
Chapter 201 He is dead

Until this wave of earth dragon team battles broke out, for more than 20 minutes of the entire game, the operation and performance of the blue side ADC Vayne were almost perfect.

It's a textbook-level interpretation.

Even the previous two consecutive waves of casualties, in the eyes of the spectators, were definitely not Vayne's fault.

It's just a sacrifice that was forced to be made to cover the teammate's capture of the Baron or to help the team stop losses.

And those two waves of sacrifices were still of great value. Before each death, Vayne still used her personal operations to do enough damage and even harvest an objective number of heads.

Therefore, this will make the players and members of the various teams watching the game unable to stop sighing and marveling in their hearts——

This Vayne.

It’s like there’s no mistake at all!

Another cognitive concept seems to have been ingrained in the minds of every spectator at the scene:

As long as Vayne is willing, as long as it is not his initiative to sacrifice, no matter how intensively and fiercely the opponent targets, it is impossible to hurt Vayne in the slightest.


No one expected it.

It turned out that during this wave of Tulong team battles, the belief and understanding they had established were suddenly and unexpectedly broken.

River channel, Xiaolong Gorge.

It was still the purple Fang Tian'a team that seized the opportunity and launched a wave of attacks to start the group.

The top team on the blue side instantly fell into a passive disadvantage.

The targeted firepower of several purple side heroes immediately hit the blue side's ADC Vayne like an overwhelming force.

Vayne's operational response still lived up to expectations——

Make lightning-quick and decisive responses in the most dangerous situations.

Move around to avoid the Japanese girl's ultimate move.

The E skill repels the Japanese girl's face-to-face attack.

Quicksilver's stun control after receiving a shield blow in seconds.

At the same moment, he made an extreme right-angle dance move to avoid LeBlanc's E skill Phantom Chain.

Just looking at Vayne's operation in this section, it is still a textbook-level performance, and it is still worthy of people's admiration and praise without hesitation.


This time, Vayne's performance seemed to only end there.

Performing a large number of response operations in an instant was already extremely exhausting, but the opponent's attacks were far more than that. It seemed that Vayne's operations finally suffered from half a lag and flaws when she was tired of dealing with them.

Finally, the opponent's jungle prince's EQ sent him flying into the air and controlled him twice.

After the big move fell, the suddenly protruding circular rock wall trapped the night hunter.

At this moment, Vayne actually still has the last resort to escape.

If you use [Flash] to escape from the circle of the prince's ultimate move and distance yourself, then there may still be room for maneuver, or at least you can escape the danger of your life.

At least--

Even until this moment, the spectators still believed that Vayne could escape successfully.

But the next second.

What happened was truly beyond everyone's expectations.

Vayne flashed.

Hit the wall.

He failed to escape the siege of the prince's ultimate move as he wished, and instead crashed into the rugged and towering circular rock wall.


For a moment.

At this moment, almost everyone's minds went blank.

Almost every player watching the game had their heads buzzing.

Only the unbelievable shock suddenly filled my heart!


Flash into the wall! ?

It's not that they haven't seen this kind of operation before, but no one expected that in such a most critical and important team battle, such a wrong operation would actually appear on the blue Fang Wei En.

The Night Hunter who never made any mistakes from start to finish.

But at this juncture...

Made the most fatal and unforgivable mistake.

The eyes of several members of the Sting Team suddenly widened:

"What the hell!?——"

As the captain, Venomous Bee suddenly showed an almost stunned expression on his face:


Mu Qiu's eyelids also twitched suddenly at this moment. The uneasiness in his heart was finally confirmed at this moment, which also brought his mood to the coldest bottom——


Even the top team of the blue side on the field, several team members were stunned by Vayne's flash into the wall operation.

Even several members of the opponent's Purple Army Tian'a Team did not expect this scene to appear at all, and they were also stunned for a moment.

On and off the field.

It seemed that because of this scene, he suddenly fell into a brief moment of dead silence.


It was the Purple Fang Tian'a team on the field. As the captain, the Wushuang Swordsman reacted the fastest. The unbelievable emotion in his heart was quickly replaced by ecstasy, and his voice changed slightly with excitement:

"Second him!!!"


Naturally, there will be no more.

Vayne flashed into the wall and lost her last guarantee card. What awaited the Night Hunter at the next moment was the overwhelming skills and output firepower from the purple army.

In an instant, he was instantly killed and taken away.

As soon as the team battle broke out, the most important core output position was directly damaged, and the remaining four members of the blue team no longer had any room to resist.

Only the urgent "ding-ding-ding" warning signal to retreat could be heard constantly ringing on the blue side.

The top team was completely defeated and retreated again and again.

But still, the opponent Tian'a team was forced to leave behind two corpses of auxiliary Morgana and jungle excavator.

0 for 3.

The purple Fang Tian'a team won a complete victory.

Taking advantage of the trend, it was easy to capture this refreshed earth dragon.

At this point, the situation seems to have finally begun to turn.

Two or three minutes later, the purple team Tian'a, who had completely regained their morale and rhythm, rushed to the Dalong Gorge to lay out their vision. The top team on the blue side could not easily give up the second dragon. Come quickly.

It still has the same weakness of lacking the ability to proactively start a group.

As a result, in the tug-of-war before the Dalong Fjord, the top team on the blue side once again fell into the same situation as before the previous wave of earth dragon team battles.

Once again, the opponent's purple army seized the opportunity.

The prince and the Japanese girl took the initiative.

Cut to Enchantress and Jace.

All the firepower was directed at Vayne again.

This time, the Night Hunter still failed to create a miracle. When the summoner's skill [Flash] had not completely cooled down, it seemed that it could no longer calmly deal with the concentrated fire from the opponent just by relying on movement.

Purple side mid laner LeBlanc's E skill "Phantom Chain" successfully hit the target Vayne for the first time.


It doesn't even require the cooperation of teammates to do damage.

A set of explosive combos directly blasted away most of the Night Hunter's health bar.

The system's female voice's cold and ruthless killing announcement echoed in front of the Dalong Fjord.

This was Vayne's fourth death in battle.

It also seemed to declare that the balance of victory and defeat in this game had irreversibly tilted towards the opponent's side.

In the voice channel of the purple square team, the uncontrollable ecstatic shouts of the Wushuang Sword Immortal sounded:


"That guy...can't do it!!"

The update is here, I hope there will be another chapter, go away and continue typing, it sounds like the Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, time goes by so fast. .

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