
Chapter 328 Keep moving down

The game time came to six and a half minutes.

The three-way confrontation continues to be stalemate.

As for Summoner's Rift bot lane, as expected, the rhythm initiative has quietly fallen into the control of the purple side bot lane combination.

The combination of Holy Lance Ranger and Dawn Goddess, especially after the former got first blood, really began to show its strong suppressive characteristics step by step.

This is being unreasonable and unforgiving.

It's not just because Lucian's current equipment and burst damage are ahead of his opponent's Ezreal.

What's more, the purple side has killed the opponent's AD. Now that the summoner's skill [Flash] has not yet cooled down, it is doomed to be on the passive defense.

So I can move forward boldly and confidently.

Or choose to control the line.

All the initiative is in my own hands.

No matter what I think, the two players on your blue side can only deal with it passively.

"It's true that masters compete with each other -" He Tu on the commentary table sighed.

If it is a pub game, the difference in advantage of one head may not be too obvious; but in top professional competitions, even a difference in the cooldown time of a summoner's skill is enough to instantly reverse the offensive and defensive situation of the opponent.

The impact of the results of the first wave of battles in the bot lane is still continuing to this day.

And, if nothing else, it will last a long time.

"If the jungler doesn't come to help, it will be difficult to reverse the disadvantage of the blue side's bottom lane."

Even if his personal position is more inclined to support someone with a better personal relationship, Lao Hei can't help but make such comments.

Even Su Xue couldn't help but nodded solemnly: "Yes."

"EZ plus Bullhead, if there is no advantage in the early stage, it is basically a pressure-resistant combination."

During the laning period, this bottom lane combination is indeed weak in terms of offensiveness.

On the contrary, the opponent's purple side Obama plus Japanese girl can still have an even more amazing set of burst damage after reaching level 6. As long as she is allowed to seize the opportunity again, even if the jungler cannot come, she will be able to complete the matchup. Kill by force.


After all, it is EZ plus Bullhead. As long as it can be dragged through in the early stage, it will still be effective in the mid-term. "

Hetu took the words back.

Su Xue and Lao Hei beside them also nodded in agreement.

It should be said that fortunately, the combination of EZ and Bull Head has enough ability to withstand pressure. Even if it is at a disadvantage in the early stage, as long as it is cautious enough, there should be no more problems.

On the other hand - let alone the hero Niutou in the mid-term team fight, as long as he relies on his ultimate move and a set of hard control from WQ, he can make the contribution that a front-row tank support should make.

Even the output point of EZ, due to the nature of its equipment, determines that he only needs less economy and shorter time than other ADC heroes to quickly complete the basic shape of the equipment. In a period of ten or twenty minutes, the equipment can be basically formed. No matter how much damage he inflicts, he will still not be inferior to Obama who took first blood.

"So -" He Tu has already concluded: "The blue side is not in a hurry, they have the confidence to hold off."

"But not the purple side."

"If they put the key to victory or defeat on Obama -" "Then this little advantage now is definitely not enough for them."

"We still have to roll the snowball further!"

...The laning situation in the bottom lane is indeed as analyzed and speculated by several commentators on the commentary desk.

After getting first blood, they went home to update supplies and equipment, and the purple side bottom lane combination, which returned to the line, became more aggressive and aggressive under the leadership of Mu Qiu's ADC Obama.

First, the troop control line.

Then, even as soon as he saw Lin Feng's ADC Explorer on the blue side trying to step forward to hit the target, Obama's E skill "Cold Pursuit" directly rushed up with a certain displacement, and level A's two consecutive shots were followed by the Q skill "Penetrating Saint" "Light" and two more consecutive shots.

Small combos were completed in one go.

It directly consumes close to half a tube of blood.

This is almost a ferocious and unreasonable method of suppression. Even if the audience in the auditorium is watching the OB scene from a God's perspective, they can't help but feel frightened - this Obama... is not afraid of the opponent's jungler. ?

So much pressure! ?

Of course, the jungle spider on the opposite blue side has not come over yet, but if you so hastily hand over the displacement skills to the face, are you not afraid of your opponent's EZ and the bull head's counterattack?

"Can't fight."

In the back row of the audience, Huangxue Yege shook his head and denied this possibility: "Obama's position and distance are very good. If the Bullhead W comes up from this position, EZ can't keep up with the damage immediately."

"If EZ wants to fight back, the purple Fang Rinu is right next to you. You can control him with Lucian, and the other Rinu can also point his E skills at your EZ. Everyone exchanges control - Rinu is now The damage is higher than that of a bull head, so it would be a loss if you exchange blood.”

"And -" "Don't forget, the blue side also has to guard against the gank of the jungle prince from the opposite side."

To put it bluntly, it is a weapon that avoids rats.

The side that has the upper hand in the lane can play more unscrupulously, while the passive side that is at a disadvantage can only add more worries and fears because of the lack of an ADC's [Flash].

Shi Hang's eyes quickly scanned the small map on the OB screen, and he squinted slightly: "The junglers on both sides have begun to move towards the bottom lane..."...Taipei, the Assassin Club training base.

All the team members in the living room continued to eat the late-night barbecue with gusto, while staring at the live game on the TV screen without blinking, discussing enthusiastically: "Hey, the prince is going down the road!"

"Spiders too!"

"This wave will probably be 3V3, right?"

"In 3V3, I feel that the purple side is stronger - Obama's combat effectiveness is obviously stronger than EZ at this stage."

While the Assassin players were chatting, they saw in the OB screen that the jungler prince of the purple Fangxia City decisive team entered the lower half of his jungle area. After clearing the three wolves, he began to prepare for another toad monster... "Fuck it." , This prince is really good at it—" Nian Shisan's eyelids twitched when he saw it, and he couldn't help but say something harsh.

The other assassin team members nearby were a little confused: "Huh?"

"What happened to Captain?"

"The prince goes wild...no problem."

At this point in time, the purple jungle prince is at level 5. If he clears two groups of wild monsters in the lower half of his jungle, he will be able to steadily rise to level 6 and learn the ultimate move.

And in this way, the prince has two controls and two stages of displacement of EQ's second combo and ultimate move, and he is obviously much more confident when he goes to the bottom lane to gank an Ezreal without [Flash].

No matter how you look at it, there is nothing wrong with this choice.

Nian Shisan heard a burst of anger: "Are you all idiots too?"

"At times like this, what you're fighting for is a time advantage. It doesn't matter if you don't reach level six!"

"I just want to be sure, and you have to wait until you are 100% sure of success before taking action - by the time you are sure that you are absolutely sure, your opponent will have already completed the gank, right?!"

It seems to be just to echo Nian Shisan's words.

On the field, when the purple jungler prince had just finished brushing his toad monsters and successfully upgraded to level 6.

On the blue side - the jungle spider's figure has already arrived at the bottom lane first.

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