
Chapter 329 Linkage and Counterattack

The fight for blood in the bottom lane is always extremely fierce.

Although the purple-side ADC Obama, who got first blood in the early stage, has increasingly exerted his strong suppression power, the blue-side EZ and Bullhead, who are relatively passive and defensive, are not really suppressed. The extent to which you can fight back.

When controlled, the energy bullets of the long-range Q skill "Secret Shot" are consumed.

After the soldier line was slightly pushed forward, EZ took the initiative to move forward again under the protection of its auxiliary Niutou, and continued to capture the line with its A soldier.

The last hit count was not far behind by the opponent's Paladin Ranger.

Of course, the audience in the auditorium was still in a state of panic, thinking that Obama was already so fierce and fierce. Couldn't you, EZ, be a little more stable and cowardly?

If you really want to be caught by the Japanese girl on the opposite side and start another wave of opportunities, your EZ may not be able to escape if you only have one E skill "Arcane Leap" left.

The bull head may not be able to protect you, okay!

Only the three LPL players in the back row of the auditorium still have a good and stable mentality.

It can even be said to be calm.

It's not a big deal.

The ADC explorer on the blue side of the field is of such a level that he can still handle this situation.

"Speaking of which, this can be considered the most cautious and stable state of that guy Maple——"

Shi Hang touched his chin and commented.

The other team members of the three companies next to them nodded in unison. They had all seen someone training and sparring with them. They were almost never scared in the line. Even if they were caught to death once or twice, they could still fight as if they had defeated the opponent alone. It's been the same for several times, and I continue to be vigorous and vigorous.

Now this situation...

Others may feel that EZ is still too radical.

But this is already a prudent attitude after someone made corresponding adjustments after encountering an extremely strong opponent.

"And you can't really just resist pressure."

The shadow puppet spoke cautiously and expressed his opinion.

The morning star nodded slightly:


“The more you show weakness, the more you make your opponent stronger.”

"Being really pinned under the tower and unable to get out may be more dangerous than taking the initiative to fight online - in that case, the offensive initiative lies entirely in the hands of the opponent. No matter how good your defense is, there will always be oversights and mistakes. when."

Offense is the best defense.

On the other hand, if you just huddle under the tower to resist the pressure, then as long as the opponent is a little more careful, distances itself in advance, or sets up a good view of the river crossing, it will be difficult for your own jungler to come over to help gank and catch people.

On the contrary, when the two sides compete fiercely on the lower route, they can make their opponents have no time to think about anything else.

My jungle teammate...

There will also be better opportunities to take action.

Although the truth is this.

But watching the health bars above the heads of the blue and purple ADCs on the bottom lane keep slipping, it still makes people feel a little frightened.

Keep fighting like this...

No need to wait for jungle.

Direct confrontation can tell the difference between life and death.

Moreover, EZ is destined to enter the killing line of his opponent Obama faster. If he is not careful, he originally planned to use it as bait, but he should not catch the big fish and give his bait to his opponent to swallow it in one gulp...

The blood volume of the health bar above EZ's head has dropped to less than half the pipe.

It's close to the two-fifths bloodline.

The three commentators on the commentary desk also subconsciously speeded up their speech at this time, constantly analyzing and communicating:

"It's almost Obama's killing line - if EZ doesn't leave."

"EZ still has a treatment, and the real killing line has not yet been reached. If Obama is confused and suddenly shows up at this time, EZ will also have the opportunity to cooperate with the bull head to fight back."

"You have to pay attention to the Japanese girl's first move!"

"Yes, there is also a Japanese girl. As long as [Ignite] is hung up first, EZ will die even with [Healing]."

"It's time to retreat——"


"The spider is coming!"

Everything happened faster than the exclamations from the commentary box.

Almost before Lao Hei exclaimed "The spider is coming", in the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, the purple ADC Obama behind the line of soldiers had already moved forward.

This positioning operation is even more radical and proactive than the previous pulling in a minute or two.

It could even be called an adventure.


This is the position of pressing forward.

Suddenly, the delicate balance situation in the bottom lane that lasted for nearly two minutes was broken instantly!

The Q skill "Penetrating Holy Light" is released in an instant.

Silver-white bright beams shot out from both guns like lightning, hitting the target blue ADC explorer.

EZ counterattacked with a backhand almost simultaneously.

The second consecutive attack from level A to Q landed on the Holy Lancer with precise counterattacks in an instant, taking away a portion of Lucian's health bar above his head.

Obama's passive flat A burst shot.

Bang bang, two shots landed on EZ at the same moment.

EZ decisively handed over his displacement skills and quickly moved back with an "Arcane Leap".

At this very moment——

In the grass at the bottom of the river crossing, the figure of the blue square jungle spider quickly appeared first, followed by the future guardian Jace in the mid lane.

"Mid-jungle linkage!"

There was a roar of exclamation in the audience.


This is truly foolproof. If it is just a jungle spider, it may not be able to securely capture the opponent's purple side's bottom lane combination, but the blue side's mid laner Jayce has already taken the initiative in the early game. This will The infantry line in the middle is under the opponent's tower and can come to support faster than Victor.

It seems that EZ's seduction has been successful.

The fierce battle and exchange of blood are just acting in disguise.

After luring the enemy deep, distance yourself and retreat, leaving the rest to your other teammates to finish the job.

It has to be said that someone made this move very decisively without hesitation.

Hand over E directly.

Create distance and leave the battlefield.

No matter how much you fall in love, your life may be in danger.

but now--

Everything should be fine.


Zeng Rui's urgent shout came from the blue team's internal voice channel.

At the same moment, his own auxiliary bull head immediately used the W skill "Savage Crash" to hit the target Holy Lance Ranger hard.

The little finger of his left hand was already pressing on the Q key of the keyboard.

In the next second, he can follow up perfectly and skillfully to complete the control of WQ's second company.


It's still this moment.

The moment when the majestic and burly body of the blue square bull-headed chief carried an astonishing momentum and slammed into the target Holy Lance Ranger, he was about to push it away.

A thin golden light suddenly exploded.

Lucian's figure suddenly disappeared!

The pupils in Zeng Rui's eyes suddenly shrank!

However, the operation in his hand continued subconsciously due to inertia. The Niutou Chief's WQ 2nd Company failed directly, and he kowtowed in a funny manner.

But the ADC Obama on the purple side has already made progress in the [Flash] handed over——

In a blink of an eye.

I chased and followed up again and got behind the blue side's remaining health EZ!


There was a sudden roar in the audience!

The three LPL players in the back seats couldn't help but stand up suddenly!

Shi Hang was stunned:

"What the hell!?"

Huangxue Yege's eyes suddenly became sharp and needle-like:


The update is here, a new busy week has begun again, I will try to update twice tomorrow.

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