
Chapter 180 The place where miracles are created

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Team Tian'a's reputation was not brought about by strong winds.

Even though it's their lineup's strong period right now, they still don't choose to rush forward.

After all, entering a strong period is one thing, but how to utilize the strong characteristics of your lineup is the key.

On the surface, the lineup of the purple side army has two starting points, the prince and the Japanese girl, and its frontal combat capability is strong enough. However, if it really rushes towards the opponent blue side army head-on, it will be defeated. inferior.

Because the opponent's lineup also has heroes with counterattack capabilities like Gnar and Morgana.

If you are not careful, if you hit it head-on, you may also hit your head and bleed.

not to mention--

The lineup of their purple side army also has other better play options.

In addition to the prince and the Japanese girl, the top laner and the mid laner on the purple side, Jace and Enchantress, are also the two most developed cores at present, and the playing styles of these two heroes in team battles The idea is definitely not a frontal approach.

A future guardian, Jace, can do remote consumption poke.

Based on Jace's current development and equipment formation, if QE hits the opponent a few times in a row in this river terrain, he can basically quickly knock out half of the opponent's health. At that time, he can let his own auxiliary jungler If you start a group, your chances of winning will naturally be more stable.

Another trickster, LeBlanc, is a pure assassin hero similar to Zed and Male Sword.

Moreover, Enchantress' ability to seize opportunities is stronger and more agile than the two AD assassins mentioned above.

Not to mention anything else, everyone in the audience let Enchantress keep an eye on the opponent's back row. As long as they could seize the opportunity to kill Vayne, or even just destroy most of the Night Hunter's health, their purple side would win the next team battle. You can fight easily and smoothly here.

Putting all this aside——

The most important point is that on their purple side, whether Jess pokes or Enchantress finds an opportunity to fall back, it is an almost zero-risk and cost-free act.

You can just drag it on like this and slowly grind the opponent until the opponent's health is consumed and the opponent makes mistakes.


A sudden wave of action sealed the victory.

In comparison…

The lineup on the blue side is indeed much more passive.

"There is a lack of people who take the initiative to start a group."

Among the spectators off the court, many players and team members were talking like this, referring to the top team on the blue side of the court:

"The only one with the ability to start a team is Gnar, but it's hard to find an angle, right?"

"Tian'a is not stupid here. He must have been keeping an eye on Gnar's anger level. When the anger level rises and he is about to transform, they will retreat early. There is no way they will give him a chance."

"Otherwise, we have to rely on Morgana's Q or Syndra's QE to win the lottery——"

"It's the only one who can faint."

"Hey, this is unreliable. The probability is too low. It's really not as good as having Jace and Enchantress on the opposite side. They are definitely better than Morgana or Syndra in terms of consumption and opportunity finding ability."

Based on this analysis and comparison, it seems that spending time with the opponent on the Xiaolong Gorge side of the river is indeed very detrimental to the top team on the blue side.

But there is really no way.

This fire dragon cannot be given up easily, but it happens that our side is in a passive situation. It cannot start a group fight even if it wants to, and can only wait for the opponent to take the initiative to attack.

Several members of the Stinger Team, including the captain Venomous Bee, also shook their heads:

Anyway, they couldn't see how to fight this wave of blue side.

Even among the crowd, Mu Qiu frowned slightly:

There is some trouble.

Originally, if Gnar had stronger personal abilities and found an opportunity to start a group, the blue side would have been able to take the initiative.

But if Gnar can't do it... it will be really difficult.

Even if he is responsible for the operation of this wave of auxiliary Morgana, it may not be able to help the blue side on the field find more opportunities.

Thoughts were racing in his mind, and suddenly a thought flashed through Mu Qiu's mind, causing his eyes to suddenly light up:


Zhou Mo also saw the current situation clearly.

And compared to his former partners and friends in the crowd who didn't know they were present, he grasped the key to winning this wave of team battles faster.

And, I thought of the only solution.

That was an extremely risky endeavor.

Perhaps even when he was at his peak, he might not be able to achieve such a difficult attempt.

Of course, today's opponents are not as powerful as those we encountered in the arena back then, but similarly, I am no longer the same as I was back then.


Still a gamble.

But this time, we have to gamble.

Zhou Mo took a deep breath and spoke calmly and slowly in the team voice channel:

"Axin, listen to me this time..."

A few short sentences were explained quickly. Although the tone was calm and steady as always, the content of the words made the other four members of the Peak Team almost dumbfounded and doubting their own ears.

"Brother Mo, can you do it?"

It was Zhang Xin who was the first to question.

Even though he was the person who trusted Zhou Mo the most in the team, he couldn't help but feel worried at this moment, because the arrangement just mentioned by Zhou Mo to them seemed impossible to achieve.

As the team's jungler, Yang Ke was also gasping at this moment:

"It's basically...just to die, right?"

"If you do that, how can it be done?"

Assistant Zhang Yuan also tried hard to persuade Zhou Mo:

"Brother Mo, don't take such risks."

"Let's play it safe. A few people will protect you and I'll add a shield to you. Wait for the other side to rush up before starting a group fight. It's safer than what you do -"

Zhou Mo shook his head:

"It's safer."

"But then there's really no chance."

Yang Ke gritted his teeth: "If it doesn't work, I'll do it. I'll flash in later and fight for punishment. It's best to grab the dragon. If you can't grab it, retreat. Anyway, if I'm the only jungler to die, it's better than Brother Mo and Vayne." Be strong.”


In comparison, it seems that this is a better choice. After all, for their blue army, anyone can die right now, and Vayne is the least likely to die. Once she dies, the rhythm will be interrupted, and she will no longer be able to maintain the same level as in the early stage. The advantages.

Zhou Mo still shook his head:

"not good."

"Even if we capture the fire dragon, we will only continue to drag out the situation."

"This wave... we must hit more things."

A calm tone, but with unshakable persistence.

Several team members were at a loss for a while. Zhang Xin subconsciously recalled the arrangement just mentioned by Zhou Mo and couldn't help but murmured:

"But... unless a miracle happens, how is it possible-"

This sentence seemed to express the thoughts of several other members of the team.


At this time, Zhou Mo smiled slightly:

"Always have to try it."

"ADC is meant to create miracles."

Here's an update. I'm so sleepy, so go away and go to sleep. See you tomorrow, friends.

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