
Chapter 356 Look at me

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The game has reached just over seven minutes.

At present, the number of heads on the scene is still tied at 2 to 2 between the blue and purple sides.

All four heads were generated in the bottom lane.

However, the team economy of the Purple Square Magic City decisive team is slightly ahead of its opponents by almost a thousand or so. This part of the economy mainly comes from the gap in last hit.

“Both the top lane and the middle lane, it’s the Magic City’s decisive victory that takes the lead——”

At the commentary desk, Lao Hei glanced at the battle data table at the bottom of the OB screen. He could see that on the side of the purple side, top laner Kennen was almost fifteen times ahead of his opponent's top laner Rambo.

The mid laner, Jess, wanted even more, overpowering the opponent's mid laner, Dao Girl, on the blue side, by twenty-two swords.

It's all purely a suppression advantage from the laning.

Hetu's eyes fell on the data of the opposing junglers:

"The same goes for the jungle side."

"The jungle excavator on the Magic City Finals team has two more jungles than the jungle prince on the blue side."

This situation is actually expected and reasonable. After all, even judging from the first two games, the personal abilities of the midfielders in the Magic City decisive game are much better than those in the Xiacheng decisive game.

Su Xue also took over the words and nodded slightly:

"Down the road——"

“It’s still flat for now.”

The ADC heroes on both sides, even in such a fierce battle in the early stage, still maintained a neck-to-neck and leading CS data.

Their respective economies also remain the highest among their own teams.

Of course, if the economic gap is only about a thousand yuan, it will not have much impact on the current war situation.

"If you really want to get started, the key is the first little dragon."

This is what Hetu commented.

Today's dragon refresh attribute seems to be full of gunpowder. The first one at the beginning of this game is another fire dragon.

"Blue Fangxia City won't let go easily.


Su Xue quickly gave her opinion:

"The mid laner Sword Girl, AD Draven, and the jungle prince, their lineup still needs the buff blessing of the Fire Dragon to strengthen their offensive capabilities and damage."

"And for the next wave of teams, their lineup is very competitive."

The old black man next to him answered and added:

"But this time, we have the capital to fight for the decisive victory in the Magic City."

indeed so.

In the first two games, because the bottom lane has always been the clear advantage of the Xiacheng decisive team and has absolute initiative, so the first dragon can often win more calmly and steadily, and the Magic City decisive team is here Then there is not enough certainty to win.

But this round was different.

In this game, Ezreal is no longer used as the ADC position in Magic City.

The selected night hunter Vayne unexpectedly directly competed with the opponent's Glory Executioner in the early stage.

The rhythm is not inferior at all.

The momentum never retreated.

He did not let the opponent's bottom lane combination take any advantage from him, nor did he give up the connection rights to the opponent's hands.

This makes the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side have to cast a rat weapon if they want to activate the first fire dragon in this game, and they can no longer be as calm and easy as the previous two games.

In addition, Wu Tian's jungle prince was countered by two groups of wild monsters by Li Shiyi. The early jungle route seemed to have been thoroughly exploited. Now he is naturally more vigilant and careful, without sufficient safety guarantees. , it is absolutely impossible to come alone and drive Xiaolong alone.

Hetu's eyes fell on the mini map:

"However, the junglers on both sides are already moving towards the lower half -"

As the commentary said, the jungle heroes on both sides began to approach the river in the lower half.

It was obvious that no one was going to give in to the first fire dragon.

Especially for the purple team's Magic City decisive victory, this time their bottom lane has already exerted a completely different momentum from the previous two games. Even if they are facing Draven who slashed the super god in the previous game, they are still not inferior. Half a point.

Therefore, they are fully qualified and confident to fight for this fire dragon.

"Vayne's combat effectiveness is no worse than Draven's at this time."

“And it’s more flexible.”

In the back corner of the auditorium, Shi Hang gave his conclusion.

The shadow puppet glanced at the summoner skill bar status of the heroes on both sides of the field:

"It should wait a little longer."

"Waiting for the double summons of Vayne and Draven——"

During the previous wave of first- and second-blood battles, the ADC players on both sides used all the summoner skills at the same time, and in about half a minute, their respective [Flash] and [Healing] would be cooled down.

"You can wait a little longer."

Dawn Morning Star added this.

What we have to wait for here is the time when both ADC heroes reach level six.

Especially on Vayne's side, the combat power of the Night Hunter who has ultimate skills after level 6 is almost completely different from that before level 6 - and naturally has more room for maneuver.

As for the blue side, if Draven learns the ultimate move at level 6, he can also add considerable damage, and the Japanese girl's teamfighting ability can also be improved to a higher level at level 6.

At that time, both sides have their chips ready, and they can really open up the battle and have a good team battle around the first fire dragon.


No one expected that the war would break out so quickly.

In the bottom lane, when the new wave of troops was completed by the ADCs of both sides, the bottom lane combinations on both sides began to move closer to the river in the jungle.

On the purple side, Zeng Rui's auxiliary Fan Mom took the lead in accelerating into the grass and prepared to control the field of view in advance.

But never thought about it.

The opponent's jungle prince happened to be stuck in the front position. The moment Fan Ma entered the grass, the two of them collided.

Zeng Rui almost immediately controlled Kalma to turn around and retreat.

The Prince's EQ Second Company has already taken action.

The fan mother flashed in an instant, and with a burst of bright golden light, her figure suddenly disappeared and retreated backwards.

However, the next moment.

The Glory Executioner on the blue side dodges directly!

Bravely pursue and follow up!

Level A, followed by E, opened the way and swung the ax with his hand, smashing Fan Ma, who staggered and was pushed aside, almost falling into the beam path of the Japanese girl's E skill "Zenith Blade".

The Japanese girl suddenly faced, swung her shield and knocked it down, dizzying and controlling the target.

Draven fired his spinning ax one after another and then finished with his ultimate move. The first damage directly emptied the health bar above Karma's head and took him away.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The game screen on the computer screen in front of Zeng Rui suddenly turned into a black and white TV.

Just like his suddenly pale face:


The audience under the stage was in a roar.

People were moved by this wave of blue side ADC Draven's decisive killing.

"Once Mother Fan dies, it will be hard to fight for this wave of dragons and the Demon City to win."

Lao Hei on the commentary table commented, with a bit of regret in his tone.

same moment.

On the purple side of the stage, someone's voice sounded on the team's voice channel:


"Look at me."

The moment the words fell.

There was a faint chuckle in front of the river near the lower road in the canyon.

"Let us hunt...those who fall into the darkness."

The moving and tapping sounds of the mouse and keyboard suddenly became crisp and rapid, exploding into a line.

Vayne opens up.


A few seconds later, the system’s female voice announced the kill again:

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

The jungle prince of the blue side died in battle.

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