
Chapter 196 Mistakes before the Highlands

The high ground in the middle could not be pushed down for the time being, and the top team of the blue army immediately chose to switch to the lane.

Decisive, without any sloppiness.

Just at this time, a wave of blue side troops on the top lane had arrived in front of the second defensive tower of the purple side. Several heroes on the blue side followed suit and took the lead to easily defeat the opponent's outer tower on the top lane before the opponent's purple side army arrived. Uproot and demolish.

There was cheers and applause from the crowd watching the game.

In this wave, the peak team’s operational transition was indeed clean and tidy.

However, after successively removing the opponent's two defense towers in the middle and upper lanes, the troops on the top lane were still pressed in front of the opponent's highland defense towers.

At this time, the Blue Army was faced with a choice.

Are you taking it while it's good?

After getting two second defense towers in succession, if you consider that the high ground is difficult to push, then if you choose to stop and retreat at this time, you have already made a lot of money, and you can wait for the next big or small dragon.

This is also the most robust option.

The other is to take advantage of victory and pursue it.

Indeed, after all, it would be a pity if the big dragon buff that you worked so hard to obtain only destroyed one or two outer towers on the opposite side but could not cause substantial damage to the opponent's high ground.

"But if you push for high ground, you may not be able to achieve it——"

There were many spectators and players in the crowd talking quietly.

After all, the blue side's lineup still lacks heroes with long hands and towers, and the opponent's purple side army will never let you demolish my high ground easily.

If the top team on the blue side is determined to go to the high ground, the Tian'a team on the purple side will definitely find an opportunity to fight under the tower.

Start a team fight with your opponent in front of the high ground...

Then the risk is not small.

Mu Qiu in the crowd lowered her eyes.

If it were based on his familiarity with his former partner and friend, in this case, his old friend would probably choose the former, more stable method.

Ding! ——

A signal sounded on the mini map.

On the blue side, ADC Vayne was pressing towards the opponent's top high ground as her troops moved forward, and an offensive marker was placed on the opponent's top high ground tower.

The intention has been extremely clear.

Keep pushing!

A low commotion arose from the crowd.

Mu Qiu's eyelids twitched slightly.

Vaguely, the uneasiness and worry in my heart are becoming more and more confirmed bit by bit.

Enter the tower with a line of blue square soldiers blessed by the buff effect of the dragon.

In front of the high ground, several heroes from the blue army also began to draw blood against the high ground tower under the cover of their own soldiers.

The blood volume of the health bar on the top of the defense tower is also slipping little by little.

Although it seems that they are determined to defeat the opponent all the way to the top, during the actual process of pushing the tower, several heroes on the blue side are still extremely cautious, especially the positions of Vayne and Syndra. Be very careful not to give your opponent too many opportunities to take the initiative.


After all, it is a tower push in front of the opponent's high ground.

This terrain position naturally determines that the blue army will be in a relatively passive situation that may be forced out at any time.

The Tian'a team of the purple side seems to be focused on clearing the line and defending, but the heroes including Enchantress, Jess and Prince, including the auxiliary Dawn Goddess, have their eyes fixed on the blue side's crispy C from the beginning to the end. A hero never gives up searching for opportunities.


When the health bar of the highland tower on the purple side dropped by nearly half.

Team Tian'a moved.

That was the movement of the purple side mid-level monster's W skill "Shadow's Trace", and she rushed forward. She found an angle from the side and used her E skill "Phantom Chain" to throw it towards the jungler digging in the front row of the blue side's army in front of the tower. machine.


At the same moment, Yang Ke quickly controlled his Void Breaker to retreat, preparing to escape from LeBlanc's skill casting range and break free from the control of the chain.

The purple side assisted the Japanese girl to press forward quickly.

E skill "Zenith Blade" swings the sword forward and shoots a beam of golden sunlight towards the excavator.

The pinnacle team's assistant Zhang Yuan was eager to protect his teammates, and immediately moved forward to use the shield of the E skill to give his jungler teammates to help offset the subsequent control.

And it was this Morgana E skill shield that was handed over——

Many people in the crowd watching the game suddenly became shocked!

This shield...

Don't deserve it!

Because for the entire Blue Army, among the five heroes in their lineup, the only skill that can be regarded as a guarantee is Morgana's E skill shield, and this shield was handed over rashly early and only used After giving me a front-row excavator——

The other crispy C-position heroes in the back row lost a key protection in the upcoming team battle.


In the voice channel of the purple team, the Peerless Sword Immortal shouted loudly!

same moment.

The five purple heroes under the tower burst out at the same time almost in no particular order!

The Prince's EQ Second Company moved forward and charged forward!

After the goddess of dawn's E skill shifted forward, she directly ignored the enemy jungler excavator who was shielded in front of her. A Q skill "Shield of Dawn" hit the blue side's auxiliary Morgana hard!

At the same time, the ultimate move "Sun Flare" raised the long sword and pointed it at the sky, and the bright golden dazzling spots exploded in the blue square formation!

The top team on the blue side actually just made a small mistake.

But at this moment, the opponent's Tian'a team seized the opportunity.

Suddenly burst out.

The whole army presses in!

This wave of forceful opening by the purple side army was almost perfect, and the tacit understanding was at its peak. Suddenly, a violent storm swept towards the blue side opponent in front of the tower.

The energy cannon of Jace's EQ Second Company crashed into the blue square formation.

Explode a considerable amount of AOE damage!

The prince used the second consecutive attack to control Gnar and Morgana, and the ultimate move of Heavenly Shattering was directly aimed at Morgana and Syndra Gailao!

Amazing set fire damage.

The health bar on Morgana's head emptied out in an instant, and the enemy ADC Obama rushed up with an E skill and took away the kill with two consecutive A-level shots.

The mid laner Syndra's health also plummeted, and she handed over [Flash] in embarrassment and ran away.

It seems that in just the blink of an eye, the blue army has entered the stage of defeat.


Also in this sudden critical situation.

It seems that the top team on the blue side still retains some combat power.

At the moment when the opponent's auxiliary Dawn Goddess' E skill rushed forward and the ultimate move "Solar Flare" was activated, the ADC Vayne on the blue side, controlled by Zhou Mo, retreated in time and distanced herself.

Escaped the control of the Japanese girl's ultimate move.

Then, the next second when several of the opponent's front-row heroes burst in and cut in.

Vayne's ultimate move "Final Moment" is activated.

A period of rolling displacement of the Q skill "Evasion Raid" and entering the stealth state.


Entering into his own harvesting and counterattack rhythm!

The update is here, there should be another chapter later, so go away and go out to do some errands.

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