
Chapter 357 Hope always exists

The first fire dragon finally fell into the bag of the purple square magic city decisive team.

In fact, it was expected. After all, the blue side lost a jungler, and naturally lost the most powerful means to compete for Xiaolong. For the sake of safety, they chose to give up in advance.

"Getting this fire dragon is really a good thing for the purple side -"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk couldn't help but praise:

"Whether it is Jace or Vayne, with the effect of the Fire Dragon buff, their combat effectiveness will be significantly improved."

"And the key point is that this dragon didn't let the opponent's blue army get it, which is even more lucky."

Su Xue next to her answered with a smile on her face:

"Of course, the fact that we were able to capture this wave of fire dragons was mainly due to Vayne -"


In fact, the audience in the audience also thought the same way. Compared with the fire dragon that had just been obtained by the purple army, it was Vayne's decisive operation to kill the prince that impressed them more.

It was almost an electric moment.

Originally, the blue side's Xiacheng decisive team relied on the decisive Draven to kill the opponent's auxiliary Fan Mom first, and had already gained the absolute advantage in the next Fire Dragon team battle——

If there were no accidents, this fire dragon should have belonged to the Xiacheng decisive team.

But at that moment——

ADC Vayne, who was controlled by someone, chose to take action.

Just turn it up.

The Q skill moves and rolls forward to point directly at the blue jungler prince.

Take action from level A, then use the scimitar to slow down.

Just before the opponent's auxiliary Japanese girl's ultimate move "Solar Flare" was activated, and the golden dazzling spots were about to burst out under her feet, Vayne's E skill "Devil's Judgment" connected with "Flash" and shot almost simultaneously.

E flash!

The figure suddenly shifted and shifted.

Perfectly adjusted angle.

The thick and heavy crossbow bolt left the bow with a bang and hit the target prince Jiawen's body firmly, knocking him back and nailing him to the wall.

Coupled with the damage of his own mid laner Jace and jungler Digger who arrived, he directly took the prince's head.

"This courage... is really big——"

Seeing the replay of the footage shown by the director on the big screen, the audience couldn't help but gasped and exclaimed in amazement.

Just that E flash.

It's simply stunning.

It was no less decisive than Draven's wave of killing blows that killed Fan Mom a few seconds ago, and judging from the results, the gains were even more substantial.

The fans of the Magic City Victory Support Group were all smiling at this moment:

"Oh, yes, yes! This is how we should fight!"

"This is Fengfeng's level!"

"Basic operations, basic operations, don't panic, sit down, everyone~ The real show has not begun yet!"

In the last row of the auditorium, the players and players from the three LPL companies could not help but nod subconsciously:

"I'm back in good shape..."

"This is the rhythm Maple God should have."

"The first two EZs were like sleepwalking... this Vayne is the right one."

Even Huangxue Yege couldn't help but smile on his face:


“It’s the feeling that’s all about it.”

"This is just the beginning. Next...is the real highlight of the fierce confrontation."

The morale of the blue Fangxia City decisive team on the stage was a little low at the moment.

After giving away his own head and even his first fire dragon, Wu Tian, ​​the jungle prince, looked timid at this moment:

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Just because of his own mistake, it directly sent his opponent a big wave of rhythm. Otherwise, if the blue side captured this fire dragon, they would at least increase their chances of winning by more than 10%.

But in fact, Wu Tian cannot be entirely blamed.

Because including him, as well as several other members of the Xiacheng decisive team, they did not expect the wave of Vayne's violence just now.

The big move that Xia Ziyou's auxiliary Japanese girl just made also failed.

Vayne's E-dodge operation made her dodge in a stunning and elegant way.

"Steady, steady, slow down!"

Zhou Yang, the mid laner, worked hard to boost everyone’s morale:

"Brother Mu's Draven is still developing very well. When the equipment is better, we can still be on the same level as the top players!"

Although I am trying so hard to cheer up.

But when he said these words, Zhou Yang himself didn't notice that his tone was slightly uncertain.

Because although the core ace ADC on their side is still developing very smoothly, the ADC on the opposite side... has become completely different.

Mu Qiu's eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze always falling on the purple square ADC Night Hunter opposite:


"Take it easy."

Although the conflict between the fire dragons just now was fierce, when people regained their composure and looked back, they realized that the game only lasted about eight minutes.

It's far from the time to officially enter the mid-term team play.

The ownership of the first fire dragon was decided, and the blue and purple armies on the field withdrew, returning to a new round of laning development rhythm.

And slowly, those who are interested can find that the economic gap between the two teams is gradually widening as time goes by.

one thousand.

One thousand and five.

two thousand.

It is a subtle change that is as silent as moisturizing things.

The number of kills is still the same, and these economic differences continue to mainly come from the number of last hits and jungle clearing.

The gap in personal ability between the top, middle and jungle players of both teams will continue to play a role and be reflected in the game.

Game time is 9 minutes and 40 seconds.

Summoner's Rift, in the middle lane, the purple side jungler excavator roamed in a wave of gank, and cooperated with his own mid laner Jace, directly jumped over the tower and forcibly killed the sword girl.

The digger got the head.

At the same time, the jungler Prince of the blue side wandered onto the road, and also cooperated with his top laner teammate Rambo's wave of pressure and tower overcoming, but in the end he was counterattacked by the top laner of the purple side, Kennen, before dying. The prince's head was forcibly replaced.

The head count of the blue and purple sides on the field became 4 to 5.

But the economic gap between the two sides is further widening.

"The Xiacheng decisive gank on the road will suffer a big loss."

At the commentary desk, Lao Hei couldn't help but shake his head:

"Open a big counterattack under the Kainan Tower, and the army line has just been eaten up. It will definitely not be a loss if you take a jungler's head with the counterattack - and after the prince dies, the jungle excavator here is still good in the decisive battle in the magic city. Take advantage of the situation and invade the wild area to counter a wave of wild monsters.”

"The prince's development rhythm will be greatly interrupted."

Su Xue nodded in agreement:

"Furthermore, the sword girl in the middle was killed by jumping over the tower, and a large wave of troops were lost. It is estimated that it will be difficult to have a voice to stand up before the mid-term——"

Hetu nodded slightly:

"The gap between the top, middle and jungle is quite obvious. "

"This time... the situation of Xiacheng's decisive victory is not optimistic so far."

As he spoke, he looked towards the bottom lane of the OB screen on the viewing screen, looking at the figure of the blue ADC Draven:


"As long as Draven doesn't have any problems."

"Their hope of winning ... is still there."

The third update is here, go away and continue to code the fourth chapter. It happens to be the weekend, so I have a little more time to rest. I can also support the previous manuscripts. I hope everyone who is capable can give a reward and support~

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