
Chapter 339 The rhythm brought about

The head count is three for three.

Purple side ADC Obama scored two kills and one assist in the fire dragon team battle just now. The most critical move was that he replaced the blue side's jungler before he died. spider.

This also helped his jungler prince fight for the second fire dragon.

It can be said that in this wave of team battles, in addition to individual performance, in terms of team contribution, the purple side's Holy Lance Ranger also contributed the most.


Although they lost the second fire dragon, the blue side's Magic City decisive victory also gained three kills in this wave of team battles, which was not a huge loss.

Among the three hero heads harvested from the purple side, one was taken by mid laner Jace, and the other was burned to death by top laner Rambo's Q. Lucian's finishing head bounty allowed the jungler's Spider Queen to use his own The exchange of heads is completed.

The fight was quite fierce.

And among them——

The ADC Explorer on the blue side contributed three assists.

Although he was not killed by his opponent, he had no choice but to evacuate because of his reduced health.

It also seems to be in line with the teamfight posture that an EZ should have.

When fighting in a group, use the Q skill from a distance.

Make a big move.

If you can deal some damage, deal some damage. If you are cut too hard, you can retreat when you need to with E skills and [Flash] without any ambiguity.

No matter how fierce the team fight is, I will save my own life first.

In the normal pub game, you probably often see this kind of pub EZ; of course, it also appears from time to time in professional games, so most of the time EZ is positioned in people's minds as a gangster-type ADC hero——

You can ensure that you don't die as much as possible in the lane.

In a group fight, just do some damage casually.

But the role it can play is never crucial or decisive in the battle situation.


That's not entirely true. "

Lao Hei on the commentary desk started to analyze at this time, using a more tactful tone to explain and defend the blue side's ADC explorer's operation in this wave of team battles:

"In fact, we can see that according to the damage statistics of this wave of team battles, EZ also contributed 1,340 damage to the team."

"The ultimate move scratched three people."

"Basically, the Q skills that should be used are not missed."

"In terms of operation... there are not many flaws."

Hetu also nodded quickly and added:

"The main reason is that the blue team took the opportunity to start the team fight first, and then the two sides did not continue to see each other, and directly fought a wave of explosions. The time from the start of the team fight to the end of the team fight was very short, and EZ had no way to go more. Use your remote poke ability.”

"Moreover, the EZ equipment at the moment is not enough, and there are not enough conditions to enter the field to complete the harvest just now. My jungler is dead, and it is unrealistic to rely on an AD with residual health to grab the Fire Dragon. Retreating is a safer and wiser choice."

The two commentators were alternately giving objective analysis and good words to EZ.

On the contrary, Su Xue was the only one with a slightly strange look on her face. When her two colleagues reminded her that it was her turn to answer the call, she tried to calm down, carefully considered her words, and spoke in a complicated tone:


“That’s right—”

"However, based on my understanding of player Lin Feng, I actually hoped that he could play better this time..."

Indeed, he still couldn't hold back and blurted out his true thoughts.

Su Xue is not the only one who thinks like this.

Many people in the audience, and even in front of the live broadcast room on computers and mobile phones at this moment, also have similar views.

In other words, doubts.

In the front row of the audience, the overlord of the King's Landing team couldn't help but smack his lips:

"This guy Lin Feng——"

"This wave of fighting is really not good."

In the corner of the back row, the players from the three LPL companies couldn't help but look at each other again, and made a fuss:

"That's not quite right..."

"It really doesn't feel like an operation that Maple God would do."

"Even if it's EZ, it shouldn't be like this in his hands -"

"The damage was not less, but it wasn't too much."

"This is like being completely outdone by Obama."

"Is it possible that you are not in a good state today?"

Dawn Morning Star couldn't help but glance at Tian Tian and asked in a low voice:

"Can you see the problem?"

Rather than saying whether you can see the "problem", this sentence asks whether you can see the "reason".

Tian Tian looked bitter and shook his head:

"Fengzi... probably didn't let go."

It is not difficult for the few people who know someone's true strength and status to come to such a conclusion.

Because no matter what the situation is, what kind of opponent he is facing, if someone completely lets go, he will never be in the EZ state just now.

Huangxue Yege's face had become a little ugly;

"If we just fight like this next time—"

"This trip today is in vain."

North America, Season club training base.

The lights in the training room were still bright, and Autumn, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, also frowned slightly.

Somewhat displeased.

In last year's MSI exhibition match, he once witnessed the matchup between someone and Han Shihao in the bottom lane. To this day, someone's state level should be no better than before.

But what he has seen so far is that someone's EZ performance this time was not as good as when he and Han Shihao played against each other.

An expected matchup, if only to this extent.

It's really disappointing.

Regardless of what the audience thinks, the game continues on the field.

Obtaining the second fire dragon and the two-layer buff effect seem to have helped the purple side's Xiacheng decisive team's competitiveness rise to a whole new level in the mid-term and even later stages.

But after the fire dragon team battle ended, the situation on the scene did not seem to continue to tilt in the favor of the purple army.

The 17th minute of the game.

In the upper half of the jungle, the blue side jungler Spider cooperated with a wave of coordinated invasions by his top laner Rambo, and caught the opponent's top laner Dao Mei who was farming stone monsters.

A wave of perfect and skillful coordination, control and damage.

Instantly killed a half-skinned sword girl.

The 19th minute of the game.

In the lower half of the wild area, it was still the blue side's jungle spider, working with its own auxiliary bull head, to once again catch the prince who came across the river to set up his eye position and vision.

The grass crouched in ambush, and then suddenly burst out.

Once again, he took the prince's head into his pocket.

Take advantage of the situation in the bottom lane and push down the defensive outer tower of the opponent's purple side army.

In terms of head count and team economy, the blue side's Magic City decisive team began to achieve a lead.

But in the past few minutes, the purple Fangxia City decisive team, which relied on the previous wave of fire dragon team battles to gain momentum, seemed to have suddenly lost its rhythm. Not only was it unable to organize an effective follow-up attack, but it lost the city one after another. Little by little, I fell into a passive disadvantage.

Lao Hei and He Tu on the commentary table were full of praise:

"The spider's rhythm is up!"

"However, this time period is indeed very troublesome for the purple side..."

Update is here, there will be a chapter tomorrow morning, go away and go to bed early, good night everyone.

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