
Chapter 197 Happened quietly

This wave of team battles in front of the highland tower on the purple side came very quickly.

The scene also entered an extremely intense and chaotic situation in an instant.

Team Tian'a made a great first move this time.

The cooperation between several team members is also impeccable.

The blue side's auxiliary Morgana was the first to be defeated.

It seems that from the beginning of this game to now, the assistant Morgana has never found a safe position suitable for her in any team battle. She has been killed several times by concentrated fire before she even had time to use her ultimate move, and even started. It doesn't do much to protect teammates.

This is indeed to be blamed on Zhang Yuan, who is the assistant.

Personal ability and team fighting awareness...

There is indeed something lacking.

But Zhang Yuan is not the only one who needs to be blamed. When this wave of team battles was kicked off by the opponent's Tian'a team, several other team members on the blue side's peak team also did not Do your best to respond.

Yang Ke's jungle excavator was caught by the opponent because of his careless positioning.

The same goes for Zhang Xin's mid laner Syndra. As the core mid laner C position of the team, he did not have enough vigilance. As soon as the team battle started, his position as the Dark Leader was also unsafe.

This puts the blue army in a situation where it is almost unable to fight back at the beginning of the team battle.

Even after being overwhelmed by the entire opponent's purple army, they were about to fall into defeat almost instantly.

Good thing.

There is also Zhou Mo’s ADC Vayne.

In fact, Zhou Mo has already realized the danger in advance. If Zhou Mo, as the team's ADC, wants to, he can choose to reluctantly sell his teammates, evacuate first, and then wait for opportunities to find a counterattack, or at least save his own head and Baron buff. , escape from this wave of team battles first.

But if his Vayne withdraws——

This wave of team battles is destined to be a complete failure.

The most core output point is missing.

Even if Vayne can successfully escape, the other four teammates will undoubtedly be retained by the opponent.

Such a heavy price is unacceptable.


In that flash of lightning, Zhou Mo made his decision.

Night Hunter Vayne also launched her ultimate move at lightning speed at this moment.

"The ultimate moment".

Resolutely enter the battlefield head-on.

It is still the perfect positioning and micro-manipulation that is like the tip of a knife licking blood, so thrilling that it makes people tremble, and so delicate that it makes people exclaim.

In the chaotic and fierce team battle, Vayne still found the most extreme output environment, doing her best to pour out her maximum damage output in the most dangerous situation.

The first target targeted by the Demonic Short Crossbow was the purple side’s front row jungler prince.

The blood volume on the prince's head also plummeted crazily in an instant.

When Tian'a's jungler Prince came to his senses in surprise and wanted to retreat, he was hit by another E skill "Devil's Judgment" that came towards him.

The heavy crossbow soaked in holy silver knocked Prince Jiawen back and nailed him to the wall.

Another flat A arrow came flying.

Triggers the "Holy Silver Crossbow" passive that has been stacked to three levels.

Detonate real damage.

Take the head.

Under normal circumstances, with such a perfect first-team battle belonging to the purple side, the blue side army, which was in a rout from the beginning, should be destined to have no power to fight back.

But it just happens that on the blue side there is an ADC Vayne who is incredibly well developed and also incredibly powerful in operations.

It seems——

He was able to reverse the situation with his own strength.

The Tian'a team on the purple side was also suddenly aware of Vayne's entry when their jungler prince died in battle.

From this, it can be seen that Vayne's operations are fast and decisive.

And the damage is shocking and horrific.

The half-flesh Prince Jiawen was almost as fragile as paper in front of the Night Hunter's demonic short crossbow.

And if Vayne is given a little more output time, perhaps only the former can clean up the whole scene.

Team Tian'a reacted quickly.

The next second, all the firepower was focused on the opponent's ADC Vayne and poured down!

Even in such a critical situation of being instantly attacked, the Night Hunters controlled by Zhou Mo still seemed to be calm and calm.

A Q skill's "Evasion Raid" moves and rolls again.

Enter stealth mode.

Create distance.

In a relatively safe corner of the narrow terrain, his figure quickly appeared again. He raised his crossbow and pointed it at the nearest target in front of him, the purple ADC Obama, and began to output!

Flat A!

Another A!

In the blink of an eye, the three passive rings were quickly stacked up, and another astonishing damage detonated. The blood volume of the health bar on the head of the Paladin Ranger suddenly dropped by a whole length!

Just this moment.

Obama, who was in full condition, was almost half-blooded!

The Wushuang Sword Immortal, who discovered that he was being targeted by his opponent, suddenly felt a chill rush to his head and had goosebumps all over his body:


"Save me!!"

The words fell.

The demon queen in her own family was already chasing after her quickly, and the phantom chain copied from her ultimate move "Repeat the Same Trick" was thrown towards Vayne.

ADC Vayne, controlled by Zhou Mo, responded with lightning speed.

A wrong body with right angle dance steps.

Narrowly dodged the phantom chain of the Enchantress LeBlanc.

But the next moment.

The opponent's top laner Jace on the purple side has switched to the war hammer form and used the Q skill "Leap of the Sky" to slam down the hammer from top to bottom, suddenly facing Vayne.

Another second.

Along with a burst of bright golden light, Jace directly [flashed] behind Vayne!

The "Thunder Blow" of the backhand E skill.

He knocked Vayne's figure back hard and stumbled into the formation surrounded by the opponent's purple army.

The exclamations from the crowd watching the game suddenly exploded!

Mu Qiu took a deep breath and her mood sank to the bottom:


In the end, the team battle before the purple side hit the high ground ended in a 3 for 2.

The blue army lost three heroes: auxiliary Morgana, jungler Digger and ADC Vayne.

But the opponent's jungler Prince and ADC Obama were also replaced.

After Obama was beaten to low health by Vayne, Zhang Xin's mid laner Syndra of the blue side's top team found an opportunity to use the ultimate move "Energy Pour" to hit his face and take away the head.

And such an ending seems to be acceptable to the top team.

After all, they were going to be completely defeated in this wave.

But once again, relying on the performance of their own ADC Vayne, they were able to forcefully recover some losses and successfully cover the evacuation of their two teammates in the mid lane and top lane.

The only thing that is slightly regrettable is that Vayne still died in battle after this wave of operations.

Just two or three minutes.

This is the second time Vayne has died in battle.

It was also the only two times in the entire game.

Some subtle changes...

It seems to be happening quietly.

Here’s an update. I’ll finish my business trip and go home tomorrow. I’ve completed my last business trip this year. Ah, my merits have been fulfilled.

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