
Chapter 167 Need heads

For about five minutes, the head count of the blue and purple legions on the scene was 0 to 1.

On the surface it seems acceptable.

But in fact, the difference between the two sides is not just as simple as one head and one blood.

Many factors are related to each other.

There are subsequent effects.

For example, on the top lane, the peak team's top laner Gnar was originally under pressure against Jayce. Now that Jayce has received first blood, he is even more able to suppress Gnar's development rhythm online.

And in this case, the jungle excavator on the top team can no longer easily hit the road.


With Jess's current development, even if the excavator goes on the road,

k, combined with his own top laner Nardu may not be able to catch Jayce to death, and may even be counter-killed by the opponent's counter-show operation.

It is equivalent to saying that half of the upper road has collapsed now, and Jace will only continue to snowball.

On the jungle side, the situation of the excavator himself is not optimistic. He was the one who just lost his first blood. Not only did he lose a life, but he also interrupted his own growth rhythm. In the next few minutes, it is estimated that everything will be lost. It's hard to have any sound anymore.

And the middle road——

Zhang Xin's mid laner, Syndra, always played fairly steadily. He was forced to attack by the opponent's enchantress before and escaped in time without giving the opponent another kill.

But although he is not dead, his situation is not comfortable now.

Because [Flash] has been handed over, and the enchantress opposite is still holding [Flash] in her hand.

Next, Zhang Xin can only be forced to play more cautiously, not daring to go out of the range of his own defense tower. Otherwise, without [Flash] to save his life, the opponent's jungle prince will come over to attack.

One wave of k is almost certain death.

This gave the initiative in the middle to the opponent's Enchantress.

And if Enchantress has the right to push the lane in the middle...


Whether it is the subsequent support and invasion of the jungle, or the roaming game that cooperates with the jungle

k, the Enchantress will be several steps ahead of Syndra's movements.

He also knows this, so Zhang Xin is extremely confused at this moment, but he has no better solution. He can only keep warning and reminding his teammates in the team voice channel:

"be careful."

"I'm pushed over the line now and can't keep an eye on the enchantress on the other side."

"Be careful when going up and down, don't let anyone catch you."


Once the hero Enchantress cannot be restrained, she begins to use her roaming skills.

With K's flexibility, if he gets one or two more kills, he will soon become an unsolvable boss.

The top lane side is fine. Anyway, they have already accepted their fate to resist pressure and develop under the tower. After all, he is a Gnar who is ready to produce meaty equipment. By the time of the mid-term team battle, the equipment can still be controlled by using ultimate moves and various skills. Start a group and make a contribution...

But the bottom lane is different.

Vayne's development is almost the top priority of their game.

Easily... must not die.

In fact, at the beginning of this game, Zhang Xin didn't have much hope for Zhou Mo's ADC Vayne, and he even felt a little worried in his heart. After all, the former was facing off against the Peerless Sword Immortal.

So what he had thought before was that as long as the bottom lane was not suppressed too badly, at least not to lose a few kills immediately in the early stage, then he would wait for his Syndra or Yangke's jungle excavator to be free, and then he would immediately Go to the bottom lane to help ga


But the situation developed beyond expectations.

His mid laner and top jungle teammates encountered huge troubles.

But on the contrary, it was the bottom lane that was least trusted at first...

He actually played surprisingly well!

The bottom line of troops was suppressed, which was expected. After all, the combination of Vayne and Morgana in the early stage was naturally not as good as Obama and the Japanese in terms of combat effectiveness.

But in terms of last hit——

Vayne, who was passively suppressed, was not left behind by Obama at all!

Even somewhat shockingly, Vayne seems to have more last hits than the opposite Paladin Ranger.

As the top AD in the top 30 in the Korean Server King Rank, there is no doubt about Wushuang Swordsman’s basic last-hitting skills. Against the former, Zhou Mo’s Vayne can actually go ahead with last-hitting. This is a huge job. surprise.

Moreover, it was really just the line of troops that was suppressed.

But in terms of blood volume, Vayne always maintains a healthy blood line.

It really didn't give the opponent any chance to further expand their advantage.

If this rhythm continues, as long as Vayne can develop her CS smoothly in the early stage, it can almost be regarded as a victory in the lane.


It is certain that their opponents will never let them get what they want easily.

"Brother Mo, be careful when you get off the road."

"The next wave of the opponent's jungler may go to the bottom lane."

Zhang Xin quickly reminded Zhou Mo on the team’s voice channel.

Yang Ke, who is a jungle excavator, quickly answered: "How about I go to the bottom lane and catch a wave——"

Previously, he didn't quite believe in Zhou Mo's strength level, but in the bottom lane matchup that just started, he specially cut the camera angle to see with his own eyes the delicateness of Zhou Mo's Vayne when facing the peerless swordsman Obama. When he reached the perfect distance, he was astonished on the spot.

Now he is convinced. The level of substitution... is indeed much better than Lin Ziyang!

But Zhou Mo shook his head:

"Not urgent."

"You should make up for your own development first."

Of course, if Yang Ke’s jungle excavator comes to the bottom lane to help ga

k, if you successfully catch a wave of opponents, even if you can't kill them, you can at least relieve the pressure on the bottom lane, which is a good thing for Zhou Mo.

But right now, the development of the excavator itself is already a little behind, and if we can help

k. And if you don’t get a kill, it will have a great impact on your own rhythm.

In addition, you also need to be wary of your opponent's counter-crouching and support.

You know, not only does the middle side have no line rights, but Jace on the opposite side of the top lane is also one [Teleport] ahead of his own Naldo.

In other words, if there is a real fight on the bottom lane, the opponent's support speed and strength will definitely be stronger than that on our own side, so... if we can't catch the small man, and in turn get dumped by the opponent, then it's really Called a heavy loss.

At present, their situation is already on thin ice, and there is no room for further mistakes.

Of course, Zhou Mo didn't say anything.

He has a calm personality, and he can also judge that the opponent is most likely to target the bottom lane next. Although Yang Ke's jungle excavator is allowed to go to the jungle for development first, the excavator is now in the lower half of the jungle. Once the opponent is in the bottom lane, The road starts ga

k, the excavator can also come to the rescue quickly.

in addition--

The figure of the Night Hunter he was operating on the computer screen was reflected in his eyes. Zhou Mo clenched the mouse slightly:

He himself is already ready.

The tepid laning development was certainly not what his opponent wanted, but it was also not his own plan.

This one...

To win.

The key to winning is that his Vayne needs to develop faster.


It can't just be last-minute hits.

Heads are still needed.

In other words, a chance to get a kill is needed.

I'm sending you an update, and I'll try to continue coding one more chapter. I finally have a little free time today.

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