill Karma in one wave.

And if the assistant dies, Vayne will also lack the corresponding protection and can only retreat.

This is determined by the characteristics of the hero and the combination.


Based on his familiarity and understanding of Aqiu, the latter will never be satisfied with constant head swaps. He will definitely continue to speed up the offensive pace and increase the intensity of the attack. So first of all, his defensive outer tower in the bottom lane must be the opponent's target. The first tactical target to be removed.

Soon the voices of Li Shiyi and Tang Bingyao came from the team's voice channel:



Compared with the command arrangement of someone on the purple side on the team's voice channel, the commentary in the competition venue and the audience's perspective through the OB screen, they can see the game situation at this moment more clearly. :

"The excavator and Jace on the purple side are already approaching the lower road."

"Yeah, but the prince and the sword girl on the blue side are also heading down the road."

"Both sides in this wave should be heading towards the opponent's bottom lane outer tower."

"If it's 4V4..."

"Is it possible to fight another group head-on?"

Hetu and Lao Hei both cheered up slightly.

The live players and spectators in the auditorium were also in high spirits.

In the last wave of fire dragon competition, the two sides did not really engage in a team battle, so this time, it may be the first wave of serious-scale team battle in this game.

Who wins and who loses?

In the back row of the audience, KG’s jungler C touched his chin:

"It stands to reason..."

"This side should have a better advantage in the Demon City Finals, right?"

The update is here, and the fourth update is done. I will continue to stabilize the third update tomorrow, and if possible, continue with the fourth update.

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