
Chapter 175 Clear and Thoughtful Thoughts

The eighth minute of game time.

Head-to-head fighting broke out again on the road.

This time, it was not good news for the top team on the blue side, because their top laner Gnar was killed by the opponent's top laner Jayce on the purple side.

After getting first blood in the early stage, Tian'a team's top laner Jayce has been playing extremely proactively and strongly, suppressing Gnar's online development rhythm at every turn, and finally successfully crushed Gnar in this wave. ’s health, when the remaining health of Gnar retreated to the tower, a QE second company from a distance took decisive action——

An accelerated plasma cannon accurately hit the target, Lost Fang.

Harvest takes away the remaining health of Gnar's health bar.

The number of heads on the blue and purple sides became 3 to 2.

This wave also made the team members from all around watching the game unable to help but shake their heads and sigh.

The opponent was killed alone...

There's really nothing we can do about it.

There is already an obvious gap in personal ability between the top laners on both sides. In addition, Jayce also got first blood in the early stage, and Gnar's situation is naturally even more uncomfortable.


Now, as a result, Jess's early record data has reached 2/0/0, and his development is also very smooth. In the next mid-term stage, it will cause great threats and pressure to the top team of the blue side.

And as the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly.

After getting kills on the top lane, Tian'a team's middle and jungle team cooperated and found another opportunity on the middle lane.

The prince's wandering game that has been upgraded to level 6

K came, aiming at the mid laner Syndra under the opponent's blue square tower, directly connected with the EQ2 in the F6 jungle area and flashed out through the wall. With lightning speed, he lifted the Dark Head of State into the air and controlled him.

The ultimate move "Heaven and Earth Shatter" fell instantly.

At the same time, the mid laner's Trickster Enchantress moved forward with a W skill "Shadow's Trace", connected with QRE's set of combos, and directly used [Ignite].

The perfect cooperation between the purple side, midfielder and the jungler, the control and damage are fully achieved in an instant.

In one wave, Sindra crossed the tower and was forcibly killed and taken away.


Give it to the enchantress.

On the scene, the head count of the blue and purple sides became 3 to 3, and the Tian'a team tied the score.

At this moment, the faces and expressions of the spectators from all the teams on the field changed again. As expected of the Tian'a team, they were still able to organize and launch a counterattack so quickly despite losing one after another in the bottom lane and suffering such heavy losses.

The successive blooms in the top lane and the middle lane suddenly brought the rhythm back.


The heads were given to Jace and Enchantress respectively, and the economy fell to the hero who deserved the most.

As a result, the pressure on the top blue team suddenly increased dramatically!


In the blue team's internal voice channel, this time it was Zhang Xin who was making a self-examination in annoyance:

"Flash almost...was caught by the opponent."

If Syndra's flash has cooled down just now, then there may still be some room for maneuver under the tower. After all, the Dark Leader also has a set of burst damage after reaching level 6. If he can avoid the control chain of the opposite midfielder, he will not be defeated. If the wave falls instantly, he still has a chance to replace one.

But such words can only be said.

Opponents of the Tian'a team's level have a strong ability to seize opportunities. They will take action only when they are sure that your flash is still on CD.

There is no such thing as a fluke.

Zhou Mo on the bottom side shook his head:


"Be more steady and don't be anxious. The more anxious you are, the more opportunities you will give to the opponent."

As he spoke, he gave a retreat signal to Morgana, Zhang Yuan's assistant beside him.

If the mid laner on my side is killed, then the risk faced by the bottom lane will be greater, and we can no longer continue to push lanes and point towers unscrupulously.


Zhou Mo did not blame Zhang Xin or other team members, but there was still a flash of solemnity and worry in his eyes——

The rhythm was held back by the opponent.

His original plan was to rely on the two waves of rhythm in the bottom lane to continue to snowball quickly and completely open up the situation before the opponent had time to respond.

Only then, in the mid-term stage, can his ADC Vayne accumulate enough capital and be more confident to ca

y war situation.

But right now...

Although their own bottom lane still has an advantage, the opponent's top, middle and jungle have also begun to develop.

The burden on him, ADC Vayne, has become heavier.

"It's still difficult to operate."

There are also many people in the crowd watching the battle who can analyze the current battle situation. At this time, they are commenting:

"It's certainly a good thing that Vayne's point is well developed, but now the only point the blue side can rely on is ADC——"

"That's too much of a gamble."

"Because the fault tolerance rate is too low, once your AD is caught in a wave, your rhythm will immediately stop."

"And the room for performance in team battles is not as big as the upper midfielder."

"The two core points of Enchantress and Jace on the opposite side are fat, and the prince's development is average, but even if I am a tool player, I will directly EQ my face when I enter the field to cover your ultimate move, and force Vayne to use [Flash], which is enough. Ben."

"As long as Team Tian'a is determined to fight you, Vayne has no other teammates to help you. Even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't handle it..."

Zhou Mo naturally understood the truth that the surrounding spectators could analyze.

Even if this time he has already prepared it, relying on his own ADC Vayne ca

Y rhythm preparation, but this does not mean that he has the confidence to single-handedly defeat the five opponents.

You still need the help and cooperation of your teammates.


Now we can only drag it.

At the very least, the other top, midfielders and junglers should be allowed to replenish their development as much as possible. Only when their combat power is basically formed can they consider competing with the opponent.

Now is not the right time.

"Xiaolong gave in."

Zhou Mo glanced at the small map and made instructions in the team's voice channel:

"Wind Dragon, I don't care."

"The opponent should be in the lower half of the jungle now. Yang Ke, go directly to the opponent's red area and use the resources in the jungle."

"Axin pushed the line in the middle and moved to the upper half of the jungle."

"Nar just clears the line and presses past."

"Look at Jace's position on the opposite side. If the greedy lane stays under the tower, the midfielder will directly go around the back and pass over in one wave."

"If Jess abandons the tower, you all go to the road and push a wave to reduce the HP of the tower on the opposite side."

One instruction after another, ordered in an orderly manner.

The thinking is clear and thorough.

Invisibly, it seemed that the nervousness and anxiety of other members of the Peak Team had also been relieved, and they gradually calmed down:


"I'll lean up after this wave is cleared. "

"Then I'll counter blue first. Ah Xin, you can brush them with a group of F6, which will be more efficient -"

"Well, with this exchange of resources, we won't suffer too much!"

For a time, it seemed as if every member of the entire team was thinking clearly and flexibly again, and the negative impact of the two consecutive losses seemed to have been swept away.

This is……

The strength of the backbone.

The update is here, ahem, the next chapter will be coming soon, it will be here soon, I had a snooze last night. .

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