
Chapter 195 Only one thing left

Two for four in team battle.

Help the team capture Baron Baron.

Under this initiative to start a group, he finally got a wave of double kills.

With such a performance, apart from "perfect", there is almost no other word that can describe Zhou Mo's Vayne.

The cheers and applause from the crowd watching the game were enough to prove this point. At least for the players and members of these teams at the scene, it was absolutely impossible for them to use Vayne to achieve such brilliant results.

Now, in their minds, the coach who came on as a "substitute" for the top team has become a real god-like existence.

Think about it——

Completely destroy the bottom lane where the Wushuang Sword Immortal is located.

Team battle, the first wave of fire dragons, the second wave of earth dragons, and this time the big dragon.

Vayne's teamfight performance was even stronger and more incredible than in the laning match.

This operation...

It seems that it is really rock solid.

There will never be even the slightest mistake!

However, amidst such admiration, Mu Qiu's face in the crowd looked a little solemn, and his mood was indeed sinking.

My former partner and friend played like this

Naturally, he should have been delighted with the Y-level operation.

But the problem is-

Precisely because he was the only one among everyone present who was most familiar with his former partner and friend, everyone else at the scene could only see Vayne's perfect operation in this wave of dragon team battles again, and he...

But from this "perfection", I keenly grasped some flaws.

Although it is said to be a flaw, in fact it is even suspected of being "nit-picking".

But if the person who requires standards is Zhou Mo.

For Mu Qiu, no matter how much he criticizes, it is not too much.

In this wave of team battles, Vayne's performance still seems to be amazing, from taking the initiative to start the team and cutting in, to the perfect extreme positioning in the chaotic battle circle, to all kinds of skillful distance pulling and output walking and slashing. , simply called a heavenly show.

In the end, of course Vayne also gained a lot, helping the team get the baron and helping herself get a double kill.

It seemed like nothing more could be asked for.

However, Mu Qiu knew that this was not the case.

He had already guessed that his partner and friend could perform such an operation, but originally... he expected more from Vayne.

It shouldn't just be a double kill.

Although it seems that dancing on the tip of the knife all the time is extremely thrilling, if this wave can be operated to the true extreme perfection, then Vayne could have got three kills or even more, and she could have retreated calmly.

But in this wave, Vayne "only" got a double kill.

Mu Qiu lowered his head, covering up the deep worry flashing in his eyes.

He saw it.


At the most critical moment, Vayne made a positioning error, or in other words, reacted a little too slowly, and was hit and controlled by a phantom chain from the opposite mid laner, Enchantress, and was eventually killed. bounty.

Through Vayne's performance in the early stages of this game, he was very sure that his former partner and friend did not have a "slow reaction" problem.

Then, there can only be one reason.

At that moment, Vayne slowed down her reaction speed.

On the blue side of the field, several members of the pinnacle team were still rejoicing over the team battle victory they had just won and the Baron buff they had obtained.

From their simple and optimistic point of view, after winning several team battles and getting the Baron buff, this game is almost at the finish line of victory for them.

A miraculous victory between the weak and the strong is about to happen to them.

It seems that only Zhou Mo, who was the biggest contributor to this wave of team battles, did not participate in the celebration.

His face was slightly pale.

That was because of the severe pain in my right hand that never went away.

And his mood was sinking little by little.

Because compared to his former partner off the court who he didn't even know was present, he himself is more aware of his current state and situation, and he is also more aware of the mistakes he made in his seemingly perfect team fight just now... and flaws.


His hand speed was a beat slower than his reaction.

At that moment, he had actually predicted the opponent's Enchantress's E skill chain in advance, and even saw LeBlanc's action.

But at the moment when Vayne was about to move, his right hand holding the mouse trembled for a moment.

It was that moment of trembling that caused an extremely slight deviation in Vayne's movement under his control.

And ultimately led to a fatal outcome.

It currently looks like...

It seems to have little impact.

But the occurrence of this situation is already an extremely bad sign, which indicates that he can no longer completely control all his operations, and as time goes by, this situation may occur more frequently. The higher the level, the more severe the severity will be.

As for the solution——

There is no solution.

There is only one thing left to do.

"Hold together."

"Mid push."

Zhou Mo's voice sounded in the blue team's voice channel.

As calm as ever, without showing any signs of strangeness.

After getting the baron, there is no suspense about what the blue army has to do next.

Previously, it was because their own lineup lacked sufficient ability to push towers that they were forced to stalemate with their opponents, but now that the Baron buff has been obtained and the shortcomings in the ability to push towers have been made up, this is the best time to advance.

Soon, the five men from the blue side gathered in the middle, and the troops with the effect of the big dragon buff quickly moved towards the second tower in the middle of the opponent's purple side.

At this time, the Tian'a team, as the disadvantaged side, did not put up much resistance under their own second tower. They just barely tried to clear the line, and then saw the tough posture of the opponent's blue team, so they chose to move the second tower in the middle. Give up and retreat to the high ground.

Accompanied by the sound of a female voice in the system, the second tower on the purple square middle road quickly collapsed and turned into ruins.

The five heroes of the blue side continue to lead the troops towards the middle high ground of the purple side.

At this time, it is impossible for the Tian'a team on the purple side to continue to give in.

It's still acceptable for you to have two towers.

But the Highlands were a different story.

Moreover, although the current situation and momentum seem to be at a disadvantage, after all, the lineup of the Purple Army is not bad at guarding the tower. They are determined not to let the opponent easily break the high ground in the middle, and they are already in the middle. A formation was set up in front of the Highland Tower.

Jace has the energy cannon from the second company of EQ to clear troops.

Enchantress's W skill "Shadow's Trace" and Holy Lance Ranger's ultimate move "Holy Spear Baptism" are also ways to close the line under the tower.

Even if a wave of blue side soldiers had the effect of the big dragon buff, they were quickly cleared by several purple side heroes in front of the tower. The few people on the top team could only click while the soldier line was still there. He hit the defense tower a few times, but he couldn't quickly lose much health.

It is also impossible for Vayne to position herself too far forward just because of the big dragon buff, otherwise she would be equally in danger.

Seeing that the high ground in the middle road could not be removed for the time being, Zhou Mo quickly marked the road on the mini map:

"Change the line."

"Push up."

Here’s an update, I didn’t expect that I would have to go on a business trip last year. . . The mentality is broken.

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