
Chapter 198 No longer suffocating

After the dust settled on the team battle on the purple side's top road high ground, the pace of the entire game also slowed down slightly.

The players of both the blue and purple teams on the field need to make temporary adjustments to prepare for the next wave of war.

As for the spectators from various teams off the court, they also need to digest the content of the equally intense and exciting team battle just now.

2 for 3.

I have to say that in this wave, the purple Fang Tian'a team did an excellent job of taking the lead in the team battle.

There were also many team members in the crowd exchanging sighs in low voices:

"As expected of God..."

"My opponent got the Baron buff, but my defensive counterattack was still solid and beautiful."

"I was really accurate in seizing the opportunity and decisive in taking advantage of it."

Similarly, there will naturally be no shortage of praise and appreciation for the top team of the Blue Army:

"The mistake was a slight mistake."

"You should be more careful in front of the opponent's high ground."

"But...it was supposed to be a situation where the group was wiped out, but it was awesome to force others to save the situation."

"Wayne still fights well——"

"Really, this Vayne is still strong."


If the blue side's ADC Vayne hadn't stepped forward again at the critical moment in this wave of highland team battles, the blue side's army would have suffered even more losses.

What Vayne did in this wave of team battles also seemed to have reached an impeccable perfection.

Kill the prince first.

He also forced himself to hold back most of the opponent's targeted firepower, and combined with the damage of his mid laner Syndra to take away the head of the opponent's ADC Holy Lance Ranger.

Even if he was killed in the end, this wave of Vayne could be regarded as a worthy death and a worthy death.


At the same time, some people began to notice other phenomena and details:


Vayne also died twice in a row..."

"The last wave of dragons, this wave of high ground."

"I haven't died in the whole game. In just these two or three minutes, I was killed first and then killed again."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, the opponent is really trying to kill Vayne. The other little guys on the blue side can't provide much help to their ADC."

Although there is such discussion.

But at least so far, most of the players watching the game still have no doubt about Zhou Mo's strength, and even give him more praise and recognition.

In their view, the death of Vayne in these two waves was inevitable and had nothing to do with the players' personal operations.

Several members of the Sting Team were also discussing in whispers:

"There is really nothing we can do. Vayne's living space is really small."

"Several core output points on the opposite side have developed. The damage of any one of them is enough to pose a fatal threat to Vayne."

"It would probably be difficult for our LPL professional ADs to operate it——"

Only the leader, Venomous Bee, remained silent.

At this moment, his eyes fell on the top team of the blue side on the field, and what was reflected in his eyes was the figure in front of the ADC seat.

There was some hesitation in Venomous Bee's heart.

Of course, if it is based on normal opinions and evaluations, his views will be the same as those of several teammates around him.

In the last wave of team battles, and in the next wave of team battles, Vayne's operation still seemed to be impeccable. Even if she lost her life twice, it was a "non-combat crime."

It seems that it is indeed because his teammates are not strong enough, and the opponent's lineup is destined to give Vayne a greater threat after it develops.


I always feel like something is wrong.

At this moment, Venomous Bee's mind suddenly flashed back scenes from the first ten minutes of the game.

What comes to mind is Vayne's performance and operation from the laning phase to the first two waves of team battles in the first ten minutes or so.

Then subconsciously, compare it with the two recent waves of team battles...

The poisonous bee suddenly became excited.

Then he tried to calm down and looked at the figure in front of the ADC seat in the blue square on the court, feeling even more confused——


If his feelings really weren't wrong.

Vayne's state... seems to have changed slightly.

Moreover, it is not a good change.

On the purple side of the field, several members of the Tian'a team have not yet had the time to take care of too many other trivial matters.

The recent wave of highland team battles had allowed them to regain most of their lost morale.

2 for 3!

It wasn't a satisfactory victory, but at least... it gave them hope of winning this game again.

Several Tian'a team members couldn't help but feel a little excited at the moment:


"Dajin's Japanese girl made a good first move just now!"

"Just fight like this! Several core points on our side are up."

"There's still only one Vayne on the other side, so it doesn't seem that difficult to solve -"

"Even if he can kill one or two of us, as long as he, Vayne, dies, the remaining few on the other side will not be enough to watch!"

It seems that through two consecutive waves of team battles, several members of the Tian'a team gradually began to get rid of their original psychological shadow of Vayne, and gradually discovered that the night hunter on the opposite side, who was almost terrifying at the beginning, seemed to be no longer the same. Not so scary and unsolvable.

At least, it's a trouble that can be solved!

As the captain, Wushuang Swordsman was actually still reminiscing about the highland team battle just now. With his level and realm, he also vaguely sensed some subtle changes that had happened to his opponent Vayne.

That also made him a little surprised and confused.

However, now he also has no time to think deeply.

Anyway, now the pressure on them has been reduced, and the threat Vayne poses to them is no longer so suffocating.

This is the greatest good thing!

"Come on, prepare for the next wave, Xiaolong!"

Although Vayne with Zhou Mo came to the rescue, the blue army was not completely defeated in this wave of team battles in the top highlands.

But the loss is still considerable.

3 for 2.

And it's not just the loss of lives, but more importantly, after this wave of small defeats, the remaining Baron buff time on the original blue heroes has basically been invalidated.

It is impossible to take advantage of the situation and continue to advance.

The final gain was just to destroy the opponent's top and middle towers.

Didn't get to the high ground.

And the current situation seems to be getting out of the control of the blue side army little by little, and the opponent's purple side is also slowly fighting back the rhythm initiative.


The next little dragon will be refreshed soon.

This time, it was Earth Dragon again.

For the top team of the blue army, this earth dragon is also extremely important, because they already have an earth dragon before. If they win this second one, the blessing of the double earth dragon buff effect can help them quickly You will also take great initiative in pushing down the tower and fighting for the next big dragon later.

It can be said that although the last wave of highland team battles suffered setbacks, as long as this earth dragon is captured, the odds of the top team winning this game will inevitably increase further.

Several members of the top team also cheered up and cheered each other up:

"come on!"

"This earth dragon must be captured!"

The update is here. When I get home again, I will take a nap first and then resume two updates tomorrow, guaranteed!

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