
Chapter 179 Personal responsibility

With four heads in hand, Vayne's performance data looks indeed extremely beautiful, and her development has reached an astonishing and enviable level.

But in fact it is just an appearance.

Zhou Mo knew very well that his current performance data was only due to his superior rhythm in the early game.


Lining and team play are completely different things.

Especially as an ADC, when all the opponent's firepower in a team battle falls on you alone, and all kinds of control skills and damage are overwhelmingly thrown at you, your chances of survival are too slim.

Not to mention 4 heads.

Even if you are a super god and have a three-piece or four-piece suit in hand, if you move carelessly during a team battle and are controlled by any of the opponent's hard control skills for even half a second, you are destined to be instantly killed. Walk.

So the next wave of fire dragons is really suspenseful.

After all, the strength of the opponent Tian'a Team is not weak in the first place, not to mention that the opponent has suffered several losses at his hands just now, so he will definitely learn his lesson and try every means to seal off his operating space.

But it’s still the same sentence——

If you want to win this round, you must fight this wave of fire dragons.

No more delay.

No matter how dangerous or difficult it is, his ADC Vayne must operate this wave.

Controlling his own Night Hunter, he drove out of the base spring again. Zhou Mo glanced at the game time in the upper right corner of the screen, and then took a breath.

This wave is really the most critical test.

If he wins, he may become the winner of this match.

long time……

There is no such tension anymore.

However, in fact, back then, when he was fighting side by side with his former teammates, no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges he encountered, he was never really nervous.

At this moment, Zhou Mo's thoughts were slightly trance-like and nostalgic.

Of course, being an ADC in a team requires heavy responsibilities and pressure.

But in fact, this is also because his other teammates cannot give him enough help and support in this game.

And what if——

It was the same companions from the past.

If Gnar in the top lane is controlled by A Tian, ​​then Lost Fang in the team battle will definitely be able to find the perfect timing and angle, unleash a wave of perfect team control, and easily create the most perfect attack for his ADC Vayne. Ideal output and harvesting environment.

If the excavator in the jungle is eleven, then the field of view of the river in the jungle must have been fully lit up early, and it is firmly in hand, and there is no need to worry about the fight for ownership of the fire dragon, which must be theirs. thing.

And if their mid laner is Fengzi...

There is probably no need to consider any other issues in this game. With Fuko's strength, Syndra is probably enough to kill directly in the middle in the early stage, and then quickly ca

Everyone is here.

Zhou Mo couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.


For him, what he hopes for most now is actually if the supporting teammate beside him is his former partner.

If it's Aqiu's Morgana.

Then you don’t need to lead the bot lane rhythm in the early stage by yourself.

As for the mid-term team battle——

In the hands of Aqiu, Morgana will never be just a functional auxiliary hero who relies on the Q skill to randomly draw, and then only thinks about using the E skill shield to protect the ADC.

What is more likely to happen is that during the team battle, Morgana flashes her ultimate move to force open the opponent, and cooperates with her top laner Gnar to achieve explosive and perfect team control.

A support that maximizes offensive capabilities.

With his thoughts retracted, Zhou Mo shook his head gently:

Of course, all this is just what he misses and hopes for, but the current situation is naturally not as optimistic as he imagined.

At this moment, he does not have a supporting partner beside him who can maximize his offensive capabilities.


As ADC Vayne, he must personally take charge of the offensive duties.

The game time came to about 15 minutes.

Finally, in the Xiaolong Gorge of the river, the second purgatory dragon was refreshed.

As expected, the purple Fang Tian'a team arrived first, controlled the field of view and occupied the favorable terrain.

The heroes of the Blue Army who arrived later could only wander around not far from the river, maintaining a distance from their opponents and conducting a cautious confrontation.

But even though they had taken a good position in advance, the purple Fang Tian'a team was not in a hurry to open the dragon.

There is no intention of starting a group in a hurry.

Just set up the formation, and also confront and pull with the blue side.

All the spectators on the field saw the clue:

"This is looking for an opportunity——"

"My God, my appetite is more than just a fire dragon."

Indeed, for the current Tian'a team, they are not only determined to win this fire dragon, but also hope to take this opportunity to expand their results.

Although their lineup also has advantages in the later stages, now is their strong period, and there is no reason not to take the opportunity to strive for more.

Especially as the top team in the Xiacheng Division, playing against a team of junior high school students, if it has to wait until the later stages to win, it would be a shame.


Even if they want to completely devour the opponent's blue side's army in one fell swoop, the purple side's Tian'a team is not in a hurry to take action.

"The opponent's fighting ability is quite strong."

The voice of the Peerless Swordsman sounded on the voice channel in the purple team:

"Look for opportunities first."

"Take it easy."

After all, as the captain of the team, no matter how bad the bottom lane is in the early stage, it still cannot cover up the Wushuang Sword Immortal's ability to judge the battle situation and coordinate the command.

He didn't really underestimate the opposing lineup.

On my own side, although it is said that it has a strong ability to cut into the back row, it is perfect for cou


The opponent's ADC Vayne was eliminated, but if the opposing blue army's lineup could open up the battle and achieve perfect coordination in team battles, it could also pose a huge threat to them.

Take Gnar, the top laner, as an example. He was overwhelmed by Jess in the early stage of the laning, but as long as he reaches the team fight stage and finds the right opportunity to enter the field and use a big move to control the team, the effect he can exert can be easily completed. Blast Jace.

In addition, the ultimate move that assists Morgana is also an extremely powerful counterattack skill that should not be underestimated.

Sitting next to Wushuang Swordsman, Dajin, the assistant of Team Tian'a, also had clear thoughts:

"That's right."

"It's not our strong point to open a frontal attack. There's no need to do that. They wouldn't dare attack easily anyway, so let's just delay it!"

"Jace pokes."

“First consume the opponent’s health, and then the prince and I will find an opportunity to start a team fight——”

"There's also the Enchantress!"

"If Enchantress can take the opportunity to steal their Vayne, our team will be secure!"

The update is here, the next chapter will be at 10 o'clock, and the code will be written quickly.

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