
Chapter 355 I don’t want to see it

Five and a half minutes into the game.

Two waves of head-kill battles broke out in the bottom lane.

Both times, the lives of the ADC heroes on both sides were exchanged.

The blue side ADC Draven has a record of 2/2/0; the purple side ADC Vayne has a record of 2/2/0.

The pace is too fast.

The fight was too fierce.

It even reached a point where the audience was stunned.

In an Internet café in a small town next to Xiamen City in Fujian Province, the young members of the Peak Team sitting in front of the computer screen in the corner seats were almost dumbfounded:

"Changed... again?"

"Wow, how did you do it? Each wave just happened to be replaced by the last fight——"

"That Vayne opposite suddenly became so strong..."

"Brother Mu's Draven isn't bad either!"

One of the little boys couldn't help but timidly said: "But, actually, you don't need to be so fierce...be a little more steady. Isn't it good to do a last-ditch attack first - or wait until the jungler comes over to gank?"


Such a scene and the intensity of the fighting are really frightening.

It almost gives people the thrilling feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife. Both ADCs seem to be playing with fire and betting on luck. With this level of thrills, no matter who is slightly less lucky, he may lose his life. The opponent escaped with blood.

With the mentality and playing style of most ordinary ADC players, and even many professional ADC players, they would not easily make such a risky move——

What's more, it happened twice in just a few minutes.

Zhang Xin frowned tightly. At this time, he temporarily forgot about Zhou Mo and turned his attention to the bottom lane duel in the live broadcast of the game:

"Brother Mu and the others must have thought more carefully than us."

"Such a duel..."

“They should have their own reasons.


indeed so.

At the competition venue, in the last row of the audience, players from the three LPL companies were also talking in low voices:

"It's really a bit fierce to fight..."

"Mom Fan, please save some effort here. Give her a shield and a rope to hold her, and leave the rest to Vayne herself—"

"The Japanese girl is not the same. You can see that the Japanese girl's E skill was empty-handed several times in the early stage, and then she immediately flashed her face to Q. She also relied on Draven to press ahead and force Vayne's position..."

"The ADs on both sides are really strong——"

"We've been on target since the launch, and it seems like we haven't missed a single last hit..."

"Both ADs on both sides were blocked at least five times when their starting hands were blocked by the other side."

"If it were me, I would have gone crazy long ago——"

After all, they are top LPL active professional players, and they can see far more details than ordinary viewers. The more so, the more thrilling the battle between the two ADCs on the field becomes in their eyes.

But in the eyes of Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege, Shi Hang and Tian Tian.

Just go deeper.

"Both sides...are being restrained by the other."

Shi Hang took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and gave his own judgment.

The morning star nodded slowly:


"No one can relax first——"

"Whoever takes a step back, even half a step, will be tapped one or even twice by the other party."

"Aye is right. This is not only a competition of operations, but also a competition of courage and determination."

The heads of the two waves of ADC are swapped.

It seems like too much of a coincidence, but in fact it is the inevitable result of the joint efforts of both players.

"In terms of pure operation, Fengzi and Aqiu are almost evenly matched so far."

Tian Tian pursed his lips:

"Without jungle support, if we continue to fight, there will probably be no other unexpected situations——"

At this time, Huangxue Yege suddenly said:

"But there shouldn't be a third head swap."

As he spoke, he looked at the big viewing screen on the stage, with a deep light in his eyes:

"Continue to change heads——"

"This is something neither side wants to see."

"It's a very simple reason——"

Taipei, the base of the Assassin Club, Nian Shisan, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, was a good teacher. He patiently analyzed and explained to the Assassin team members sitting next to him:

"In the early stage, the junglers on both sides have not yet come to the bottom lane, but the ADs of both sides are restrained and forced by each other, and they also have a certain degree of tentative mentality, so they are so out of control that they exchanged kills in two consecutive waves. "

"But then, it won't work if we continue to do this."

"For Vayne, seeing Draven taking people's heads like this, of course it's not okay -"

"After all, Draven's passivity is not for show. If you let him brush heads endlessly, you won't be able to see much from one head. Two heads, three heads, even if you keep swapping them, he will become more economical. The speed will quickly widen the gap between Vayne."

"How scary a Draven that develops quickly in the early stage can be, hehe... you all saw it in the last game."

"Of course, the same is true for Draven."

"Waien is already a strong big C in the mid-to-late game. If you let him take kills and equip his equipment early in the early stage, it will pose a great threat to the opponent in other positions -"

"Especially because of Maple's operation. If he does this a few more times, he can directly kill the top jungler in the mid-term, show two, show three, it won't be a problem."


Read Thirteen to summarize:

"Both sides need to start to be more restrained and not continue to forcefully replace heads so recklessly."

"Unless it's a sure-kill opportunity,...you have to wait patiently."

All the assassin team members suddenly nodded, and one team member asked curiously:

"So Captain, which side do you prefer?"

Nian Shisan paused for a moment and waved his hand angrily:

"Do it! What a problem!"

"Who can see this kind of thing now!?"


It’s not just the bottom lane that looks evenly matched at the moment.

By about six minutes into the game, the Blue and Purple sides also showed a balanced rhythm.

The head count is 2 to 2.

Only two waves of head-killing battles broke out in the bottom lane.

The junglers of both sides have already launched their first wave of gank roams, but they only managed to capture one or two summoner skills of the opposing lane heroes, and did not directly gain kills.

Indeed, by the third game, both players were playing more and more cautiously.

Through the first two games, both sides have become more familiar with their opponents' styles and routines, and have become more methodical in dealing with them.

What is worthy of praise is that the Xiacheng Finals team on the blue side actually has players in the upper, middle and jungle areas that are obviously inferior to their opponents in the Magic City Finals. However, so far, they have played very calmly and solidly in the early stages, even if they are certain. The degree of suppression did not give the opponent a real opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Both sides should develop for a while."

On the commentary platform, He Tu gave his judgment:

"The one who is slightly likely to be the next wave of crossfire should be the first dragon."

The update is here, and I will continue to code the next chapter. I will try to update three or four chapters today, and take part in a lot of activities before finishing the book.

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