
Chapter 247 I will counterattack

Some things are actually self-explanatory without needing to be explained.

The team formed by Lin Feng in the Magic City chose to use the name of the old team.

In the Xiacheng Division, the team led by Mu Qiu was also named "Battle".

Same team name.

In fact, it is an invisible provocation or declaration of war.

The previous decisive victory represented the pinnacle and glory of the entire national server and even the world's professional e-sports circle at that time.

It is a legend jointly created by Lin Feng, Mu Qiu, Zhou Mo, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian.

The legend may be inherited and continued.

But there should never be two successors to the team name.

after all……

There is a distinction to be made. The winner takes over the old banner and continues to move forward, while the loser leaves sadly. The former team name is naturally not worthy of being used again.

Although this kind of competition is inevitable, it is just that it has to happen between former teammates. They used to fight side by side, but now they are facing each other with swords. When they meet again on the field, it is only life and death. This change of things and people and the reversal of the situation will inevitably make people feel uncomfortable. Life is full of sorrow and emotion.

This is already the case for bystanders.

Not to mention being a party.

Therefore, when the video recording was released this afternoon, the members of the teams such as Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege, Shi Hang, and Shadow Puppet were actually not able to comment much, and even Tian Tian and Li Shiyi , and can only remain silent and prudent in the face of such a situation.

Because we can't be partial.

It's like the palms and backs of your hands are made of flesh, and both sides are your closest partners and teammates, and you don't want either one to get hurt.

The decision-making power can only fall in the hands of both parties.

Hearing Tang Bingyao's concerned inquiry, Lin Feng lowered his head and touched his nose:


"It will be difficult."

"after all,

I really never thought that one day I would compete with Aqiu on the playing field. "

After saying that, he paused and turned to look at Tang Bingyao again, with a smile on his face:

"But I've thought about it."

"This situation is at least better than the worst one."

He had already experienced the worst situation when he went to Xiacheng. In contrast, meeting him on the field at least gave him a chance to communicate with his former partner head-on.

Even if the way of communication is such a fight and confrontation.

Although cruel.

But it’s refreshing and neat enough.

If I lose at your hands, I will naturally have nothing to say. This is the fate I am destined to deserve.

And if I win.

This is enough to prove to you my determination and heart, and that I can continue to carry on with my former team name steadily and never let it down.

Looking at the smile on Lin Feng's face, Tang Bingyao seemed to understand something and nodded vigorously:


"Then, I'll do my best too!"

The girl's words revealed her determination. When she watched the videos of those games in the afternoon, she could actually clearly feel the terrifying strength of someone's former partner, which also put tremendous pressure on her.

In the face-off battle in the bottom lane, it is difficult for him to match the opponent.


If it's for Fengzi.

She will work hard!

However, seeing Tang Bingyao's serious assurance, Lin Feng laughed again and shook his head:

"Tangtang, you don't have to worry too much about this."

The girl had a cute puzzled look on her face.

Lin Feng raised his head, looked at the night sky above his head, and spoke in a calm tone:

"By the time--"

"If you encounter it."

"I'll take the counterpoint."

"Don't worry, when the time comes, he will take the initiative to confront me."

Mu Qiu said this to Zhou Mo on the other end of the phone, her tone full of determination and certainty.

The two had another phone call tonight.

On the phone, Zhou Mo once again expressed his persuasion and tactfully expressed his unfavorable attitude towards the battle that might be destined to happen in the near future.


Two decisive teams with the same name.

Although each of them has qualified for the national competition in their respective divisions, and they have defeated the top ranked opponents in their respective divisions.

But objectively speaking——

There is still a clear strength gap between the two teams.

The decisive team led by Mu Qiu in Xiacheng was able to defeat the Tian'a team because of some tricks.

Because the Tian'a team did not expect that Mu Qiu would switch to the ADC position at the beginning, and his ADC's personal strength level was so strong, the Wushuang Sword Immortal, the core and strongest point of the Tian'a team, was directly attacked. The matchup was complete.

Then let Mu Qiu use her own strength to quickly set up the rhythm and kill the opponent in one line. The opponent did not even have time to respond and was completely defeated.

But if Team Tian'a is given another chance, and if they are prepared in advance and think of a way to deal with Mu Qiu, they will definitely be able to fight.

But the decisive team led by Lin Feng in the Magic City was different——

This decisive victory led by someone achieved absolute all-round suppression when facing the Meilan team.

There is more than one strongest point in someone's mid lane.

Uenosuke and the other four positions also have excellent combat capabilities.

So no matter how many times Mei Lan is given the chance to come back, the ending will not change in any way.

Not to mention……

Meilan's strength is also stronger than Tian'a.

The decisive victory led by Lin Feng was naturally stronger than the decisive victory led by Mu Qiu.

To put it bluntly, if the two decisive teams meet on the field, Mu Qiu's strongest point in the bottom lane may not be able to gain the same advantage as against Tian Ahshi when facing Lin Feng's bottom lane combination. The mid laner on his side...but it's absolutely impossible to stop someone even half a point.

Rational analysis shows that when the two teams meet, Xiacheng will almost definitely lose in the decisive game.

However, Zhou Mo gave such an unexpected answer to the warning from his former partner and friend on the other end of the phone.

Zhou Mo was also stunned when he heard:

"Is he playing against you?"

If this is the case……

Perhaps the situation originally analyzed and speculated will indeed change again.

Mu Qiu at the other end was holding her cell phone, with a bit of a sneer on her face:


“Originally, it’s not about whether the team wins or loses.”

"It's just a competition between the two of us."

"He should want this, and if he doesn't even have the courage, then he doesn't deserve the title of 'decisive victory'."

I could hear the firm determination of my former partner and friend on the other end of the phone. Zhou Mo on the other end was silent for a moment, and finally seemed to shake his head:

"All right."

"lets change a topic."

"By the way, the national horse racing is about to start. When will we leave?"

Mu Qiu laughed:

"Well, the day after tomorrow."

"I've been packing up here recently. I'll take my luggage with me and fly directly to Beijing from Xiacheng Airport."

"I can't follow you in Beijing this time... The 128th and 64th round will be held in the imperial capital. By then, the 32nd and 16th round will be held in our capital. I heard that the 8th round will be held in the capital. So good that the finals are all in Guangzhou, right? Damn, it’s so troublesome to go around in one trial..."

At home, in the living room, Su Xue was talking to someone while helping someone pack their luggage.

Someone lying on the sofa next to him responded lazily:


"It's quite troublesome..."

Su Xuenu: "You are such a troublemaker! You just know how to be lazy, come here and clean it up together!"

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