
Chapter 246 Dilemma

For everyone on the decisive team in Xiacheng, the past few days have been extremely comfortable.

First of all, almost everyone in the team had never thought of the results they had achieved so far.

National competition!

Before signing up to participate in this LSPL selection, the original plan goal of several people was just to participate in this kind of professional event and get some training and experience.

There are so many strong and even semi-professional teams in the Xiacheng Division alone. They have no idea that they can break out of this kind of competition surrounded by strong enemies.

If you can survive one or two rounds, that's a guarantee.

Being able to pass three rounds is already a satisfactory answer.

But the result...

They actually reached the semi-finals of the Xiacheng Division!

Even in the final round of eliminations, they defeated the Tian'a team, which topped the rankings in the entire Xiacheng Division, head-on!

Simply proud.

It was a blockbuster!

In that round of BO5 against Tian'a, they won the BO5 with a score of three to zero, which made their little-known rookie team suddenly become the most popular team in the entire Xiacheng e-sports circle.

Almost everyone in the entire circle was discussing their topic.

The BO5 match in that group of quarter-finals was talked about and praised in awe and admiration.

Even on the Internet, you can find a large number of discussion posts about their group's battle against Tian'a.

They had never thought that they would be treated like this before. Everyone including Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Zhu Ming, Zhou Yang and Wu Tian felt as if they were floating in the sky as if in a dream.

Each one of them was holding their mobile phones and scrolling through various forums and posts, looking for posts on various topics related to them. They couldn't put it down.


Naturally, they were surprised and surprised to see that outside of the Xiacheng Division, there was actually a "decisive team" with the same name as theirs in the Magic City Division.


Not only do the two teams have the same name, they even have surprisingly similar schedules.

On their side is Tian'a, the strongest team that defeated Xiacheng.

The decisive team in the Magic City also defeated Meilan, which was second in the Magic City division's power rankings, 3-0.

"What a fate!"

When he saw this news report, Wu Tian was amazed and sighed.

Then everyone in the team became interested, and excitedly found some game videos of the decisive team in the Magic City Division on the Internet, wanting to watch them.

And at first glance...

Everyone in the team was stunned.

Is this the decisive team with the same name from the Magic City?

This strength——

How terrible! !

"Are you more awesome than us?"

"It can really drive us a block or two away, okay!"

After watching the video of a game, Wu Tian kept gasping: "It's just the same name. In terms of strength, we are not at the same level as others."

Sun Zheng's expression was also extremely solemn and solemn:


"He has Nosuke in the top, middle and bottom, and all five positions are almost too strong to be solved."

"There is nothing to say about the tacit cooperation. I feel that in terms of tactical execution, they have the mature temperament of a professional team."

"Compared with them, we are far behind."

Xia Ziyou also nodded with conviction: "Yes, we can enter the national competition only because of luck, and mainly because of Aqiu's ADC.

y, Tian'a, who just defeated Modu, defeated Meilan in this decisive victory. It was a complete crushing in all aspects. "

Zhu Ming looked in agreement:

"Yes, that's right. If we meet them, we will definitely have no chance, right? Even if we are in the bottom lane, I feel that even with Brother Mu here, we may not be able to suppress it much - their girl's ADC style and feel Brother Mu is also the same."

Zhou Yang’s eyelids twitched:

"Stop talking about the way out."

"Anyway, if I were to face their mid laner in the middle, I feel like I would be beaten to the line in less than ten minutes..."

"It's almost a professional level, isn't it?"

Several members of the decisive team were discussing with emotion.

At this time, Mu Qiu, who had just finished her network management work and handed over shifts with her colleagues outside, opened the door and walked in. She glanced at the people sitting together in the box:

"What are you doing?"

Zhu Ming couldn’t wait to report and share:

"Brother Mu, we are watching videos of competitions in other divisions online."

"There is also a decisive team in the Magic City! The one with the same name as ours has also entered the national competition!"

Mu Qiu paused after hearing this and nodded:

"I know."

Wu Tian was surprised: "Brother Mu, have you also seen the news report on the Internet? Hey, have you seen the video of the game? The decisive team was also very strong! We were still discussing it just now..."

Mu Qiu nodded again:


"You can watch more videos."

"The next opponent we have to fight is them."

It was just a casual statement, as if he said "Tonight we will eat tomato scrambled eggs and braised eggplant."

Because it was so casual, several people in the box didn't even have time to react. They all just nodded stupidly subconsciously:

"Oh, that's how it is……"

"Are they the next ones to do it——"

Suddenly, several people came to their senses almost at the same time.

Suddenly his eyes widened:


Mu Qiu just raised her eyes and looked at the team members in front of her:

"I said--"

"be prepared."

"The decisive team in Magic City is our next opponent."

After saying that, as if remembering something, he added nonchalantly:

"You've all seen their mid laner."

"I met you when I turned around..."

"Fight to death."

That night, when leaving the God Club training base to go home, Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao walked together.

Because she has to train and prepare for the war, and because her grandmother can't bear to be alone at home, the girl hasn't stayed in the school dormitory recently and has gone home to spend the night.

When they took a taxi to the intersection, they paid and got out of the car.

On the way back to the community, the street lights on both sides of the street were soft and dim.

It's winter.

The chill at night is getting more and more pressing.

Tang Bingyao, who was following Lin Feng, subconsciously tightened the collar of her down jacket and breathed softly into her hands. A faint white mist could be seen.

The girl looked a little lost in thought.

Noticing that Tang Bingyao was lagging behind, Lin Feng, who was walking in front, stopped and turned around to look:


Tang Bingyao shook her head:


After saying that, the girl hesitated, looked at someone, and whispered:

"If we have to meet that decisive team——"

"Do you find it difficult?"

Here comes the update, hey, it’s still a day of hard work and only one update. . Try to finish the recent overtime work as soon as possible.

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