
Chapter 202 Nothing left

From an objective point of view, the blue side's ADC Vayne's performance in this game did not need to withstand any criticism.

Because this one is the ADC position of the blue side, Vayne's living environment and output environment are indeed too harsh.

The lineup put out by the opponent's purple side army has a strong ability to cut into the back row and kill people in seconds. From the jungle prince to the auxiliary Japanese girl, as well as the mid laner LeBlanc and top laner Jayce, almost anyone can do it. Posing a fatal threat to Vayne.

And in this purple side lineup, there are four people who can threaten Vayne's life.

Not to mention that the blue team's lineup does only have Vayne as a late-stage output core, but it just doesn't appear in ba.

Choose the right time to get enough protection system for Vayne——

Just one assistant, Morgana, is simply not enough.

Even Morgana's personal strength level is lacking, and even her only E skill shield cannot protect her ADC partner in time every time.


It is the obvious strength gap between the two teams themselves.

Although the few members of the top team on the blue side may have worked hard and desperately enough, after all, they are not as strong as their opponents. Sometimes they are not able to help their own ADC teammates, and even hinder them.

Various objective factors are added together.

Being able to achieve such an amazing result in this game in such a harsh situation is enough for Vayne to win the heartfelt admiration and admiration of everyone present.

As for the heads that were sacrificed in response to the fire?

In fact, to put it more bluntly, if any ADC player were put in Vayne's situation, the number of deaths would probably be at least doubled or tripled. It would not be surprising to die to Super Ghost. .

Any previous wave of team battles——

According to normal circumstances, Vayne should be in a certain death situation.

But this blue square ADC Vayne has created more than one miracle by relying on her personal ability.

This is already an extremely remarkable achievement.


In summary, Vayne's death was actually a matter of course; it was unexpected that she had survived the desperate situation and turned the tide.


Although they all know these truths in their hearts, at this moment, when they witnessed Vayne in several key team battles, dying again and again, and even making various serious mistakes, the spectators and players of various teams at the scene were still a little hard to accept. Such fact.

Even a little trance-like as if in a dream——

Why did it suddenly become like this?

The Night Hunter, who continues to create miracles, is so caught off guard that he suddenly "fails"?

If Vayne's performance throughout the entire game was mediocre from beginning to end, perhaps it would be more acceptable to the players and team members watching the game.

After all, this was a duel in which there was a serious imbalance of strength from the beginning.

The weak team beats the strong team.

A group of junior high school students are challenging the leader of the entire Xiacheng division.

You also picked Vayne, and faced the Tian'a team's ace and unparalleled swordsman, the holy spear ranger Lucian.

No matter how you look at it, it is a one-sided battle that is destined to be crushed.

However, in the first twenty minutes of the game, the ADC Vayne of the pinnacle team performed a god-level performance that was jaw-dropping and even breath-taking. Not only did she crush the opponent, she even He almost had to challenge an entire team 1V5 by himself.

Such a brilliant initiative once shocked the players and members of all the teams on the field, and at the same time, they were extremely close to believing that the final victory of this game would be won by the blue team.


But it was like this for more than twenty minutes

yAfter the audience.

Vayne's performance suddenly went downhill.

It was really like a roller coaster, only to reach the top and then suddenly dive and fall to the bottom.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Vayne's performance in the past few team battles has gradually failed her.

Lost that calmness.

He even looked a little embarrassed.

And this situation was brought to its extreme in the Tulong team battle——

Flash into a wall?

This was an unexpected surprise for the on-site players who had only witnessed Vayne's god-level operations before.

As for the wave of dragon team battle that just ended, Vayne faced the usual concentrated fire attack from the opponent's purple side army. She made another mistake and was tied up by the Enchantress' E skill "Phantom Chain", resulting in Killed instantly by the explosion...

The moment when Vayne killed someone for the fourth time.

The splendid clothes worn by the dark night hunter from the top blue team seemed to have finally been taken off.

Lost the glory of creating miracles.

As the camera angle picture after death became darker.

Not long ago, they were cheering excitedly for Vayne, but now the players watching the game can't help but feel confused, wondering what happened to cause Vayne to change like this.

Or maybe...

The truth is just like the sentence that the captain of the Tian'a team, Wushuang Swordsman, shouted out with great enthusiasm just now. It only needs four simple words to explain:

He is dead.

The situation turned upside down in an instant.

One second ago, it was clear that the top team from the blue side was advancing to the top highland tower of the purple side with the first big dragon buff and a rainbow of momentum.

The next second, the Tian'a team from the purple side won the two waves of team battles of Tulong and Baron. Now, with the buff of the second Baron and the troops blessed by the buff, they assembled a wave of group battles. push.

The second defensive tower on the blue side's middle road was directly bulldozed and demolished into ruins.

The purple army continued to advance with great momentum.

Moreover, there are four people in the middle team, and Jess is led by one person in the top lane.

The two lines of troops are involved.

Continuously put defensive pressure on the top blue team.

At this point, the advantages that the blue army had gained in the early stage by relying on Vayne's life-and-death struggle have disappeared.

Now for the opponent's purple army, a single burst from Enchantress LeBlanc is enough to directly drain Vayne's health bar instantly, and even ADC Obama, who was completely destroyed in the early matchup, is now completely equipped. develop.

The peak team's original focus has finally lost its original power.

Under such circumstances, facing the top team in the Xiacheng Division, the personal shortcomings of several junior high school players were increasingly exposed.

The two lines of troops were operated by the Tian'a team on the purple side and pushed up to the middle high ground on the blue side at the same time.

The top teams that concentrate their manpower on the high ground in the middle have no time to worry about the top lane.

This allowed the opponent's top laner Jayce to quickly level the highland defense towers on the top lane with little effort.

Then break the top lane to summon the crystal.

Then Jess quickly circled towards the high ground in the middle and outflanked them. The purple auxiliary female tank and jungle prince under the high ground took advantage of the situation and pressed forward.

Several members of the blue side's peak team were forced to retreat again.

Give way to the highland defense tower in the middle.

Summon crystal to give way.

Accompanied by the system's female voice announcement, the blue summoning crystal in the middle detonated and exploded.

Two-way high ground...

They were broken one after another!

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