
Chapter 245 Watch individually

Video footage of a game, totaling 29 minutes and 43 seconds.

After the playback ended, the entire training room was quiet and you could hear the needle drop.

The auxiliary shadow puppet of Team Hayami who was standing aside couldn't help but swallowed:

"The remaining two games..."

Zeng Rui nodded with a complicated expression:

"That's pretty much it."

On weekdays, Lin Feng and others from the decisive team came to the God Club training base. Apart from occasionally chatting with the players from several companies during the break, most of the rest of their energy was focused on training and battles.

Not like today.

Almost everyone sat together, watching a laptop screen, watching a game video from beginning to end.

This level of solemn battle and concentration is justifiable if we consider it in terms of video footage of the S-League finals.


The video of the game just now was not a professional event.

It's just a replay of the recent regional knockout rounds of the LSPL selection.

But it’s a video like this——

It brought a huge shock to almost everyone watching the game.

Of course, if you take into account the identity of the protagonist in this replay video, all of this seems to have a reasonable explanation.

The video files were copied and brought over by Zeng Rui on a USB flash drive.

This game is the first game of BO5 between the Xiacheng sub-division’s final round of eliminations, the decisive team and the Tian’a team.

In this game——

The blue team's Mu Qiu, who won the decisive victory, used his ADC Holy Spear Ranger to completely crush the opposing ADC Explorer of the Unparalleled Sword Immortal.

Kill through the bottom lane.

Even if I wasn't there.

Even just by watching a video replay.

Everyone in the training room felt as if there was a fierce and murderous aura coming out of the computer screen, making people's scalps numb and their backs cold.

"Isn't this... too exaggerated?"

Shi Hang's eyes went straight:

"The one opposite is really an unparalleled swordsman?"

When he was playing solo in the national server, he also queued several times with the ADC captain of Team A and Team A in the Game of Kings and that day. He was both a teammate and an opponent, and he had a rough understanding of the opponent's strength.

But the video just now completely overturned his original understanding of the unparalleled sword immortal.

How is this still the top semi-professional AD with a calm and sharp play style?

You are being treated like a fool!

Huangxue Yege's face was even more dull. After a long time, he turned to look at Lin Feng beside him:


"As an old teammate of yours, didn't you play in the support position before?"


How could a support player be moved to the ADC position, and how could his personal operational ability be so strong?

Lin Feng didn't say anything. Tian Tian on the side helped to explain:

"Aqiu is a support player, but his AD level is not bad either-"

Li Shiyi also nodded and added:

"Before I met Ah Mo as my partner, when he was playing alone, he would often choose AD in order to gain points."


Only Zhou Mo back then could make Mu Qiu willingly serve as an assistant.

And many of the hardcore seniors who have truly emerged from the beginning of the S1 season have seen Mu Qiu's ADC style at the very beginning.

The shadow puppet murmured: "Not only is it not bad..."

How can a top semi-professional AD matchup like Wushuang Sword Immortal be held up to a level that can be easily described as "not bad"?

However, this makes people unable to help but have more sad associations——

Even the "not bad" ADC position has a style comparable to that of a top professional level. So to what extent should the native support position that the young man is really good at be exaggerated?

Shi Hang looked at Lin Feng, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian and sighed sincerely:

"You guys are really perverts..."

The shadow puppet looked at Huangxue Yege curiously:

"Lao Ye, are you confident about what you say?"

Huangxue Yege's eyelids twitched slightly:

"Do not ask."

"You just don't know if you ask."

Strictly speaking, the performance of Mu Qiu's ADC Obama in the video just now, in terms of playing style, is indeed very similar to Huang Xue Yege, who is currently the number one ADC in the national server.

Both of them are AD types who want to maximize their offensive abilities.

Once they meet, it will be a real head-to-head confrontation, and it will definitely be a exciting and fierce confrontation that people are looking forward to.

"I fought fiercely, but I was definitely not that crazy."

Huangxue Yege concluded like this. As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at the video on the laptop screen again, with a hint of lingering fear.

"Let's go fifty-fifty."

Tian Tian gave a fairer explanation: "Based on pure laning, Aye should be about the same as Aqiu - in terms of overall ability, Aqiu is not the main AD after all, so he will still be a little behind."

The shadow puppet was curious: "What if it's your teammate Amo?"

That person was the real AD in the five-man team back then.

Tian Tian looked at Huang Xue Ye Ge, with a somewhat hesitant look on his face, as if he was embarrassed to say something.

Li Shiyi also hesitated for a while.

Finally, Lin Feng glanced at Huang Xue Ye Ge and said:

"Then there's no chance for you."

His tone was calm and calm, as if he was stating a very clear fact.

The morning star sighed:

"Now I can probably imagine how powerful the decisive victory back then was -"


Tian Tian is currently the number one top laner in the world.

He once faced off against Li Shiyi who was even able to suppress the wild king Nian Shisan.

Zhou Mo from AD.

Assistant Mu Qiu.

Plus Lin Feng, a mid laner.

Perhaps it is true that only this lineup configuration was enough to compete head-on with the original SSK and compete for the top in that era.

Lin Feng nodded:



The atmosphere in the training room suddenly became quiet again.

Everyone suddenly realized that there was another meaning in someone's words.

Some things...are only left in those days.

at the moment.

But too many changes have taken place.

Xiacheng, Lecheng Internet Cafe.

In the private room of the Internet cafe, Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Zhou Yang, Zhu Ming, and Wu Tian were sitting around a computer screen. They were watching a video recording on the screen with their eyes wide open, exclaiming from time to time. :

"Holy shit, isn't this too strong?"

“Is this ADC actually the ‘goddess with a side face’!? There’s a huge difference in appearance and playing style, but she’s so strong!!”

"The cooperation between Ueno and Ueno is great!"

"Damn it, didn't you pay attention to the middle lane? This middle lane is so difficult to match..."

"This decisive team seems to be more awesome than us -"

The update is here, and I will try to update another chapter after midnight. Go away and continue coding.

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