
Chapter 174 No one notices

The Wushuang Sword Immortal believed that he had calmly and objectively analyzed the situation in his bottom lane.

So he has already made plans and is calling his teammates to come again.

Before k captures someone, he will temporarily choose to stabilize his hand in the bottom lane, accompany the opponent to develop peacefully for a while, and then seek opportunities after level six.

But what he didn't expect was-

His opponent planned the same thing.

Moreover, the opponent's bottom lane duo reached level 6 faster than them.


The time to take action came earlier and more proactively than them.

What he didn't expect was that at the moment he reached level six, the opponent's bottom lane duo would be so forced and unreasonable!

It was at that moment.

When a purple side melee minion is taken down by a last hit.

The moment the upgraded light shines on Vayne and Morgana.

The blue side's ADC Night Hunter moved.

The ultimate move is activated directly in an instant.

Enter the "ultimate moment" hunting state.

The next second, the Q skill's "Evasion Assault" directly crossed the line of soldiers and rolled forward. With a small scimitar in one hand, the deceleration control was attached to the target prey, the Paladin Ranger.

Level A, quickly move further to close the distance.

Morgana's E skill magic immunity shield was immediately applied to her teammate Vayne, easily negating the shield control control of her Q skill from the opponent's auxiliary Japanese girl's E face.

The next second, Vayne relied on the pursuit movement speed increase effect of her ultimate move and passive skills to chase behind her target Obama.

The moment you adjust the angle.

The devil's short crossbow in his hand was raised again like lightning, and the "Devil's Judgment" of the E skill suddenly came out of the bow.

boom! ! ! ——

Then he heard this low, deafening muffled sound.

The heavy crossbow arrows pierced the air and roared loudly, knocking the target Obama back and knocking him unconscious on the wall of the river mouth behind him.

At this moment, almost all the spectators present were stunned:


Here we go! ?

Yes, that's it.

Without making any sense, and regardless of whether your support is prominent or not, he will single-mindedly target your ADC and kill you!

The moment the target was knocked back and nailed to the wall, Vayne took another step forward to cancel the attack and swayed. At the same time, the third crossbow arrow was shot straight A, detonating the passive three rings on Obama, and a piece of damage was directly on the health bar above the head of the Paladin. Explode!

The next second——

Before Obama could get out of control.

The blue side's auxiliary Morgana suddenly rushed forward with [Flash] displacement amid the sudden exclamations from the audience!

Also crossed the military line!

Raising his hand, an energy ball from the Q skill "Dark Imprisonment" was thrown towards the target Holy Spear Ranger!


Perfect connection control!

At the same time, the chant of "Soul Shackles" of the ultimate move started, and a purple-red chain of light wrapped around Obama and tied him to death!

Vayne quickly continued to slash and output, and the A-level crossbow arrows pierced the Holy Lance Ranger's body like lightning.

The second stage of Morgana's ultimate move is triggered.

Control again.

Vayne once again stacked up three passive rings and detonated them again!

The blood volume of the health bar on the head of the Holy Lance Ranger was directly exploded to zero in an instant!

On the side of the purple army, the Wushuang Sword Immortal was typing furiously on the mouse and keyboard, but he only had time to activate [Healing], a summoner skill, but could not activate [Flash].

Can't deliver flash.

Naturally, there is no time to activate the displacement of the E skill.

It can only be controlled until death.

The exclamations from the crowd exploded again, especially the eyes of several members of the Sting Team:

"Is this...the snowball starting!?"

The poisonous bee on the side was already wiping cold sweat silently, and there was still only one thought swirling in his mind:



We should really thank all the gods and Buddhas in the sky for not sending this coach to the field during the last match against the top team...

What a coach!

My own ADC players are not good, but I can actually play on the field myself.

It’s like this! ?

Zhang Xin and others from the top team on the blue side were also overjoyed again:

"Kill again!?"

"Okay! Madoka and Morgana are so cooperative!"

As an assistant to Morgana, Zhang Yuan has indeed made a huge contribution to this round of cooperation. At this moment, his face was glowing with excitement:

"It's all because of Brother Mo's good rhythm!"

"Anyway, I just need to keep up and that's it!"


As an auxiliary, Morgana actually doesn't have a very strong active offensive ability. It is too difficult for her to Q first to the opponent's ADC.

But if your ADC partner knocks back and stuns the opponent in advance...

With such a live target in front of him, he flashed and followed up to control QR's second company, and he was naturally able to capture it!

Who said that the combination of Vayne and Morgana can't produce a level 6 explosion?

Take a look, what is this!

In the crowd, the smile on Mu Qiu's face became more and more visible, and a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

That's the rhythm.

Back then, when he was partnering with his partner...

This is also true.

In just a minute or so, two waves of killing battles broke out in the bottom lane.

Vayne got three kills one after another and almost took off.

In contrast, the bottom lane combination of the opponent's purple side seems to have fallen into an irreversible mini-collapse.

It can be seen from the extremely ugly expression of Wushuang Sword Immortal at this moment, how bad and bad his mood is now, and how difficult it is to accept such a situation.

The bottom lane... actually gave the opponent's combination of Vayne and Morgana a snowball of advantage.

Moreover, now that ADC Obama on the purple side is dead, the remaining auxiliary Japanese girl cannot defend the tower alone. As the bottom line of the opponent blue side army advances, the Dawn Goddess can only retreat again and again.

They didn't even dare to stay under the tower, otherwise they might be forced over the tower by the opposing duo if they weren't careful.

Vayne began to tap the tower quickly.

Morgana went to the river mouth to lay out her vision.

The entire bot lane rhythm is playing smoother and smoother.

Naturally, the morale of the top team of the Blue Army is getting higher and higher:

"The bottom lane has picked up the pace!"

"Brother Mo is going to make a big deal soon, isn't he? A big piece will be ready in ten minutes, and we can look for opportunities to use Xiaolong!"

“It’s okay to dismantle the tower first!”

The opponent they faced was the top team in the Xiacheng division, but they were able to achieve such a well-matched momentum in the first ten minutes, even overwhelming the opponent. This is definitely because of several young players including Zhang Xin. Something I didn’t expect before the game.

The biggest contributor is their coach Zhou Mo!

This substitution comes on...

The strength of the entire team seems to have improved to a big level!

The most important thing is that they also have their own core ca

Point y, the real trump card for holding the bottom of the box!

"If you win this one, let's continue to play in the next round, Brother Mo!"

Zhang Yuan has now ruthlessly abandoned his original ADC partner Lin Ziyang:

"Compared with Brother Mo, that guy Ziyang is so stupid!"

Several other team members also nodded excitedly.

Even Zhang Xin couldn't help but complain a little bit about Zhou Mo with joy:

"Brother Mo, you are so strong, why didn't you tell me earlier——"

But Zhou Mo still just smiled in a good-natured way, admonishing and reminding several teammates around him:

"Let's not talk about this yet."

"Concentrate and finish this fight before we talk about anything else."

With such gentle and careful reminders to several team members, Zhou Mo's operations seemed to continue steadily.


In subtleties that no one notices.

You could see that sweat was dripping from his forehead.

The update is here. There will be another chapter later. Go away and continue typing. I finally didn’t work overtime during the past two days on weekends. .

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