
Chapter 337 Awesome!

In the next few minutes, it can actually be seen that both the blue and purple armies on the field are preparing for the next team battle with the second fire dragon.

On the purple side, in addition to ADC Obama, who got 3 kills in the early stage and has the best development, the remaining heroes in the middle and jungle positions are also desperately seizing the time to replenish their development.

The early rhythm of Sun Zheng's top laner Dao Girl was not too bad. Although she was targeted and caught once or twice and died once in the bottom lane, overall her level and last-hit economy did not fall behind.

Soon the first three-phase large piece of equipment was synthesized, and it basically had sufficient early combat capabilities.

As long as you find the right time to cut in, you can pose a huge threat to the opponent's back row.

Wu Tian's jungle prince is focused on producing meat. The lineup of their purple side army relies on his prince Jiawen and Xia Ziyou's auxiliary Japanese girl to withstand the front row, and they also have to take on the responsibility of opening the front row. The task of taking the lead in the group will naturally not work if you are not strong enough to withstand the beating.

The other is Zhou Yang's mid laner Victor.

Victor in this game can be said to have the worst development in the game. He was suppressed by Jess in the early stage. After finally switching to the top lane and facing Rambo, he was finally able to calm down a little and control the line of troops to develop more. After a while——

Including the F6 and Stoneman monsters in his jungle area before, they were all given to him by his jungle teammates, and he could use them as much as possible.

For now, although his development is still not good, by the time the Fire Dragon team fights in 16 or 17 minutes, he will still have a certain ability to join the team.

The purple side is developing rapidly.

The task of winning the Blue Cube Magic City is more intuitive and clear.

On the one hand, they also have to drag down the development equipment of their own ADC Explorer and top laner Rambo; but on the other hand, the most important thing right now is to remove the opponent's mid-lane defensive outer tower.

In the previous wave when Tang Bingyao's mid laner Jayce was single-killed by Obama online, he indeed lost a lot.

In that one wave, the opponent directly wiped out half of the health bar of his outer tower in the middle lane.

When the opponent gathered another wave, the blue side's middle outer tower was directly bulldozed.

And if there is a fight for the second fire dragon, the loss of vision caused by the collapse of a tower in the middle will have a great impact - the initiative will also fall to the opponent's side.

"The blue side is starting to gather."

Su Xue, Lao Hei and He Tu on the commentary table clearly saw the situation on the scene through the OB screen from the perspective of God:

"This is to rush the opponent's outer tower in the middle before the next fire dragon refreshes."

The blue square magic city is very determined to win here.

About 14 minutes into the game, not only EZ and Niutou in the double line, but also Jess in the mid lane and even Rambo in the top lane have all arrived on the front mid lane.

Leading a wave of troops toward the opponent's purple side's middle outer tower, they pressed in.

At this time, you can see the advantages of the Blue Army's lineup.

The long-range poke and fire suppression of EZ and Jace are enough to make it difficult for the heroes on the purple side who are grouped under the tower to dodge. Taking advantage of EZ's Q skill may not be a big deal, but as long as it is hit by Jace's QW for two With one blast, Crispy Skin can directly lose half a tube of blood.

In addition, there is Rambo watching eagerly next to you. As long as the health of the purple heroes under your tower is reduced, Rambo will directly use his ultimate move "Constant Temperature Burn" to roast all the purple heroes. God.

"If the two sides open up like this, the purple side is really not easy to fight at the moment."

He Tu on the commentary desk commented:

"You gave Jace and EZ too much space to consume poke. Their long-range firepower can suppress you until you can't hold your head up."

Lao Hei took the words:

"And the purple team's lineup is indeed not very strong in tower defense - it might be better after Victor develops a little more, but it's not possible right now."

Su Xue's eyes fell on the middle line:

"So this outer tower should be demolished."

"As for the purple side... they may still plan to find another opportunity during the next fire dragon team battle."

There is not much suspense, because in the Xiacheng decisive victory of the purple side army, they could not find a better way to deal with the blue side's long-range firepower poke, and in the end they had to choose to give up their outer towers in the middle lane.

Following the prompt announcement of the female voice of the system, the outer tower of the purple square middle road collapsed and turned into ruins.

At this point, the vision rights of the blue and purple sides in the middle of the field are basically equal again.

Each chooses a wave of supplies and updated equipment to return to the city.

The time came to 16 minutes.

In the river Xiaolong Gorge, the second fire dragon was also refreshed. All the spectators in the competition venue regained their spirits and knew that the most critical wave of battle was about to come.

For the blue side's decisive victory in the Magic City, this is the moment when their lineup really begins to show its power. As long as a wave of team battles are won, it can completely curb all the advantages and offensive rhythm gained by the opponent in the early stage.

As for the purple side's Xiacheng decisive victory, if they can get the second fire dragon, the effects of the two fire dragon buffs will be superimposed, and the weakness of their lineup in the middle and late stages will be most powerfully supplemented.

"But strictly speaking, the purple side can actually choose to give up a hand..."

In the back row of the auditorium, players and members of the three LPL teams were chatting quietly.

The shadow puppet showed approval:


"After all, we already have one fire dragon. Although the second one is crucial, it is not absolutely necessary for the purple side—"

"At this time, the blue side's lineup and damage are too strong - the purple side's front row is not strong enough for the time being, and just two points on the opposite side, Rambo and Jace, can cause them a lot of damage. Big threat.”

To put it bluntly, in this wave of team battles, the blue side's decisive victory in Magic City is determined not to let the opponent get the second fire dragon, while the purple side's decisive victory in Xiacheng does not require too much effort.

Players and players from the three LPL companies judged from a neutral perspective that if the purple side insists on launching this wave of fire dragons, the risk will be higher.

The wisest choice is indeed to avoid it temporarily.

But Shi Hang, Huang Xue Ye Ge and Tian Tian shook their heads at the same time:


"The purple side won't let it go."

Tian Tian's eyes fell firmly on the purple ADC Obama on the court. He was nervous but extremely sure:

"Aqiu's words——"

"It's impossible to retreat."

Shi Hang's thoughts seemed to be in a daze for a moment, as if he was recalling some past events from that year:

"That guy..."

"The only word in the dictionary is 'attack'."

One minute later.

The team battle in front of the Xiaolong Gorge on the river course went from explosive to final.

The killing announcement of the system's female voice was accompanied by almost non-stop exclamations from the audience. When everything finally settled, the corpses of six heroes from both blue and purple sides were lying in a mess in front of the river.

3 for 3.

Purple Fangxia City won the decisive victory and won the second fire dragon!

Su Xue, He Tu and Lao Hei on the commentary table couldn't help but be stunned.

In the front row of the audience, the players from the top 16 teams were horrified and moved!

On the side of the King's Landing team, Overlord's eyes almost shone, and he clenched his fist and smashed the armrest:

"Depend on!"


Update sent, I fell asleep last night. . Fortunately, I woke up early and quickly added a chapter.

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