
Chapter 338 Great Disparity

Before the second wave of fire dragon team battles broke out in front of the river fjord, most people in the competition venue were still not optimistic about the purple Fangxia City decisive team.

For the sake of sound thinking, people still think that there is still a fire dragon in this wave, and the purple side can choose to let go.

However, Xiacheng decisive victory still resolutely chose to fight this group.


The entire competition venue was shocked, and he actually won this team battle.

In the end, the number of heads was a three-for-three battle, but the key was that the second fire dragon successfully fell into the possession of the purple army. In this way, it was already a victory.

Even if the head count is tied again, this has completely exceeded the expectations of most people.

In the eyes of others, the blue army at this time has begun to take shape. Rambo and Jess have entered a period of strong strength, especially the lineup's ability in teamfighting. It is absolutely incomparable. Strong.

This side of the purple square——

Although they also have a combo lineup such as jungle prince, mid laner Victor, and support Japanese girl, after all, their core output point currently only has the best-developed ADC Obama in the game.

Once Obama is targeted by the opponent's concentrated fire and cannot deal the proper damage, the purple side will have no more combat power.

But it is in this perspective.

Everyone's original expectations were slapped in the face by reality.

The purple Fangxia City won the decisive victory. Not only did they capture the second fire dragon, but they also fought equally with the opponent's blue side army in team battles.

After the team battle ended, the on-site director also displayed the statistics chart of the blue and purple hero output of this wave of team battle at the bottom of the OB screen.

On the side of the purple army—

The damage output of the ADC Paladin Ranger is outstanding, almost blowing away the damage bars of the other nine heroes of his teammates and opponents.

Three thousand four!

Explosion in the whole place!

Before the Fire Dragon team battle, Obama's record data was 3/1/0.

And now, after the team battle ends, Lucian's data has reached 5/2/1.

A wave of team battles.

A double kill plus an assist.

Although it may not seem as shocking as "three kills", "four kills" or "five kills", no one at the scene who witnessed the team battle just now would feel any contempt for it.

To be more precise, it should be the other way around——

Almost everyone in the entire competition venue, both on and off the stage, was once again shocked by Obama's teamfight operations just now!

"This level of targeting...can actually cause this level of damage——"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk seemed to be searching for words, but in the end he failed and could only sigh:

"There's no one left."

"This kind of Obama is rarely seen in regular professional games."

He Tu was also breathing in the cold air next to him:

"It's really terrible."

"An ADC with this style of play, at least in the domestic LPL circle, there is no professional AD player who can reach such an extreme level."

Lao Hei nodded heavily:

"God-Hand of God's Wild Snow Night Song can be regarded as this style."

"But if I have to be honest, just this wave of Obama's operations and positioning - even Huang Xue Ye Ge probably wouldn't dare to do this!"

In the back row of the audience, hearing the comments from the on-field commentators, the players and players from the three LPL companies almost subconsciously looked at the real owner.

Huangxue Yege said nothing.

His eyes were still fixed on the figure sitting in front of the ADC seat in the arena in the direction of the purple side of the field.

Only by sitting next to him can you vaguely notice that God, the ace AD ​​of Hand of God, seems to be breathing slightly heavier.

Dawn Morning Star nodded slowly, and only he was the most qualified to respond and comment on the behalf of his old friend:

"If it were Aye, I probably wouldn't have fought so hard just now."

Shi Hang's eyelids were twitching all the time, and he couldn't even care about the teasing and joking about Huang Xue Ye Ge that he loved to hear every day:

"Aqiu this guy——"

"It's like a madman to fight, you don't want your life!"

When the camera replayed the fire dragon team battle just now, even if I had seen it once with my own eyes, watching it again now still gave a huge shock to all the spectators in the entire competition venue.

In the team battle, the blue square magic city will win the first move here.

Spider's E skill Spider Web first controlled the jungler prince in the front row of the opponent, and then Rambo came up with Q to warm up the fire and consumed Jace's QW second company with one shot.

Almost half of the prince's health bar was blown away in the blink of an eye.

The core of the blue team's tactical thinking is not to kill the opponent's jungler first, but to take advantage of this opportunity to force the other purple team players to subconsciously step forward to support and cover.

Then, at the moment when a loose flaw appeared in the opponent's formation, the team battle started decisively.

The purple jungler prince, who took the lead and dealt a set of damage, was not the first to be killed after the team battle started.

The blue side almost immediately pressed all the targeted firepower directly towards the back row of the opponent's formation.


It is to throw all the firepower at the opponent's ADC Obama like an overwhelming force.

The chaotic situation on the Hedao Fjord battlefield in just a few seconds can hardly be described in detail in words, but at that moment almost everyone on the field and off stage had only one thought in their minds:

In this kind of environment, Obama himself might be instantly killed by concentrated fire, let alone being injured.


This idea did not become a reality.

The reality is that in a chaotic and extremely fierce battle circle, the purple side's ADC Obama, at the critical moment when his opponent cut into the back row and rushed in, relied on his personal operation and positioning and the hasty but desperate cover of his teammates to show his ability. It was an epic performance that shocked the audience.

Almost every time, he dodged every non-directional skill with incredibly thrilling margins.

From the narrowest and most impossible space, I found my own output environment.

Or rather——

Almost withstanding the fiercest targeted firepower, he refused to retreat even an inch, dancing wildly on the sharpest blade, unleashing the Holy Lancer's ultimate damage without reservation.

In the front row of the auditorium, where the players from the top 16 teams were sitting, Seo, the core ace ADC player of the Guangzhou Electronics Association Team and now the Ghost Night Team, looked extremely pale and dejected at this moment. .

He didn't even have time to gloat over someone's EZ operation in this wave of team battles, which was completely outclassed.


Also as an ADC.

What he saw from the operation of the Purple Holy Spear Ranger on the field was a huge disparity that he might not be able to catch up with in his lifetime.

And having said that——

Compared to the performance of purple side ADC Obama this wave.

The explorer Ezreal on the blue side, who is also an AD, seemed to have been somewhat unsatisfactory in his performance in the Fire Dragon team battle just now.

The update is here, I'm trying my best to resume normal updates. I'm going to bed early tonight and will code another chapter tomorrow morning.

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