
Chapter 178 It’s not just the fire dragon that needs to be fought

Vayne's development has indeed reached an outrageous level.

Perfect last hit, perfect kill record, and bounty harvest from the defense tower.

Thirteen or fourteen minutes later, apart from the attack speed boots, he still had one and a half pieces of equipment in hand. At this time, the Night Hunter's combat effectiveness could only be described as terrifying.

Even if Vayne can be given a few more minutes to develop, or if she can get another two heads, it is estimated that a two-piece set can be made directly within sixteen or seventeen minutes.

This efficiency is even more terrifying.

Of course, some people may disagree. After all, there are situations where the ADC kills indiscriminately in ordinary passerby games, and in twenty minutes, he can overwhelm the entire audience with a three-piece set in hand, 1 on 5.

But that can't be compared with the current game.

This is a formal competition.

Moreover, the opponent standing opposite Vayne was Tian'a, the top semi-professional team recognized as the strongest in the Xiacheng Division.

Considering this situation, it is even more shocking that Vayne was able to achieve such development in such a short period of time.


"One and a half two-piece sets, there's not much difference."

There were whispers in the crowd like this:

"The development is indeed good, but in real team battles, it is not certain whether we can find the output environment."

"The other side will definitely be aiming for death——"

"It still feels difficult."


One and a half pieces of Vayne already have enough amazing combat power. Even if only one piece of Night Hunter is broken at this moment, the damage output in this period of time is considerable enough.

But this is only the theoretical damage value and combat effectiveness.

If it is implemented, more objective and realistic factors must be considered.

You can theoretically deal so much damage, but in practice, can you find an environment for that output?

The opposing lineup,

However, there are beauties, princes, and Japanese maidens, and all kinds of sudden attacks are clearly aimed at your back row to death.

Especially now that the development of Jace and Enchantress have already started, as long as a set of damage is enough, it is really possible to kill your fragile ADC instantly in one wave.

The players from various teams watching the game are actually not optimistic about Vayne’s output conditions for the next team battle:

I know you, Vayne, are sharp.

I also know that you just showed off two waves in the bottom lane.

But after all, at that time, the purple army did not really gather all the people.

And when the 5V5 team fight begins later, you will only have Vaien as the core output point, and everyone will cut you to death. Even if Vayne can dodge one or two enemies by relying on movement and operation, A skill, is it possible to hide all the skills?

Even if you, Vayne, escape all the controls, the purple army on the opposite side will be able to kill you simply by relying on damage.

When a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain why.

There is no need for people to reason with you. Even if you show off your skills, it is basically useless.

"If it looks like this, the best thing for this fire dragon is to give in first, right?"

Off the court, several members of the Stingers team whispered to each other:

"A fire dragon... the loss is a bit big, but if we want to fight a 5V5 group later, the blue side will still be in danger."

"The development of the upper midfielder is still a bit poor. Gnar was suppressed too much in the early stage."

"If the front row can't stand it, the back row will basically be ruined."

"Losing a fire dragon is better than sending the opposite fire dragon to join the team and destroy it, right?"

As the captain, Venomous Bee also nodded slightly upon hearing this.

He himself agrees with this view in his heart.

As a top king-level ADC player, he has encountered this situation many times before when playing high-end king-level games. He knows that Vayne, who is the only output core in this situation, is too difficult to operate.

Your teammates can't give you much help, and Vayne will die too easily.

There is no need to gamble on this one.

If he continues to delay, Vayne can at least pretend to save her life and ensure that she has a larger living space before looking for output opportunities. This way, she will have a greater chance of success.


At the same time, Mu Qiu in the crowd was shaking her head.


This fire dragon can't let it go.

Mu Qiu's eyes fell on the Summoner's Rift map on the field, and his eyes flickered on and off.

The reason is also very simple, the blue side can't afford it.

Regardless of the fact that Jess, Enchantress or Obama in the opposite purple army are not considered late-stage heroes. The lineup seems to be gradually weak in the late stage, but this is not the case.

Of course, the opponent's strong stage will slowly decline from the mid-term.

But even in the late stage, if someone wants to beat you to a squishy AD, it will still be easy. Even in the late stage, Enchantress can pose a fatal threat to AD by just doing damage.

And it just so happens that the blue team's lineup in this round only has the core of ADC Vayne from beginning to end.

The longer she delays, the worse Vayne's living situation becomes.

Therefore, if you want to win, you must gain enough advantages and establish a victory before then.

In other words, the current top teams not only cannot continue to give in, but also actively look for opportunities to play an advantageous rhythm.

This fire dragon...

Must fight.

Moreover, the only thing we have to fight for is the fire dragon!

"This fire dragon must be fought for."

In the voice channel of the blue team, Zhou Mo was also patiently analyzing and explaining to several other team members:

"Our entire lineup...may not necessarily be able to out-fight the opponent in the later stages."

"The further we go, the greater the threat they pose to me. As long as the prince or Japanese girl comes up to give me a set of control and forces me to use a few skills, I basically have no room to operate."

"So at this stage we must take advantage as quickly as possible and speed up the pace."

"If you drag it on, your chances of winning will be very low."

The simple and easy-to-understand explanation naturally made the team members understand it quickly.

Zhang Xin felt a little guilty:

"This should help Brother Mo get a few guarantee cards in the upper, middle and jungle areas."

"You are under too much pressure now..."

Indeed, in this one, whether it was mid laner Syndra or top laner Gnar, although they were already the heroes they were good at, they actually failed to achieve an advantage in the laning period, and were even at a disadvantage.

If the mid laner can choose Lulu, and the top laner can get Eye of Twilight, Vayne can at least be protected.

But Zhou Mo smiled:

"It doesn't matter."

"With a card-guaranteing hero like that, it will be even harder for you to fight online in the early stage."

Functional mid and top laners like Lulu and Shen can provide sufficient protection for their ADC in team battles, but they are also destined to have weaker laning abilities in the early stage.

Even the heroes they are good at have already struggled in the laning phase. Zhou Mo is very sure that if Zhang Xin and others choose Lulu or Shen, the situation in the early stage may only be worse and more uncomfortable.

"The current situation is still acceptable."

Still comforting several teammates with a gentle tone, Zhou Mo's eyes fell on Xiaolong Gorge, a river on the mini map, and he took a breath:

"This wave——"

"I should be able to operate."

Here comes the update, Merry Christmas everyone! There will probably be an update in the early morning, so I'll go work for a while first. .

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