
Chapter 359 Big Heart!

Game time is 11 minutes and 35 seconds.

Accompanied by the prompt announcement of the female voice of the system, the outer defense tower of the purple square bottom lane collapsed and turned into ruins amidst a burst of rumble.

There were exclamations from the audience in the audience.

And in the back row of the auditorium, with the players from the three LPL companies, Lao C’s expression suddenly became very embarrassed, and after stumbling for a long time, he finally managed to say:


"It's a bit fierce."

Half a minute ago, he was also expressing his opinion in advance about this wave of 4V4 battles in the bottom lane. He believed that if there was to be a head-on team fight during this period, the purple side of the Magic City Decisive Team should have an advantage.

But he didn't expect that just half a minute after making this judgment, the side he originally thought was more dominant was destroyed by the defensive outer tower of the bottom lane.

Fortunately, the other three LPL players sitting next to Old C at this time did not laugh at the former too much, and all of them had understanding looks on their faces:

"Hey, I really didn't expect-"

"I just thought that the purple one should be the first to break the outer tower on the opposite side of the road..."

"Who would have thought that Draven... is so fierce."

In the conversations and sighs, the truth of the answer to the puzzle has been vaguely revealed.

A wave of 4V4 in the bottom lane came as expected half a minute ago.

The process does not need to be described in detail.

The details of the stalemate and the stalemate between the players on both sides in the bottom lane also need no introduction.

The key to breaking the deadlock falls solely on the blue side's ADC Draven.

That was when the Glory Executioner suddenly caught everyone off guard. He opened W, accelerated his position, and pressed forward. He hit the target's purple jungle excavator with two rotating axes and level A, and instantly exploded the top of the void burrowing beast's head. A portion of the health bar.

Jess, the mid laner on the purple side, subconsciously backhands QE for two consecutive shots.

Draven did not retreat but advanced.

Withstanding the damage from this electric energy cannon,

The E skill "Clearance Ax" in his hand suddenly threw it towards Jace.

Hitting the unprepared future guardian instantly, knocking him back and causing him to stumble to the side.


It fell on the trajectory of the E skill "Zenith Blade" that was destined to fail after the blue side assisted the Japanese girl.

As a result, the Japanese girl shifted and protruded her face.

Answer Q.

Give big.

A set of control directly controlled Jace for nearly three seconds, and such a long control time was enough for the jungle prince and mid laner Sword Girl on the blue side to react and pounce, and it was also enough for De Levine calmly pulled away to gain distance and dealt his fair share of damage before retreating to a safe position.

So Jace was killed, and his head fell into the bag of the single-sword girl in the blue square.

The team fight wasn’t even a frontal outbreak.

The Purple side's Magic City Finals team directly lost one of their core mid laners.

Then the four-person troops from the Blue Fangxia City Decisive Team pressed in together. The three from the Purple Fang were forced to retreat. The HP of the defense tower was gradually reduced by consumption. The prince and the sword girl continued to move forward. , so that the purple side can only abandon the tower and evacuate directly.

"You really dare to fight!"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk was almost full of praise, with a sigh:

"In this situation of 4V4, an ADC dared to move forward like this, counterattacked against the excavator and Jess on the opposite side, and found an opportunity to help his support continue a wave of control combo that no one could have imagined. ——”

"You can't even write this kind of operation in a script, right?"

Next to him, He Tu nodded vigorously in agreement:

"That's right."

"The merit of this wave of Draven is not how much damage he dealt, but the fact that he created almost impossible opportunities from a deadlock."

"This kind of ability... is even more rare than personal operation!"

Taipei, Assassins Club base.

On the sofa in the living room, Nian Shisan shook his head as he watched. Still unfinished, he slapped a member of the second team sitting next to him and scolded:

"Do you see it!"

"This is what we call top professional players! This is what we call big heart!"

"Everyone is envious of other people's collection of god-level operations and representative operations all day long? One by one, ask yourself first, is there anyone with such a top-notch heart?"

Sitting next to him, the member of the second team, who was lying innocently with a gun, bared his teeth and rubbed his shoulders, muttering in an aggrieved voice:

"Then how can I compete with someone of this level..."

indeed so.

Not to mention a mere member of the Second Assassin Team.

Even a truly world-class top professional player may not be able to easily compete with the Draven operator on the blue side of the field at this moment.

"So it's actually okay."

On the purple side of the stage, Lin Feng comforted Tang Bingyao on the team's voice channel:

"Just be careful next time."

"Lesson learned."

Tang Bingyao bit her lip, then nodded seriously and firmly.

The girl is naturally troubled. She has a competitive personality and does not allow herself to make mistakes. What's more, just now she suffered a loss from the hero she is best at.

But she also knows that there are some things that she can't stand comparison for the time being.


After all, he was Fuko's former fighting partner.

Even if Fengzi goes all out with Vayne in this round, she can only compete with her opponent on an even level.

"Be careful, there's no need to rush."

Vayne, who was controlling herself, chose to return to the city to supply supplies and update her outfits. Lin Feng calmly said the last words in the team voice channel:


"and me."

It was just such an ordinary word, but the other four members of the Magic City decisive team suddenly regained their spirits.


From beginning to end, someone was the backbone of their entire team.

The EZ in the first two rounds may indeed have some elements of soy sauce, but Vayne in this round represents that their backbone is back.

There is Draven on the opposite side.

And they also have Night Hunters.

As long as someone's Vayne is still on the field, they will definitely have the last laugh in this round.

The game lasted just over twelve minutes, and the blue Fangxia City team was the first to choose to change the line for the decisive victory.

The bottom lane destroyed the opponent's defensive outer tower, and Draven and the Japanese girl were liberated, switching to the middle lane, and replaced their own sword girl to develop in the bottom lane.

This is also to speed up the pace.

It is necessary to further utilize the suppressive power of Draven's strong point during this time period.

The purple square magic city wins here. Tang Bingyao's Jace has already suffered the loss of Draven's single kill in the previous game. This game seems to be all over again. When facing the Glory Executioner again, it becomes even more... Be careful.

As a result, the middle line of troops began to be continuously pressed by the blue side's duo to the purple side's middle tower.

Line rights fall into the hands of the blue side.

The three commentators on the commentary table looked at this scene and couldn't help but nod:

"Start preparing to hit the tower's health volume——"

"Dlevin paired with Japanese women, this combination is really strong at this time..."

"If the purple side doesn't consider changing lanes or coming to support the defense, Jace in the middle will be uncomfortable for a while."


Su Xue glanced at the upper right corner of the OB screen:

"The next little dragon will be ready soon."

The update is here, go away and continue to code the second chapter. It should be the fourth update today. I hope my friends who are capable can give me a red envelope~

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