
Chapter 177 This is a god, I am not

The ninth minute of game time.

On the middle road of Summoner's Rift, the jungler excavator of the blue side's top team wandered over, and cooperated with his own mid laner Syndra to launch a wave of GA against the purple side's mid laner Enchantress.


However, although LeBlanc's head was successfully killed in the end, the opponent Enchantress also forcibly replaced the excavator's head with a set of damage before she died.

There was a cheer from the crowd.

On the Purple Fang Tian'a team's side, the mid laner Yao Ji also showed a somewhat smug smile on his face.

This is his true personal operating ability.

In the previous wave in the bottom lane... I was actually countered by Vayne's E flash. I was really frustrated and angry.

But this time, he finally showed his due level.

1 for 1.

It’s not a loss!

Moreover, the one killed was the opposite jungler, which not only interrupted the development rhythm of the excavator, but also gave reassurance to his teammates on the top and bottom lanes. Especially on the top lane, Jayce was able to further suppress Gnar more unscrupulously.

This shows the advantages of each player in the Tian'a team in terms of personal abilities.


When the game time came to just over ten minutes, another system female voice announced a kill from the bottom lane.




ed (a friendly hero was killed). "

What followed was the angry and urgent shouts of the Peerless Sword Immortal that sounded from the voice channel in the purple team:


"Just leave! Stop it!"

Then you can see that on the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, the purple side's auxiliary Japanese girl and ADC Obama are running away with residual health. Not far behind them is the body of their teammate Prince who was left behind.

The crowd was shocked.

Several members of the Sting Team looked straight in the eye again:

"What the hell!?"

"Kill again!?"


When the jungler excavator of the top team launches a wave of GA in the middle,

When k, the jungle prince of Purple Fangtian's team also wandered around.

k arrived at the bottom lane.

I thought that this wave of teammates in the bottom lane had reached level 6, and my prince also had a big move, so it would be easy to kill Vayne without [Flash].

Who would have thought…

But once again, his opponent manipulated Tianxiu.

With only the "ultimate moment" of her ultimate move, her perfect positioning, and her teammate Morgana's E skill magic shield, Vayne almost counterattacked and took away the prince in a 1V3 situation. The human head, but its own health bar and blood volume still remain healthy.

After killing the prince, he even thought about continuing to chase him. If the Japanese girl and Obama hadn't run fast enough, they might have left one more behind.

In the crowd watching the game, many ADC players and team members were stunned:

These days... can Vayne be so powerful?

It's obviously two versus three, so why is it that the numerically inferior side is chasing the opponent?

It’s unscientific! !

On the scene, the head count of the blue and purple sides has reached 5 to 4.

In the first ten minutes, nearly ten kills were scored.

It can be regarded as an extremely fierce fight.

On the blue side, all four heads fell on the bottom lane ADC Vayne.

4/0/0 record data!

An almost jaw-dropping performance.

For example, on the upper, midfield, and jungle side, the Tian'a team has the advantage. This is all expected, but the bottom lane should be the strongest line at the core of the Tian'a team, but it was actually played by the opponent like this. Such situation.

The players from all the teams watching the game still remember the arrogant declaration made by the captain of the Tian'a team, Wushuang Jianxian, before the game started -

Bottom lane... hit the thread?

Now that I think of this sentence, many people can't help but twitch the corners of their mouths slightly, raising the arc of teasing and ridicule.

It is indeed about to be threaded.

But the object being threaded seems to be the other way around.

On the field, on the Tian'a team of the purple side legion, the face of the Peerless Swordsman sitting in the ADC seat was almost ashen.

Bottom lane...

Targeting failure again!

Although he had already experienced the detailed micro-manipulation skills of the opponent Vayne before, before this wave of war started, he still had enough confidence and believed that the prince would come to help and cooperate with the Japanese girl after she reached level 6. Combo control is enough to kill Vayne.

But the result was a slap in the face again.

I looked at the other side before

When choosing the lineup, he also ridiculed that the opponent didn't know how to play.

Choose, facing a lineup like their purple side that dares to take out Vayne and only paired it with an auxiliary, Morgana, how could it be possible to keep the ADC.


Facts have proved that people only need one Morgana, and it seems to be enough!

Dajin, the auxiliary member of the Tian'a team sitting next to him, swallowed with some difficulty and whispered:

"Captain, hold on."

"Wait for a group fight later. Jess and Enchantress will also join together. Just stare at Vayne and forcefully cut. That guy probably won't be able to operate..."

The Wushuang Sword Immortal's face was as dark as water, but he could only nod slowly.

He understood that what his auxiliary teammates said was correct. Strictly speaking, the time of this battle was actually on their side.

Although in terms of lineup, their purple side army is not a late-stage lineup, but the opponent's late-stage core only has one ADC Vayne, which happens to be restrained by their side.

In 2V2 or 3V3 situations, the opponent's weaknesses are not obvious yet.

But in the middle and late stages, 5V5 team play——

At that time, the enchantress who had grown up on her side only needed one person's damage to take away Vayne in a wave of instant kills, not to mention the help of rushing heroes like the prince and the Japanese girl.

It is also at that time that the opponent's weakness of lack of card guarantees will be completely amplified.

A Vayne...

Definitely not going to survive!

The game time is still slowly moving forward.

In the next few minutes, the situation on the scene seemed to have eased slightly, and neither the blue nor purple army launched any further offensive.

On the top lane, Jess successfully pushed down the blue side's defensive outer tower. From a single-line matchup, the difference in personal ability between the top laners of both teams has been very obvious.

However, while their own top lane outer tower was being demolished, Peak Team's bottom lane outer towers, Zhou Mo and Zhang Yuan, also successfully pushed down their opponent's bottom lane outer tower.

The purple square bottom lane duo, who were originally arrogant, could only hold their noses and retreat early.

Watching helplessly, the defensive outer tower of his bottom lane was bulldozed and demolished into rubble.

After getting the defense tower's economy, Vayne chose to go home and update her equipment.

At this time, the attention of the players watching the game was attracted again.

It’s better not to watch.

At first glance, he was amazed and in an uproar again.

This Vayne...in only about thirteen minutes, she actually had one and a half pieces of equipment in hand!

The 4/0/0 record data is indeed a bad start, but in addition to the bounties on kills and defensive towers, more than half of the economy comes from last hits.

Thirteen minutes.

144 dollars.

And this is the result achieved when the bottom lane is always being targeted.

There were gasps from the crowd.

Several members of the Stinger team turned to look at their ADC captain.

The corner of the poisonous bee's mouth twitched:

"Dont look at me."

"This is a god, I'm not."

Here's an update. There's a lot going on today, so I'm not sure if there will be a second update. I'll continue coding if I get back early.

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