
Chapter 168 No Retreat

In the earliest S1 season, when the decisive team just started playing, most of the opponents they encountered would try to target the bottom lane at the beginning.

On the one hand, it was because Tian Tian, ​​the top laner at that time, played too steadily and did not give any chances.

On the other hand, it was because someone in the middle lane was too fierce, and before he was targeted, he had already stunned the opponent in the middle lane.

Only the bottom lane-

The bottom lane was because Mu Qiu, as an auxiliary, was particularly fierce and aggressive in his playing style. He brainlessly suppressed the opponent's bottom lane duo, which naturally gave the other opponents an "excellent" gak condition and opportunity.

Many opponents at that time believed that this decisive team had such a brainless and reckless bottom lane auxiliary, and adopted such an unreasonable and reckless playing style, so it must pay the price for its behavior.

But the result was completely unexpected.

Because when the opponent organized people to come to the bottom lane again and again to gak and catch people...

They not only failed to get heads.

In fact, they repeatedly failed in the bottom lane, and sent their own heads to the hands of the opponent's ADC.

Or, they quietly touched the bottom lane and had no time to attack, but the opponent had already sensed the danger in advance and retreated calmly.

Or, if they were unwilling to gather the jungler or even the mid and top laners, and wanted to force the tower with the advantage of numbers-

The result was that they died tragically under the opponent's defense tower.

The bottom lane duo of the winning team performed various operations.

Even if you have clearly thrown all your skills and firepower at the opponent's ADC, even if it should be a situation where the opponent will be killed.


The opponent's ADC named "Mo Yan" can always calmly and calmly make the most delicate and correct operation response in every step under the hail of bullets.

It's like dancing on a tightrope.

Thrillingly and extremely avoiding fatal skills one by one.

And in the most dangerous situation, find the opportunity to fight back.

After countless failures, the opponents of the decisive team were finally frightened and realized that the bottom lane combination of this team not only had a seemingly reckless support, but also a powerful ADC who could not be easily provoked.

Even in the national server and even the world professional e-sports circle at that time, there was such a saying among the teams:

"If you don't want to ask for trouble, please ensure that you have at least four people to surround and kill the GAK bottom lane."

"But if the ADC of "Mo Yan" retreated to the tower-"

"No matter how many people you have, never dream of crossing the tower!"


The past events of the year are still vivid in my mind.

Thoughts return to reality.

Mu Qiu looked at the scene of the game on the field at this moment, and his eyes flickered.

He should be grateful that he was able to meet his partner that year, so he could so wantonly play his extremely aggressive style to the extreme without restraining himself.

No matter how excessively he pressured others, even if he was targeted by the opponent's GAK, there was no need to worry too much.

Because at that time, he knew very well that his partner and teammates could help him to stay safe.


Those years are past.

His former partner and friend are no longer at their peak.

And the assistant beside him is no longer himself.

In such a situation, he is facing an opponent whose overall strength is obviously stronger than his.

So -

If he is targeted again, can he reproduce the classic scene of that year?

Mu Qiu is not sure.

In fact, even Zhou Mo himself is not sure enough.

His right hand holding the mouse hurts faintly, affecting his nerves vaguely, probably because the intensity of the first few minutes of the line has exceeded the limit of the scope he has experienced in the past few years.


It's been too long since I played a game with such full effort.

Not to mention that I met such a strong opponent.

At the moment... I can still hold on.

But he is not sure how long he can maintain this state.

So -

Zhou Mo in front of the computer screen took a breath, as if he had made up his mind:

Before his operation state declines.

We must gain more advantages as soon as possible!

Thinking this in his mind, Zhou Mo's eyes swept across the small map:

The opponent's targeting...

It should be coming soon.


The game time has reached six minutes and forty seconds.

At present, the number of kills on the blue and purple sides is still 0 to 1, but the economic gap is gradually widening.

The situation on the top lane is becoming more and more grim. Jayce, the top laner on the purple side, who got the first blood, is playing more and more recklessly on the line, and Gnar on the blue side can only barely support it.

In the middle lane, Syndra, whose [Flash] has not yet cooled down, can only guard under the tower carefully, daring not to leave the tower easily, for fear that the opponent's jungler Prince will suddenly appear with a wave of ga

k, which also gives the opponent's mid-lane Yaoji the initiative to easily push the line.

The bottom lane is still calm.

In fact, this is enough to make the teams watching the game around talk about it. They really didn't expect that the bottom lane combination of the Tian'a team could never take advantage of the bottom lane of the Peak team.

However, someone soon noticed the new actions of the purple army.

A low cry came from the crowd:

"The prince is here!"


You can see that in the bottom lane at this moment, the ADC Obama on the purple side cooperated with his auxiliary teammate Rinu to deliberately control a large wave of troops and slowly advanced under the defense tower of the opponent's blue side.

At the same time, the jungle prince on the purple side has already bypassed the opponent's lower half of the jungle and outflanked him.

There was a commotion in the crowd——

This is……

Are you going to force it?

Indeed, this is also a routine that the Tian'a team has always made good use of, especially since the top, middle and jungle have opened up the situation, so they can more easily allocate their energy and help their core ace bottom lane to open up the situation and establish an advantage.

"Should we retreat?"

"We can't take this line of troops any longer. We should withdraw and stop the loss in time——"

There is constant discussion like this.

Indeed, if the opponent's intention of action is detected, then the most stable option for the blue side bottom lane combination in this wave is to retreat directly.

On the side of the Stinger team, the captain, Venomous Bee, shook his head with a stern face:


"If we retreat, the bottom lane will also collapse."


In the early stage, Vayne was able to compete equally with her opponent, Obama, and stabilized the rhythm of last-ditch attacks, which was actually a small advantage.

But if they retreat, they will directly lose a large number of troops, and even the outer defensive towers may be bulldozed and demolished by the opponent. In this way, the rhythm that the blue side has finally maintained in the bottom lane will be completely ruined.

It can be seen that the top team on the blue side of the field seems to be aware of the danger——

Warning signals from teammates in the upper, middle and jungle fields kept sounding in the bottom lane of the mini map.

Ding ding ding! !

The voice was urgent.

But at this moment, the military line had already entered the tower.

Vayne and Morgana were still standing under their tower.

At this moment……

If you want to retreat, it's too late!

Update sent, another busy day, back to Hangzhou tomorrow morning. . . The north is really freezing.

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