
Chapter 327 The focus of concern

From her own point of view, Su Xue was actually aware of her problem at this moment.

So at this moment, she felt a little annoyed and even a little regretful——

Originally, today was specifically to commentate on someone's game, so she specifically chose today when scheduling.

Just thinking about her younger brother competing on stage, and her sister being able to contribute in the commentary box, it felt like the whole family was on the field together, which was a rare opportunity.

But she really didn't consider it...

Concern leads to chaos.

On a normal day, even when she is commentating on official LSPL professional games, she can still analyze each game in detail in the most professional manner with clear words, thoughtful thinking, and a fair and objective attitude.

But today——

The people competing on the stage are close family members.

But her professional mentality was affected to a certain extent.

In the first few minutes, two fellow commentators, He Tu and Lao Hei, were analyzing and commenting. However, she, the only female commentator among the three, was just staring at the bottom lane in the OB screen for almost the entire process. I was so nervous that I almost didn't care about anything else.

There is only one thought in my mind:

Come on, you damn kid!

Can't lose!

Hey, hey, the other side is coming! Have to force it open! Run!

Ah, okay, okay... I ran away, but Obama on the other side has now taken first blood. What should I do next?

Fortunately, the competition on the field was intense enough, and the audience in the auditorium was also fully immersed in watching the game. In addition, Lao Hei and He Tu had rich commentary experience and passionate style, so that No one paid much attention to Su Xue's "dereliction of duty".

Now, the two colleagues took every opportunity to calmly give reminders, which finally made Su Xue completely come to her senses.

Su Xue took a deep breath and calmed down:

No matter how much I care about winning or losing...


She has to do her job well!

When it comes to his job, as the jungler prince who won the decisive victory in Purple Fangxia City, Wu Tian's first wave of roaming ganks indeed made the contribution that a jungler should have.

Help the bottom lane get first blood!

At this moment, Wu Tian couldn't help but get excited and excited:

"Depend on!"

"Is the rhythm picking up now!?"

"Brother Mu, do it again!?"

Sometimes, the so-called nervousness before the game can be swept away immediately as long as you warm up your hands with a wave of operations after the game officially starts.

Wu Tian is in this state now.

Before the game started, several people, including him, were full of fear and apprehension about today's opponent's decisive victory in the Magic City, as well as a strong lack of confidence in themselves.

But just now this wave of ganks in the bottom lane was successful——

Wu Tian immediately regained his confidence and courage.

Decisive victory in the magic city...

That’s all!

The EZ on the opposite side ran very fast - this was the only thing that made Wu Tian feel regretful. He had just managed to perform a successful EQ flash operation - but the auxiliary bull head on the opposite side still gave first blood?

Wu Tian knows the strength of his ace AD ​​in the bottom lane very well.

Now that Brother Mu's Holy Spear Ranger has gotten the kill, and he starts the game straight away, wouldn't he be able to fight and kill at will?

Strike while the iron is hot!

Help the good but not the bad!

This is the understanding that Wu Tian, ​​as a jungler specialization player, has always implemented. The first wave of ganks just didn't destroy the opponent, so let's try another wave!

As long as one more wave of captures is successful, the bottom lane on the opposite side will be completely cold!

Regarding Wu Tian's suggestion, Mu Qiu quickly nodded without hesitation:


"Catch me again."

Indeed, their tactical thinking here is to help the jungler to help the superior ones but not the inferior ones.

To be more precise, it is to always focus on his strong bottom lane.

Although the current overall situation on the field and the top and middle lanes of our team are at disadvantages, especially the middle lane is already in a small collapse situation, at this time, it does not make much sense to put the energy and gank opportunities of the jungler to help the middle lane.

Perhaps the prince goes to the middle to help catch a wave, which can relieve the laning pressure on his mid laner Victor to a certain extent.

But this does not solve the fundamental problem.

Because the key to winning or losing this game has always only fallen on him, the ADC Holy Lance Ranger.

If his Lucian can be thoroughly improved, he will have a chance to win this game.

And if Lucian fails to gain momentum, even if the middle and upper lanes are developed, the outcome of this game will still not be decided.

in addition--

There is a more important reason.

If it's just a normal game, then he won first blood in the early stage, and he doesn't need help from the jungle. It's enough to easily snowball to the point where no one can stop him in the 2V2 laning situation in the bottom lane.

But this game is different.

Mu Qiu's eyes fell not far from the front line, and the figure of the blue ADC explorer opposite was reflected in his pupils:

The guy opposite...

If the current level of pressure were just there, it wouldn't be enough to really suppress him.

The game time came to nearly six minutes.

The number of heads on the scene is still temporarily tied at 1 to 1.

But the situation on the three routes has changed since the beginning.

In the middle, after Jace got the head of the tower-crossing kill, he was already clearly ahead of his opponent's purple side mid laner mechanical pioneer in terms of level and economy.

Under Tang Bingyao's operation, the strong early laning characteristics of the Future Guardian were brought into full play.

Victor was completely unable to get out of the tower.

Even if you stay under the tower, you must always be wary of the long-range poke from the opposite side Jace.

The gap between last hit and economy is still widening.

If the middle road completely obtains the line rights, the influence will radiate to the wild areas on both sides and even the side roads.

Tang Bingyao's mid laner Jace will immediately walk away from the lane as soon as he finishes pushing the lane in the middle. Even if there is no direct intention to invade the jungle or wander around to gank, as long as Jace's figure disappears from the middle of the small map, he will immediately be Go to the wing to put psychological pressure on opponents.

This makes it so that on the top lane, even if the level has gradually increased and they have stronger combat capabilities, the sword girls on the purple side still dare not have any ideas.

This also naturally caused Chen Ting's top laner Rambo on the blue side to play more freely without any worries.

This situation fell into the eyes of several commentators on the commentary stage, and also attracted some praise:

"Tang Bingyao's Jace is very talented."

"If nothing else, this kind of pressure on the lane has never changed whether I play AD or mid lane."

"Perhaps the protagonist of this game is Jace!"

It does sound like this.

But in the auditorium, almost all the spectators still tried to keep their eyes wide open and stared at the bottom lane of the OB screen.

No matter how you play in the middle and jungle...

Anyway, this time, the bottom lane is their biggest concern!

An update is here. I woke up early this morning to finish a chapter. There will be an update tonight.

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