
Chapter 166 No way to start

The performance and advantages achieved by the purple top midfielder made all the surrounding teams watching the game unable to help but admire the strength of the Tian'a team.

In their view, this is worthy of the style of the top seed currently ranked first in the Xiacheng Division.

Moreover, the upper midfielder is not the core of the Tian'a team. Their strongest bottom lane has not yet really exerted its strength.

Once they exert their strength, the top team on the blue side will surely become more difficult to stop.


No one thought that at this moment, the unparalleled Sword Immortal on the lower side of the purple side was in a very bad mood.

Not working hard yet?

But in fact, it's not.

Before the game started, he had already said that he was going to hit the bottom lane this time, so he was ready to go all out from the beginning of the game.

In other words, he has actually started to exert his strength a long time ago.


During these three or four minutes, he never found the slightest chance to open up the situation from his opponent's bottom lane combination.

The rhythm was completely hindered by Vayne and Morgana on the opposite side.

Not to mention the first wave of fighting at the beginning, his Obama was pushed by his opponent Vayne's perfect movement and consumed some health.

Even after several waves of soldiers were pushed under the opponent's defense tower by him, the Paladin Ranger he operated tried to harass and suppress Vayne in various ways in front of the opponent's tower, but it still failed to achieve any results.

This Vayne opposite...

Played too steadily.

Under the pressure of Obama, the Night Hunter's tower knife seemed to be unaffected by any interference, and the last hit was not missed at the same time without even being consumed by Obama -

Even if he, the Paladin Ranger, forcibly steps forward and taps the opponent Vayne twice, he will definitely be replaced by the opponent's backhand with almost the same amount of health.

If you want to counterattack, you have to worry about the Q skill of Morgana on the opposite side.

I can only retreat in anger.

As Obama cannot open the situation by himself, Wushuang Swordsman can only pin his hopes on his auxiliary partner Dawn Goddess.


His supporting partner, who had fought alongside him countless times and had won his trust, seemed to have failed to live up to his expectations in today's game.

"Damn, no chance."

Dajin, the auxiliary member of the Tian'a team, swallowed his saliva and said this sentence with a somewhat dry mouth.

The tone was full of reluctance and disbelief.

The bottom lane of the Tian'a team is the core ace of the entire team. This is not only the AD of Wushuang Jianxian, but Daikin, as an assistant, is also the second most powerful player in the team after his ADC partner.

The king of national uniforms.

Especially good at offensive support.

This time, Leona, the goddess of dawn, is used to cooperate with the incomparable swordsman's holy spear ranger to exert strong suppression in the early stage.

And unlike his ADC partner who also needs to take care of the last hit, Daikin, as a support, has been trying to find opportunities to force the opponent from the beginning of the laning.

But I couldn't find it.

The core root lies in the opposite ADC Vayne.

In fact, he could see that the support level of the opponent's top team was not very good, even though he had used Morgana, which was considered a cou


Targeting her Japanese daughter, Morgana's own operations were relatively ordinary.

Mainly Vayne.

She tried to use the E skill "Zenith Blade" several times, but she always hit the opponent's A-level CS and swung forward, but every time she was easily dodged by the opponent using movement or Q skills.

And if he was trying to flash Q, Vayne's positioning distance was too well controlled, making it impossible for him to directly control people in the first place.

In addition, the shield of Morgana's E skill, which is supported by others, is not a good thing. It would be really embarrassing if he flashed up and hit Morgana's shield with a Q skill's stun shield.

Unable to target Vayne, Daikin also tried to switch his target to the opponent's assistant Morgana.

It almost worked.

Just now, he controlled the Japanese woman to press forward, seemingly heading towards the opponent's Vayne. In fact, after deceiving Morgana's shield, he used the E skill in his backhand to point at Morgana——

If this wave is controlled, combined with Obama's output, and with [Ignite] of his own, there may be a real chance of killing him.

But Vayne on the other side reacted faster.

Just as his second EQ team rushed in to control Morgana, Vayne's E skill "Devil's Judgment" was already launched.

A heavy crossbow soaked in holy silver suddenly knocked back the Holy Lance Ranger who was about to rush forward with his E skill.

As a result, his Japanese girl ended up alone.

Being controlled by the opponent Morgana with a backhand Q to the face, and taking a set of damage from Vayne, she was crippled and retreated in embarrassment.

"The other side has a lot of experience——"

Dajin said this to the Peerless Sword Immortal beside him in a dry voice.


After several rounds of fighting, a lot of things can be seen.

Their purple side bottom lane combination had no problem playing at all. If they had encountered other opponents, the wave of attacks just now would have at least helped them gain some advantages.

But people have made it clear that they don’t want to do this.

I saw through my own intentions early on.

With only one E skill "Devil's Judgment", they could easily eliminate their routines.

This feeling...

It's not like they are dominant in strength and are a one-sided abuser.

On the contrary, it is more like the experience the two of them had in the past when they were in the Korean server duo queue and encountered the top Korean server bottom lane combination.

Evenly matched.

It's hard to make any progress.

Listening to the comments from his assistant partner, the face of the Wushuang Sword Immortal only became more gloomy and ugly.

Evenly matched?

What a joke!

Opposite them were just a group of junior high school rookies, and the person in charge of the ADC position was a temporary replacement coach. They looked to be in their twenties. If they were in the professional circle at this age, they would have retired long ago.

Even among ordinary passers-by, at this age, the reaction and operating speed have greatly declined, and it is impossible for them to still have much ability.

How could he be comparable to his unparalleled swordsman?

What's more, he has already spoken out, saying that he will hit the bottom lane until the string is threaded, but now it is almost five or six minutes, and the bottom lane is actually just a peaceful development rhythm, being dragged by the opponent tepidly, like something What does it look like?

But even if he was irritated and annoyed, Wushuang Sword Immortal could see that in the current situation, it was difficult for him and his assistants to do anything more.

The person on the other side was always so wretched and cowardly.

Just like a turtle, it is difficult for you to find the other party's flaws.

At times like this...

The Wushuang Sword Immortal took a deep breath and finally made a decision:

The situation must be opened by force.

The signal mark was played in the bottom lane, and at the same time in the team's voice channel, the cold voice of the Peerless Swordsman sounded:

"Come down the road."

"Catch a wave!"

Update sent, I was careless. . . Traveling for business means there is no time for rest.

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