
Chapter 199 0 dense and 1 sparse

This game was closer than anyone expected.

The direction of the plot seems to be unexpected and exciting every second.

Until now, the situation on the scene is still difficult for people to judge and evaluate which side can definitely win.

At the beginning, everyone was unanimously optimistic about the Tian'a team.

Then the top team on the blue side responded perfectly in the early stages and played an amazingly advantageous rhythm.

By the time the blue army captured the Baron buff, it seemed like they were infinitely close to winning.

In the final wave of team battles in front of the purple square highland tower, the Tian'a team repelled their opponents 2-for-3 and seemed to be fighting for the rhythm and initiative of the battle again.

The two sides seem to be back on the same starting line again.

The crowd watching the game was in a commotion at the moment and kept making comments:

"Damn... this is so damn hard to fight. It's really hard to separate."

"Even after defeating the big dragon, we still can't tell the winner."

"Nonsense, can you imagine that the first big dragon was actually obtained by the top team?"

"We have to wait until the second big dragon refreshes to decide the outcome, right?"

"You have to be faster. The next earth dragon will already decide the winner."

There is no doubt that the top team of the Blue Army needs this earth dragon. The last wave of baron buffs did not help them successfully push their opponents to the high ground. If they want to truly establish a victory, they must win the next baron.

And this earth dragon is the key guarantee for the next big dragon.

In contrast--

Naturally, the Tian'a team on the purple side will not be able to easily give up the next earth dragon to others. No matter how strong their lineup is, it will be difficult to stop the opponent's rhythm of taking dragons and pushing towers. .

Therefore, both parties want to grab this earth dragon.

Then the refresh time after two minutes is destined to become a key node in determining the outcome of this game.

Through the last wave of dragon team battles,

It also gave some reference information for evaluation and analysis to the members of various teams watching the game. Originally they thought that the blue side army with the super god Vayne was almost unrivaled, but now it seems...

The rhythm seemed to be held back by the Tian'a team on the purple side.

The purple side's mid laner Enchantress, top laner Jess and even ADC Obama have all developed at this stage of the game, which lasts 26 to 7 minutes.

Especially Enchantress and Jace, with their current output equipment, their damage is reaching their strongest peak.

At this stage, the Purple Army has really begun to show the terrifying offensiveness and aggressiveness of this lineup, with the strong attack of the Japanese girl and the prince, and the burst damage of Jace and the Enchantress.

It only takes one mistake and oversight on the blue side's part.

It is very likely that the Tian'a team's lineup will instantly pounce on them like hungry wolves preying on them and tear them into pieces.


It’s still the same sentence.

After all, there is Vayne on the blue side.

For the players of various teams watching the game off the field, it seems that this has become a deep-rooted understanding in their minds.

Because from the beginning of this game to the present, the blue side's ADC Vayne has created miracles on her own countless times, and turned the tide countless times to help her teammates open up the situation and save the field from the most critical situation.

Not to mention, in the next wave of earth dragon team battles, Vayne's double summons will also be cooled down again, and the former already has two life-saving equipment in hand, namely the Demon Drinking Knife and the Mercury Sash.

If you switch to other ADCs, facing the targeted firepower from the opponent, no matter how many life-saving measures you take, they may not be effective.

But if it falls into the hands of the ADC Vayne on the court at this moment...

But it only made the spectators of each team couldn't help but start to look forward to it again, what kind of surprising and amazing operation skills Vayne would bring them next.

There is still half a minute until the earth dragon is refreshed.

The ten heroes of the blue and purple legions have once again gathered towards the Xiaolong Gorge of the river.

Each of them has relatively dealt with the three lines of troops, and has no time to take into account other details. The core focus now is the earth dragon that will be refreshed in half a minute.

The smell of gunpowder smoke gradually filled the air in front of the river.

The crowd watching the game subconsciously held their breath.

Try to keep your eyes open, nervous and looking forward to the upcoming fierce confrontation.

Both sides began to arrange eye positions on the river.

Competing for view.

When entering this stalemate situation again, the lineup advantage of the Purple Fangtian'a team was once again reflected——

After widening the distance, Jayce, the top laner on the purple side, relied on his long-range advantage and began to use the energy cannon of the second company of EQ to consume poke. LeBlanc, the mid laner, wandered on the flanks, looking for opportunities to cut into the opponent's back row.

The Japanese girl and the prince are in the front row. As long as the middle and jungle pair of the purple side are allowed to catch the opponent's flaw, the first mover in the team battle will be started immediately.

The top team on the blue side is naturally relatively passive.

Because they still lack the perfect means to start a group, but the earth dragon cannot be released, so they can only be as careful as possible with their positioning, and never give their opponents the opportunity to take the initiative to force the attack easily.

Likewise, the more this situation occurs, the more the flaws of the Blue Army's lineup become apparent.

It’s so disturbing that people can’t help but feel anxious——

You have a lineup and no means of starting a team, so don’t you just have to wait to be beaten?

"At any rate, Nar will find a chance to go around... What's the use of staying in the front all the time?"

"You can't count on Vayne to take the lead every time, right?"

"Even a divine ADC can't take the initiative to start a team at the risk of his life every time."

There were voices in the crowd.

But it is really helpless. The personal abilities of several small players on the Peak team are really lacking, including the top laner Gnar. It is not that they have not tried to bypass the opponent's vision and make sneak attacks from behind, but they can never be found. The right angle.

It seems that they really can only passively defend and wait for opportunities.


No matter how careful you are in defense, there will always be gaps.

Between the attacker and the defender, the former who takes the initiative is always more likely to find the opponent's flaws.

The top team on the blue side was unable to wait for top laner Gnar to find a suitable angle to cut in behind.

And this opportunity——

But it was the opponent's purple army who caught him first.

The ten heroes of the blue and purple armies originally occupied the left and right sides of Xiaolong Gorge, a river channel, and set up a tug-of-war.

On the purple team Tian'a team, jungler Prince and auxiliary Japanese girl have undoubtedly been standing at the front of their formation, covering teammates Jess and Obama behind them, while Enchantress is looking for opportunities to steal people on the flanks.

During this stalemate, several members of the blue side's top team focused more on guarding against the opponent's mid laner LeBlanc's sneak attack and Jayce's long-range poke.

However, he did not notice that at some unknown time, the opponent's jungle prince had quietly withdrawn from the front of the battlefield.

If you are looking at the OB screen from a God's perspective, you will see that Prince Jiawen on the purple side first retreated into his own blue buff jungle area.

Then he quickly detoured from the lower half of his home.

A big turn.

Silently, he touched the top of the opponent's blue formation.

When several members of the blue side's top team suddenly realized that there seemed to be one less person in the opposing lineup.

The figure of Prince Jiawen had already strode out from the grass in the river above.

Toward the back row of the Blue Army...

Coming straight at you.

"The prince has retreated!"

The crowd suddenly burst into exclamations!

The update is here. Let’s continue coding the next chapter. It should be finished before two o’clock. Friends, please read it tomorrow morning.

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