
Chapter 176 Do More

The so-called authorities are obsessed with it.

Even professional players can easily be confused by the immediate gains and losses on the field, leading them to make some operations and choices that fall short of their standards.

Because in such a high-intensity fierce confrontation, your nerves are highly tense and there are too many things to consider, which will make you lose the ability to control the overall battle situation.

In this case, the captain of the team needs to take on extremely important responsibilities.

You need to be responsible for seeing the situation clearly, making calm and rational judgments, and then directing your teammates to make adjustments and responses.

For this reason, generally in professional teams, the captain's position is also given to the support or jungler, because the characteristics of these two positions allow them to have more leisure and energy to think and make judgments than teammates in other positions. .

And if we talk about the passerby team——

Then it would be difficult to require the captain of the team to possess such superb qualities.

After all, even among professional teams, it is difficult to find a few truly competent captains, such as Dawn Morning Star and Seaso of Team God.

Team Autum

, Leader-level captains of this level are not just cabbages on the roadside.

This is also the reason why the passerby team can easily mess up when faced with a headwind disadvantage.

For the top team like Zhang Xin and others, Zhou Mo, as the coach, temporarily replaced the ADC position, which helped them far more than simply strengthening the ADC position.

As a coach, Zhou Mo could do his best to prepare various tactical arrangements for several young players before and after the game, but on the real field, after all, the situation was changing rapidly, and no matter how clearly he could see it off the field, Thoroughly, it is impossible to directly come up and give on-site command to a few team members.

So I can only worry off the court.

And this time in person...

The situation immediately changed.

His rich practical experience in the past and his situational judgment, which is considered to be the best even in the world's professional circles, are enough for him to take on the role of team leader while being responsible for the operation of his ADC position.

The panic of several young teammates,

He can easily calm down with a few words.

Then calmly and calmly give the most reasonable and correct instructions and arrangements.

In this way, the pressure on the team members was reduced by half. They no longer needed to be panic-stricken. They only needed to calm down and listen to Zhou Mo's analysis and explanation. Then they would naturally be able to see the situation clearly and follow the instructions - —

The initially chaotic atmosphere within the team was immediately calmed down.

Become organized again.

Rigorous and solid.

The changes that happened to the blue side's peak team naturally quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding watching teams.

Then there was another commotion and exclamation.

"This operation...is okay!"

Several members of the Stinger team also felt that they wanted to look at the top team with new eyes again.

You know, when they played against Pinnacle in the last game, although they were delayed until the later stages to win, the main reason was just because a few members of the Pinnacle team at that time were tenacious in the early stage and could withstand the pressure. In the middle and late stages, And with the team-fighting advantage in terms of lineup, we have enough capital to fight them.

But when it comes to many tactical decisions, the performance of the top team in the last game can only be regarded as ordinary.

Many times, the common shortcomings of ordinary passerby players are exposed, and they take advantage of their rich tactical operation experience.

But this game...

totally different!

Look at the response of this wave of blue side troops. The purple side Tian'a team has just started to move the first dragon. The blue side immediately chose to retreat in the bottom lane to avoid risks, and then the midfielder invaded the upper half of the opposite jungle to counterattack. Going further up the road——

He forced the opponent's top laner Jayce on the purple side to abandon the tower and retreat, giving Gnar a chance to develop and point the tower.

In other words, although this wave allowed the opponent to get the first dragon, the blue side's response operations completely stopped the loss. This kind of resource exchange may even be more beneficial to the top team.

"This is really different from ours."

Several Stingers exclaimed quietly.

Captain Venomous Bee on the side had his eyes fixed on Zhou Mo, the top team on the field.


It's indeed different.

And such differences and changes are by no means caused by the sudden transformation of those few team members.


The reason for everything can only be because of the substitute coach.

Not only does he have amazing personal operational abilities, but he is also able to achieve this level of tactical command and layout——

The poisonous bee's eyes flickered, and the surprise in his heart became more intense:

What on earth is this...

What kind of person is he?

Soon, the first little dragon fell into the possession of the purple army.

There still seems to be a balance of power on the scene.

The spectators from various teams off the field also saw the tactical ideas and intentions of the blue side’s peak team——

Just avoid fighting.

Of course, they can't beat the Tian'a team head-on right now, and they have to wait until their top, midfield, and jungler develop more.

Fortunately, the first little dragon is only of wind attribute, so it's harmless. If you don't make mistakes in the next period of time and don't give the opponent a chance to catch it, you can still develop smoothly for a while.

"We can't give in to the next fire dragon."

There were murmurs among the crowd, which attracted many nods of approval.

The next dragon's refresh time is about fourteen or five minutes, and it has a fire attribute, so it is destined to be an important resource that both blue and purple will compete for.

Speaking of which, in the current version of the game, the battle time nodes in the game are basically centered around the refresh time and refresh attributes of the dragon. If you want to delay the development, you can of course delay it, but if you encounter the refresh time of the dragon with key attributes, it will It will force the teams on the field to make decisions.

For the top team on the blue side, the first wind dragon can give way, but the second fire dragon absolutely cannot.

Originally, the opponent was an offensive lineup like Enchantress, Jace, and Prince. If the Fire Dragon was taken by the opponent again, the front row and the back row might not be able to withstand the pressure during a team fight.

But at that point in time, the lineup of the Purple Fang Tian'a team was still strong.

That wave of fire dragon team battle...

Still very suspenseful.

Of course, there are still five or six minutes to slow down, and it depends on whether the blue army can do more in the next period of time.

Thinking of this, many people's eyes fell on the blue ADC Vayne on the field:

To be precise.

They should take a look at this dark night hunter who has brought them great shock and surprise...

Can there be any more gains?

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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