
Chapter 200 Hitting the wall

Speaking of which, this is actually a problem of lack of experience among the team members at Peak Exhibition.

The main manifestation lies in the vision control in the middle and late stages of this kind of game.

The upcoming Tulong team battle is extremely critical for both sides, and before the team battle breaks out, the most important preparation is to master and compete for the vision of the river area.

At this point, Zhou Mo has actually given instructions and reminders to several teammates as much as possible.

But after all, he is only one person.

It is impossible to do all the work.

Even though he was told to remind several team members to pay attention to the eye positions and vision of several key positions, it was still impossible for the team members to follow all the instructions and arrangements of the former perfectly.

There are always omissions of one sort or another.

And it is impossible for Zhou Mo himself to truly grasp the overall situation. He already needs to concentrate on operating his ADC Vayne, and always be on guard against possible sudden attacks from the opponent.


When the opponent's jungle prince quietly disappeared from the map's sight.

In the entire blue army, no one was alert enough in advance.


This caused the jungle prince of the Purple Fang Tian'a team to go around and cut in, and was finally controlled by the peak team...

It's too late.

The prince's detour was almost fatal.

Originally, the formation of the blue side army was in a stalemate with the opponent's purple side army, with all the attention focused on the opposite front row heroes.

The prince's cut from behind instantly seized the weak flank opportunity on the blue side's side.

Several members of the Peak Team were suddenly startled, and immediately prepared to retreat and distance themselves. However, they reacted at this time, but they were destined to have no luck.

Seeing that their jungler prince had successfully bypassed the back, several other people in the front row of the purple Fang Tian'a team also took action immediately.

The auxiliary Japanese girl opens it directly!

The long sword in the hand of the goddess of dawn suddenly points to the sky,

The ultimate move "Solar Flare" is suddenly summoned, blooming and exploding in the middle of the opponent's blue army's formation!

While the golden dazzling spots are in full bloom, slow down and control the three heroes on the blue side!

Zhou Mo's ADC Vayne reacted immediately.

Open Q immediately.

He rolled and retreated, dodging the middle area of ​​the Japanese girl's ultimate move, avoiding being stunned and controlled on the spot. However, he was still affected by the aftermath of the solar flare, and his figure's movement speed was reduced and slowed down.


In the purple team's internal voice channel, the captain Wushuang Swordsman's roar sounded again!

In an instant, all members of Tian'a's team rose up and pressed in!

Daikin's auxiliary Japanese girl is still leading the way. With her E skill "Zenith Blade", she swings her sword forward and throws a beam of light that hits the auxiliary Morgana in the front row on the opposite side of the blue side.

The next second, the figure of the Dawn Goddess followed the pointed sun beam and moved up like lightning!

Zhang Yuan, the assistant of the blue team's peak team, urgently and subconsciously used an E skill shield to cover himself.

This is to use the shield to offset the shield control of the Q skill behind the Japanese girl's sudden face.


What I didn't expect was.

The next moment she suddenly flashed her face in front of the blue assistant Morgana, a thin golden light suddenly flashed across the Japanese girl's body.

He actually let go of Morgana in front of him.

Using the opponent's auxiliary hero as a springboard, a [Flash] moved forward again, and the figure of the goddess of dawn suddenly appeared in front of the blue ADC Vayne like lightning!

The Q skill "Shield of Dawn" was aimed at Vayne and struck down hard!

This time, Morgana used a shield for herself, but was unable to protect her ADC partner.

Between the electric light and flint——

ADC Vayne, controlled by Zhou Mo, backhanded E almost at the same moment when her opponent's auxiliary Japanese girl flashed her face.

The heavy crossbow arrows of "Devil's Judgment" were shot out!

Suddenly the body of the Dawn Goddess was knocked back hard!

The reaction was already extremely fast.

But it was still half a beat too slow.

The Japanese girl's body was knocked back by the heavy crossbow and flew away, but before that, the shield hit had hit Vayne's body firmly.

The figure of the Night Hunter suddenly froze on the spot and fell into a state of dizziness control. At the same time, the opposite purple mid laner Enchantress also used the W skill "Shadow's Trace" to move in with lightning speed. The moment the displacement landed, QE took two consecutive shots. Throw it at Vayne.

The same moment——

A translucent light lit up on Vayne's body.

【Mercury Ribbon】!

Get rid of dizziness instantly!

There was almost no pause or hesitation. The Night Hunter's figure escaped from the control of the Japanese girl's Q skill and at the same time made an extreme right-angle dance move, narrowly dodging the E skill phantom chain thrown by LeBlanc in the middle. !

Everything happened in just one or two seconds, and there were so many deadly threats against Vayne that it was almost dizzying to see.

However, Vayne's operation seemed to be as extreme and perfect as ever.

Just such a moment.

Before several other teammates had time to react, Vayne had already made several operations to respond.

Forcibly means trying hard to find a way out for yourself in the narrowest and most cramped space, in the most dangerous and dangerous situation.


The crisis is still not over.

Just as Vayne took a small step to avoid the chain of her opponent's mid laner LeBlanc's E skill, the back attack from the opposite purple jungler prince finally appeared.

Prince EQ 2nd Company!

"German Flag" followed by "Dragon Crash".

Without any hesitation, the steel spear in Prince Jiawen's hand pointed directly at the target, the night hunter, and suddenly came with murderous intent!

If it were before.

Such a series of attacks that seemed destined to be unanswerable for any ADC player, Vayne's operation was still able to avoid it perfectly and to the extreme, and then once again won a wave of moving surprises and cheers from the crowd watching the game.

But this time.

The steel spear rushed in like a tiger coming out of the gate.

Vayne's figure seemed to be stagnant at this moment.

It was as if the reaction was a beat slower.

When she realized that the prince on the other side was charging forward twice, Vayne reluctantly tried to dodge by moving, but it was too late to keep up with the speed of the steel spear.


The prince's EQ came unexpectedly for the second time.

The steel spear lifted the Night Hunter's body heavily into the air.

On the blue side of the field, Zhou Mo's face suddenly turned pale in front of the computer screen!

The exclamations from the crowd watching the match suddenly sounded like an explosion. This was even more shocking and unbelievable than when they saw Vayne evade the Prince's Second Company.


He was actually charged! !

The next second, the prince's ultimate move "Heaven and Earth Shattered" hit him directly!

The rugged and towering ring-shaped rock wall suddenly protruded from the water of the river, shrouding the figures of the prince and Vayne and imprisoning them!

The blood volume of the health bar on Vayne's head suddenly plummeted!

Then a burst of fine golden light exploded!

Everyone easily judged at this moment that Vayne was forced to cross and prepare to escape.

But the next second...

The scene that happened in front of them made all the spectators in the field stunned and stunned.

Vayne flashed.

But the next moment, when the Night Hunter's figure reappeared after flashing, he still couldn't escape the scope of the prince's ultimate move, and just hit the ring-shaped rock wall with his head.


Hit the wall!

Update sent, ah, sleepy, go away and sleep. Good night, friends. Good night. See you tomorrow.

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